Not An Update!! :(



Really sorry about this guys, but we have to put this on hiatus for two reasons:

First of which is that my (OneForTheRecords) health is failing me again. I was in doctors offices all yesterday, in some today, and tomorrow I have a CT scan and more appointments. It's nothing too bad, so once we're sure what's going on I'll be able to get some medicine and will be able to update again.

The second thing is that it's the last month of schoool; so we both have finals, presentations, and concerts to deal with. I think we both really would like to focus on those. Our last day is towards the end of the month, so we should be able to update then. There are a few classes we'll be able to type in, but not too many. We'll try for you guys though!


Fighting, everyone else with finals! ^^ We'll see you all on the other side!

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Chapter 1: Oh my, I hope your health gets better as soon as possible <3 And don't burden yourselves with updating, education is far more important. I wish you both all the best of luck! :3