" The Gerad's call "

Crescent Love

       “The Gerad’s call”

After seven years

Xion just done taking a bath, she passed by the mirror as she put on her towel. She stopped in front of it and stares at herself.

Xion: (touching the gem on her arm while looking at the mirror) what actually are you? I know it’s weird that I have this. But, I feel like being used with this thing already, it’s pretty. (smile)

As xion busy gazing at herself in front of the mirror, the gem on her right arm glows suddenly, as if it’s starting to get active. After a couple of minutes, Lren, her brother knocked on her bathroom door.

Lren: (from outside) hey xion, until when do you plan on staying inside that bathroom? We need to leave quickly, or else we will miss the bus at the station.

Xion: oh my.. I forgot, I’m coming!

Lren was surprised because xion hurriedly went outside the bathroom wearing  her towel only.  Lren blushed and turned back.

Xion: (confused) what’s wrong?

Lren: nothing, I’ll go outside and get dress quickly, I’ll be waiting for you, (left) 

Xion: hmm okay.,..

 Xion was walking behind Lren at the school ground when suddenly,

Student: (looking at xion) watch out!

Xion was stunned because the soccer ball was going to hit her straight at her face, Lren tried to help but it’s too late, Xion felt a warm feeling on her right arm, then all of a sudden, a strong wind surrounds xion that made the soccer ball thrown away.

Xion: (sat down) what was just….happened?

Lren: (come closer to xion) xion, are you hurt? (helped xion to stand-up)

Xion: no…. I’m… I’m fine…thanks….

Student: (run towards the two) I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Please forgive me, are you okay?

Xion: yeah I am…its okay…

Lren: No xion, it’s not, what if she got hit by that soccer ball? (annoyed)

Student: I know, that’s why I’m here to apologize, next time I’ll do extra careful…

Xion: (hold Lren’s arm) Lren he’s right since nothing happened its okay…

Lren: I’m going to tolerate it this time, but only this time… Let’s go xion

Lren left with xion, but what have happened stayed inthe student’s mind.

Student: (remembered when the wind surrounded xion) I wonder, where did that wind come from?

Inside Xion’s classroom

Xion: (feeling sleepy) what’s wrong with me? I feel so tired, but I’m sure I had a good sleep last night. It seems that something is taking off all my energy. (fell asleep)

Xion stayed asleep during the morning class. She’s been awaken by the lunch bell.

Xion: (yawn) oh no I missed my morning class!

Student: (approached xion)hi, are you okay?

Xion: I hope so, I feel so sluggish. (looked at the student) hey, I think I remember you,

Student: yeah, I’m the guy this morning. My name is sora burnsworth. I apologize again about what have happened.

Xion: no no its okay (little laughed) don’t mind it anymore, anyway, we are class mates? Since when?

Sora: since this morning, you don’t know cause you were asleep during the morning class, I was in class D before, but my adviser decided to put me in a higher section.

Xion: oh I see. That’s nice (smile) by the way, I’m xion xiv , nice to meet you!

Sora: (smile) likewise… hmm, can I ask you something?

Xion: sure, what is it?

Sora: About this morning, do you know where did that wind come from?

Xion: the wind…? Well…uhmm…-

Lren: (at the classroom door) Xion let’s go eat, come!

Sora: (Looked at Lren)

Xion: oh its Lren, well sora, I’ll be going now, see you later! (Left with Lren)

Sora: (Sit on xion’s chair) maybe it’s not the time yet to ask questions. I think it will be much exciting if I observe her more. (Smile)

At the Canteen.

Lren: So, he’s your classmate?

Xion: yup, since this morning. Don’t worry he seems nice, what has happened this morning is really an accident.

Lren: okay…. Xion, you look so pale, are you okay?

Xion: (feeling a little bit dizzy)yeah…yes of course! (Smile)

Lren: Stay here, I’ll go get some water and medicine for you to drink okay? (stood-up)

Xion is sweating cold, while her arm gives off warm feeling, the more the wind blows around her the more the warm feeling rises. The gem suddenly glows and xion fainted, she dropped the glass on the floor, Lren heard it and saw that Xion is unconscious. He ran towards her and took her at the clinic.

In Xion’s dream

Xion: (found herself in the middle of a war) what is this? Where am i? what’s happening here? (surpised because she saw a lady and a little girl been killed by the evil creatures) no, don’t kill innocent people,

Xion cried while watching those innocent people get killed by evil creatures which are still unknown to her.  After quite a while, those evil creatures left the dead bodies aside and xion found herself surrounded by blood and corpses.

Xion: I wanna wake up, this isn’t real, none of these are!!!!!!!! (her gem gives off bright light)

Gerad: Xion, you must recover your memory before the time runs out, you need to come back and save your own kind.

Xion: I don’t understand, who are you?

Gerad: We are four inside you. There're still three God elements that you need to summon. We are lethal because we are powerful. Now you may not comprehend but every riddle has an end. Open your heart and mind and you shall see what you've seeking for.

Xion:  What’s happening? what is this place? Please bring me back to my world.

 Gerad:  You are not what you think you are......You're running out of time you should hurry before it's too late... ( The light was gone and so the voice )

Xion: No don't go! please dont leave me alone...... ( Looking around and saw herself surrounded with dead bodies,blood and laughing evil creature)  This isn’t real!!!!!

A voice wake up xion .Xion wake up crying and scared when she opened her eyes she saw Lren beside her and hugged him so tight all of a sudden

Lren: (hugged xion back tightly) it’s only a dream and now you’re here beside me, you don’t need to be scared. Stop crying anymore.

Xion: I’m sorry, It’s just….I’m so… scared….Lren, my memory I haven’t recover it yet, I need it, I need to know who I am, I need to know what I am….

Lren: okay, I understand, I’ll talk about it with mom and dad okay? For the meantime I’ll go buy foods for you to eat.

When Lren’s about to go xion hugged her tighter

Xion: don’t leave me yet, please Lren, I’m still scared, please stay here beside me,

Lren: (surpised)but……Okay, I’ll stay beside you, so don’t you worry anymore (smile)

Xion: (wiped her tears and smile a bit) thank you Lren, Thank you so much



End of chapter III

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markjecc2 #1
ice workk!! i hope someone will do an animation of this story, i can't wait if that happens!! i am looking forward of your story ^_^