5 Centimeters Per Minute

Love was not the answer

To my problems or to my questions

But suddenly when you smiled

The answer was you



197,458 cm.

I’m starting.


“Kyungsoo-ssi;” I called softly so no one can hear but him. The library is quiet place to be, you know.

“What?” He harshly said as he wrote down notes to his little notebook.

“About the topic we’re researching about, do we need to do som-”

“Yes, we need to do practical activities so that we can pass this project.”

“Oh, then ho-”

“No, we will not act parently-like to pass this test. We just need a child and discover his needs in that state.”

“Okay, I give up” I slammed my head in the desk quietly and just made muffled sounds. It’s not cute but hey, aegyo is a guys taste.


“Hmm?” I raised my head and cocked an eyebrow

“How many more days will I have to spend my precious hours with you?” He closed his book and looked at me like I’m a crazy freak.

“That’s harsh.”

“You’re just dumb.” He stated. Being with the school’s ice prince is one tough job.

“No, I’m not. I’m just in stupid-mode.” I defended myself.

“And how can that ‘mode’ of yours turn off?”

“You’re so mean you know.” I puffed my cheeks.

“Was I never?” He opened his book again

“When I first met you.” I looked away and pouted.

“That was fourteen years ago, and we never actually spoke to each other.”

“You said ‘hi’ to me fourteen years ago, with a smile too.” I commented.

“People change.” Two words, only two words to shut my mouth. He’s right, we change, everyone changed. When I seated at the sidelines, I noticed that I became far from everyone. I couldn’t reach their hands. Yes, everyone changed.

He did, he certainly did.

“How about me?” I questioned.

“I don’t know.” Of course he doesn’t. To him, I’m just another girl.

“I’ll be going now.” I packed up and got up from my seat.

Changed, I don’t think that suits my condition, maybe alone or gone? I don’t know, those kind of things doesn’t matter anymore.

As I closed the door at tear flowed down my face;

“Thank you for your precious time, my prince.”



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on a very long hiatus


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