
The right choice


He looks at them.He is disgusted.
Sleazy arms snake their way around slender body.He wants to puke,he wants to shout.
Get away!You belong to me!
If he was only that brave..

Both pairs of eyes are focused on him.So big,shiny and innocent - he got lost.
But no,he couldn't do this,colud he?He couldn't do it to him or her.He should just stop.But he couldn't.He had fallen before he knew.

It would all be better if you hadn't come into the picture.,he thinks bitterly to himself,cooling off in the night air,stirring his liquor.
How bothersome is this feeling?,he clutches his heart as his mind wonders to the first time he saw his love.
Perfect.Perfect soft skin,perfect inoccent eyes,perfect little lips he would like to shower with kisses.But he couldn't.He should stop with these silly thoughts but he couldn't.He couldn't help but feel possesive over something that wasn't his in the first place,he couldn't help but feel disguisted with bodies pressed against each other and displays of affection between them.
But that's what engaged people are supposed to do..,he knows this already,but he can't help himself.

His name is softly called and his heart beats faster,or it skips a few beats,he's not quite sure and he doesn't care when he hears the voice of the person he's been longing for.

He turns a little too swiftly and a little too happy not to be suspicious.He's taken back,but he doesn't show it,when he sees them together again.
Are they attached at hip?

A soft,melodic voice speaks up again.A voice that makes his insides squeel and turn in joy.How he longed for that soft voice.
"We need to talk to you about something." they glance at each other and grin stupidly.
"We've decided on the date of the wedding..." he hated the stalling.
"And it's on New Year's eve!!" he winces at the tone used to break down the 'happy' news.
He can't help but put on a fake smile as no one can know about his true feelings.He hated them.He hated them both.
Why did they fall for each other so bad?
"Wow.Well..congratulations?" he raises his arms and is surprised when she squeezes him.
He feels disgusted.

"Are you really happy?" there's that beautifull voice behind him,again.
He couldn't keep his fake smile for long,so he escaped to the balcony again,as soon as they announced their wedding date to other people at the party and after he exaggeratedly cheered like he wasn't broken on the inside.
"Are you?" he answers with another questiong as it is a better strategy than saying the truth and hurting the person he loves.
The answer is silent,no words,just a simple nod.It makes his heart - or at least it's remainings - content and he's sure he made a right decision - to hide his love and let go.
Breeze dances around them and ruffles that sandy hair and he wants to run his fingers through it and style it perfectly - like it was - but he can't,it's not his place to do so.
He drowns down his drink and leaves with a pat on the back.He wishes he'd do more,just one more embrace,but he shakes his head.
Letting go.


It was tough few months,days were getting colder and shorter and he was getting lonlier.He hadn't seen her or him.It was weird.He thought if he bussied himself and if they're busy with their wedding,he'd forget.But he couldn't.He counted down the days to their wedding.And on one morning,only a month before the wedding was held,his phone rang.He held his breath.
I can do this.
"Hello?" his palms are suddenly sweating.
"Get ready.We're picking suits today." he trembles.
He pauses for a second and swollows hard,trying to calm himself.
"Is this how you treat your best man?" he wants to pat himself for acting so casual.
Yes,he had been selected as a best man.What a wonderful way to rub salt in his wound.He couldn't refuse.Could he?
Wouldn't that be too suspicious?Rejecting the offer when his best friend was getting married?
"I know,I know.I'm sorry.We've been really busy with everything.But I made time for you today.So will you kindly get your down because we have an appointment in half an hour in the city?" he nods and hungs up.
He was esctatic,skipping two steps at time.
I made time for you today.
Oh,get your head out of gutter.
Still,he smiles when he approaches the expensive vehicle.

And that had been the last they saw each other before the wedding.He was d by men who tried to take his measures and made fun of for feeling uncomfortable because of it.But he didn't mind as long as he lured that silly laugh out and as long as they were together.Besides that,there were midnight calls that made his heart swell,even though they only discussed wedding things.There were speaches to be written and feelings to be shared and he tried to distance himself as best as he could.


The morning of the wedding everyone was having headaches and feeling sick,except him.He didn't want to go to the bachelor party.He didn't want to feel disgusted as he watched women crawl and display themselves.Instead,he spent a restless night thinking of what was the one in his heart doing at every single moment.
"You're everywhere." she smiles kindly as she sees his reflection on her vanity table.
"Um..yeah..just trying to help." he is flustered and mumbling.
Damn.She was beautiful.It was so hard.
She approaches him,smiles and turns in her dress,shyly flashing her engagement ring.
"Soon it will be replaced." he says,more to himself,as he takes her hand and leads her out.
He made a right choice,right?

He is proudly standing,smiling.He's the best man,he has to keep up the act.He hears gasps as she enters.With each step his heart aches,he wants to reach out,grab what's his and run away with it.
But it's not his.
She approaches them,radiating.
It was a right choice,a right decision.
Handing the one he loves to the right person.His knuckles whiten as he squeezes the box rings are held in when their hands shyly touch.
He can do this.He has to.

Arms are held and rings and sweet words are exchanged.He smiles as eyes are focused on him.He smiles,despite the feeling of shattering echoing through his empty mind.After the kiss,which he couldn't avoid looking,he goes to the balcony.
What a fool.
He is freezing as it's December and snow slowly progressed it's way down on the ground.He sighs.
It's finally done.I've made it.

"Sehun-ah!" his name is sweetly called from the mouth he wants to kiss.
"Luhan hyung." his name sounds soft and smile spills over his face as he is met with the most beautiful art that couldn't be his.
"You're gonna be in my place soon." he pats the younger ones back as he is clueless why he is looking down.
"Hyung,I'm gonna miss you." he hugs the older man because he thinks it's appropriate this time.
"Hey,don't worry,you'll see me and your noona.Honeymoon will last only for a week." he smiles bitterly to the older ones' ignorance.
"Let's take a picture together." he hopes it'll be just two of them.
Hope is soon shattered as he is grabbed by his arm and dragged to take a picture with both of them.In the middle,she is like a pest,separating him from the one he loves.
He smirks.
That's how it has been up untill now,and that's how it'll be from now on.

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I really want to read your story but I'm afraid of angst! ;A; Sorry. But.. if decide to make a happy ending sequel please let me know. hehehe
Chapter 1: Is there a chance you might do a sequel for this? Like when Luhan's back from the honeymoon and realizes Sehun's gone from his life and he will never come back? ;-; </3 But if you don't want to it's ok too ^^;