Going to the building

Our Time

The sunlight seeps between the curtain and enters Kris’s eyes, which made him lazily opens up the heavy lids. He grunts as he stretches his body. His body was a little bit stiff because of sleeping on the sofa which length is shorter than his height. He tried not to fall down from the sofa all night so that he used the most uncomfortable position of sleeping all night just to prevent him from falling.

Not that he regrets for letting a new girl sleeping on his bed and making him spent all night on the sofa, but it’s just… uncomfortable.

Kris shakes the thoughts out of his head briefly, I shouldn’t think like this. I was the one who insisted her to sleep on the bed.

He positioned himself sitting on the sofa and was ready to wash his face when he smells something delicious from the kitchen. Kris smiles, postponed his plan to wash his face and go to the kitchen instead.


“Someone is making a mess in my kitchen?” Kris says as he arrives at the kitchen, making Kim jumps in surprise.

“You surprise me!” Kim says as she holds her chest, but then bows and says in a low voice, “I’m sorry, I was hungry and I decided to make a breakfast for us from anything that you have here… Not intending to—“

Kris cuts Kim’s words with placing his index finger on her tiny lips, “Who tells you to say sorry? I’m not feeling bothered or unpleased,” Kris stops and smiles at Kim who’s still feeling sorry, “You remind me to my mom.”

“Oh… Really? Do you miss her? I bet she always prepares you breakfast, like every mom does. But… I hope you will not be disappointed because, yeah,” Kim pauses and bites her lower lip, then looks back at the tall guy in front of him, “my cooking isn’t really nice.”

Kris’s lips curved up, his hands moves to tap her head, “You cooked, I appreciate that.”

“Thank you.” Kim smiles, enjoying the sweet smile of Kris as well, but then she gently pushes Kris to the dining table, “Come on, I have cooked.”

Kris jumps a little when Kim pushes him to the table all of a sudden, but then smiles at the delicious thing served on the table.


Kim nods, “You like it, do you?”

“Sure!” Kris says happily as he sits and starts tasting the food. Kris, once again, smiles when the food enters his mouth. He gives her thumbs up as he continues eating silently. Kim smiles at the sight in front of her, feeling happy for being appreciated by a very nice guy.

But suddenly Kim remembers something, “Oh, and you can talk to me in English if you still find it hard in speaking Korean.”

Kris looks up at her with widen eyes when he heard her speaking English, but then smiles again, representing his thankful feeling.


Kris finishes his pancakes within minutes, followed by Kim some seconds after. Kris drinks his water before finally smiling again and again at Kim.

“Are you always smiling?” Kim suddenly asks, making Kris laughs.

“No, I only smile when I feel happy. I’m not like Chanyeol.”

Kim raises her eyebrow for hearing a strange name, but smiles because he’s indirectly saying that he’s happy right now; and she hopes it because of her.


Kris nods, “My trainee mate. He’s the one who often smiles. It’s like his muscles once stuck when he was smiling too much. So that he can’t stop smiling until now.”

Kim laughs at Kris’s silly joke, “He must be really cute.”

Kris nods, “You’re right. He is cute. But you’ll be surprised once you hear him speaks.”


Instead of answering Kim’s question, Kris gives her questions, “Would you join me this afternoon? To the building?”

Kim gasps, “Are you inviting me to go to the SM building, Kris?”

Kris merely nods, “I hope Kyuhyun sunbaenim will be present today. So that you can meet him.”

“OH GOD! Kris, I really want to, OMG thank you—“

“—but with one condition.”

Kim nods briefly, showing her high excitement, “Mention it!”

“Tell me about you.”

Kim once again raises her eyebrow, “We have talked about that last night if I’m not mistaken?”

Kris sighs; but still smiling, and crosses his arms, “Unfortunately, you are mistaken. All that we talked about are my occupation, and how do you get lost, Kim Yoora.”

Kim’s mouth turned into an O shape and she scratches her neck sheepishly.

“So? Are you willing to tell me about you? I will tell you more about me as reply.”

Kim nods, “Sure. But I have no ability to tell something without being asked. What do you want to know, then?”

Kris giggles, remembering that she’s right, all she did was only answering and asking, she didn’t tell anything automatically.

“Well, hmm,” Kris knocks his index finger to his chin, thinking about things he wants to ask.

Kim patiently waits, but giggling a bit because Kris looks totally adorable and cute while doing that.

“Ah,” Kris stops and starts looking at Kim again, “How old are you?”

Kim laughs, “You took much time only to ask about my age?”

“Hey! At least I’ve tried.” Kris protests.

“Fine, fine,” Kim says as she tries to stop the laugh to answer Kris’s question, “I am 18. And how about you?”

“I’m 3 years older than you… Call me oppa, then.”

“What? Why should I call you oppa? You are Chinese and you lived in Canada. I should call you either gege or just Kris.” Kim protests, not because she doesn’t want to respect him with calling him oppa, it just doesn’t suit him. Kris oppa? Oh my God, what is that?

As if he could read her mind, he says, “I bet you’re thinking that oppa doesn’t suit me.”

Kim shrugs, “No offense, but that’s true. I will just call you gege, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind! It’s nice. Kris gege, then. Itjima, yaksokhae*!”

Kim laughs, “Yaksokhalkkeyo*,”

“Is my Korean really bad?” Kris asks due to Kim who doesn’t stop laughing.

Kim waves her hand as she stops laughing gradually, “No, your Korean isn’t bad at all. It’s just… I still can clearly hear your Chinese accent. But it’s not a negative thing, that’s cute.”

Kris smiles sheepishly, making Kim squeals inwardly. Even though cute image doesn’t suit him, but it makes him more adorable.

Kris coughs, just to erase his nervousness and looks back at Kim, “I still have questions.”

“Go ahead.”

“Would you like to maintain this friendship? I mean, I would be really happy if we still communicating even though I would be really busy after debut.”

“Is your debut day really close?”

“Kind of…”

Kim sighs, knowing that she will only have a little more time to talk with him again like this, and it is right after your first encounter. Not that you’re not happy for his debut, but…

“Hey…” Kris breaks the silence, knowing that the atmosphere is turning blue. “It’s not like I’m going to leave you forever, you know? So how about my question?”

“Do you still need an answer? Of course I would! You’re the one who should get that question. You will not forget me, will you?”

Kris gives her his little finger, “I promise, I will not.”

Kim smiles and locks her little finger with his little finger which isn’t little at all compared to hers. “Your promise is locked. Don’t break it.”

Kris nods and ruffles her hair with his free hand.

“I’m done with the questions. I gotta go to the building an hour from now. Hmm,” Kris pauses as he takes a look at Kim. “What should you wear… My clothes are way too big for you.”

Kim follows Kris’s eyes that are scrutinizing your body, she sighs. “I will use this again.”

“Are you sure? Don’t you want to go home first?”

Kim hesitates, she doesn’t have any money right now to purchase bus ticket or renting taxi.

“I will pay. You remember your address, don’t you? You are not having amnesia, right?”

Kim laughs as she hits his arm, “Of course I do, and I’m not.”

They took plenty time before finally visiting the building, and it’s all spent in Kim’s house. Kris swears he wouldn’t forget the moment he’s just experienced earlier.

Kris finally took Kim home after he got himself ready, and Kris didn’t expect any unusual things to happen to him, at all. But unfortunately, right when Kris stepped in Kim’s house, he heard a scream that he could barely describe what kind of scream was that. This gave him goose-bumps.

Kim immediately ran to the source of the voice and closed the mouth, smiling awkwardly to Kris whose one foot was still outside the house, looking dumb.

“I’m sorry, Kris. This is my sister.” Kim said awkwardly and gave him a sincere apologetic smile before finally mumbling and murmuring something to the shorter that Kris couldn’t hear at all.

Kris saw the shorter girl nodding to Kim in fear and leave after blinking shyly to Kris.

“How old is she?”  Kris said after completely entering Kim’s house and closing the door.

“12. She is addicted to overly handsome guys,” Kim paused and took a look at Kris who smiled (or smirked?). Kim tried hard to hold the squeal with coughing, and continues, “She’s just surprised.”

“You just said that I’m overly handsome. Thank you.” Kris said and blinked his one eye, which got a hit on the arm as reply.

“You know, you don’t have to blink like that. It’s dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” Kris’s smirk grew wider.

Kim closed her eyes and heaved a loud sigh, this guy is just too dangerous for my heart.

“You wait here,” Kim pointed at a sofa in the living room, “I’m gonna take a bath.”

Kris shrugged, “Okay. Please be fast. My friends are waiting.”

“Sure! Will not take a long time!” were Kim’s last words before finally disappearing from Kris’s sight and leaving him alone… or not.

“Hi!! Finally unni is gone!” A chirping voice surprised Kris instantly because it was so silent before. Told you that he wouldn’t be alone.

The voice owner, who was Kim’s sister, abruptly jumped to the sofa and sat beside Kris. Not leaving even a centi gap between them.

“Hi!! You’re really handsome!!” She shouted right to his ears, making Kris’s ears and eyes twitch.

“Hello, little girl. You have such a weird obsession in a very young age.” Kris said, the last words were completely said in a very very low voice.

“I heard that.”

Kris jolted when the chirping voice suddenly turned into an ice-cold tone. Kris gave her an apologetic look.

“But since you’re handsome, it’s okay!” and only in the count of second, the chirping voice came back.

“Thank you,” Kris ruffled the soft hair and smiled, “what’s your name?”

“Kim Hara! And you?”

“Kris. Kris Wu.”

“You’re not a Korean?”

“No, why? I’m a Chinese-Canadian.”

Hara suddenly jumped out the sofa and walked away, Kris kept his eyes on her until she disappeared, and shouted, “MOOOM, UNNI BROUGHT A FOREIGNER GUY!!!”

Another voice, which was should be more motherly, came after and frighten Kris more, “WHAT?? A FOREIGNER??”

“What the heck is happening here…” Kris mutters, he couldn’t deny that he’s worried, frightened, and also annoyed.

Without waiting too long, a middle-aged lady showed up with Kim Hara, with a wide and scary smile plastered on her face. Kris couldn’t help but nodded slightly only to show his respect for the older, yet he couldn’t hide his fear as well.

“Hello, young man.”

“H-hello, ma’am.” Kris said with a shaky voice, making the lady’s smile grow wider.

“No need to afraid, I just want to give a friendly greeting.” She said as she comforted herself on the sofa, right beside Kris. Kim Hara also sat beside him, making him positioned between the two of them.

“Uh… I’m not afraid.” I’m just freaked out, really frightened.

“Ah, that’s nice. What’s your name again?”

The lady comes closer to Kris’s face, making Kris’s pores let out cold beads of sweat.

...Kim Yoora where the heck are you….” Kris whispered as he closed his eyes, not wanting to see the ‘frightening’ view in front of him.

“What are you saying?” The lady moved back and said lowly, but then Kim’s loud voice came, “MOM, HARA!!”

And Kris really liked that loud voice more than anything, it saved his life.

“Uh… Hi, Yoora dear. You’re home?”

“What the… Mom, are you forgetting your husband or what. He’s just going to work!”

“Well, Yoora, listen…”

“Look, mom! You freaked him out!” Kim pointed at the pale Kris who continuously heaving sighs.

“Oh… I’m sorry…”

Kris merely waved his hands, as the sign of he’s okay.

“Mom, I will tell dad about this.”

“NO!! No, no, I was just playing.”

“Playing?? How old are you, mom?? Come on, how long will you maintain this obsession. Dad is a foreigner, haven’t you satisfied?” Kim’s voice trailed off, Kris could see her watery eyes.

Kim’s mom lowered her head, meanwhile Hara had decided to leave when Kim came out.

“Dear, it’s not like that. I love your dad.” Kim’s mom stood up and hugged Kim.

“Apologize to Kris, we’re leaving soon. He has things to do.” Kim said in a flat tone, her expression was flat as well, seems like things like this happen very often.

“I’m sorry, Kris. Well, like really sorry.”

“It’s okay, ma’am. It’s okay.”

“Kris, let’s go now.” Kim pulled the confused Kris by hand, “Mom, I’m leaving.”

“Okay, dear, take care.”

“Kris, listen…”

“If you’re going to apologize on the name of your mom again, I will not want to meet you again.”

Kim stops and lowers her head, “Okay, but…”

“I understand, your mom back then was a ‘maniac’ of foreign guys, I see. It’s okay. It’s a past.”

“You’re okay with that?”

Kris cups Kim’s face and lifted it gently to make her looks into his eyes, “I’m okay. Arasso?”

Kim laughs again, “Arasso.”

“Why are you always laughing everytime I speak Korean?” Kris furrows his eyebrows, slightly irritated.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Well, we’re here now. Where are your friends?” Kim says, her eyes are wandering to all side of the building. She can see business there; staffs, trainees, and also some artists are walking and chatting about vary things. She feels so happy for finally arriving here.

“Unfortunately, I think we’re the first time to arrive.” Kris said as he gives Kim a silly smile.

“What?? You said that your friends are…”

“YIFAN HYUNG!!” A loud deep voice suddenly echoes in the building, Kris turns around to see a tall guy standing with a wide smile, Kris briefly gives him a wave and asks him to come over. The guy obeys and walks fast to Kris and Kim.

“I’ve waited so long. What makes you guys come so late?” Chanyeol asks.

“Well, so it’s just me and you who had arrived?” Kris gives another question instead of answering Chanyeol.

“And Baekhyun, we came here together. Others haven’t arrived yet.” Chanyeol frowns, but then smiled friendlily at Kim who seems stunned at the towering figure, which is him.

“Hello, who are you? I’m Park Chanyeol.”

“I am Kim Yoora, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Kim Yoora. Are you coming for audition?”

“She’s with me.” Kris interrupts, “I bring her because she wanted to come, and see Kyuhyun sunbaenim.”

“Ah~~ I saw Kyuhyun sunbaenim earlier! He’s just gone out about 25 minutes ago, I hope he’ll be back so you can see him!” Chanyeol said brightly, which makes Kim smiles, feels like the joyfulness is contagious.

“Thank you so much!”

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Chapter 1: OMG KRIS!! His so hot!! Can you update soon? I'm really enjoying the story ^.^ Kamsamida!