
untitled [for now]

As the soldiers dragged me towards the center of the hall – before the Emperor – I looked at the people who where present. Their faces contorted with disgust and conviction, their eyes glaring at me like I was an animal that should be slaughtered.



I smiled.



“You find your end amusing?” I did not know that someone had approached me. I turned to him and met his eyes; the general was the one who spoke to me. “Don’t you?” I asked. “No. I don’t” he paused and looked at the crowd who were now shouting “KILL! KILL!” “I don’t find it amusing when I see an innocent being persecuted.” he then turned away and returned at his position.


“A daughter of a traitor, a murderer, who was conceived by a ” A despicable person – was he even qualify to be classified as one? – started introducing me to the people – to the whole of China – as if they haven’t already heard of my background. He looked at me with loathing – ‘twas emphasized by his awfully big nostrils and gruesome skin – He stuck out his index finger and pointed at me “A seducer of man, a conniving witch, a –“


The man went silent and glared at me “Yes Your Highness?” he asked.



Ah! So the emperor silenced him.



I looked at the emperor and met his eyes. He was young and fair skinned, with a surreal face – like an angel’s. Yet his eyes were void of emotions, cold as steel, hard as diamond. Upon seeing that I had made an eye contact with the emperor, the man – who hatefully – introduced me, slapped my face “Keep your eyes on the ground, you are filthy and evil. The emperor might get tainted!”


I wiped the blood that oozed from my lips, and caught the man’s eyes. I grinned “Are you that upset that I refused your offer Lord Shou?” I said heavy with sarcasm and mockery. His face contorted in outrage and disbelief, his hands were up on the air and he readying himself to give me a slap – that even in the afterlife, I could still probably feel – I closed my eyes and tightened my jaw, preparing for the impact.


But nothing collided with my face. I opened my eyes and look at the noble who had attempted to slap me. I was shock to see that a sword was on his neck, hindering him from nearing in on me. I looked at the owner of the sword, and behold ‘twas the general. “W-What is the meaning of this, my Lord?” Fat so – Shou –  asked.


“I want to hear her answer.” He turned his gaze on me. “What was his offer?” I looked at the Fat so who was now sweating like it was raining – Oh what a coward! – “Surely you wouldn’t believe the words that would come out of this witch’s mouth!” He looked at the man. “Lord Tao!” he said in outrage when Lord Tao – the right hand man – didn’t look his way.


“What was his offer?” He asked, not caring that Fatso spoke. “You shouldn’t let her spea –“Fatso tried but was cut off when the blade inched towards his neck. “Are you questioning me?” Tao asked turning his gaze on Fatso. The latter whimpered and shook his head, returning to the crowed. “Know your place.” Tao whispered to no one in particular. “Answer.” He commanded. I looked at him and met his gaze. The man was also as flawless as the emperor, but his eyes were sharp and fierce, and his gaze can make you scream in fear. “And who are you to command me?” smirking I asked trying to taunt him. I heard the collective gasps of the people in the crowd; I caught the light smile that broke through the emperor’s face. “Are you asking of my rank?” He asked, disbelief and amusement coloring his tone, reflecting in his eyes. “Perhaps, I was. So enlighten me.”


He straightened his posture and sheaved his sword. His black and gold uniform swaying in the air. “I am Huang Zi Tao, general of this nation – like my forefathers, and one of his highness’ most trusted friends.” He bucked his hip, to showcase the flower crest – engraved on the hilt of his sword – which was given by the emperor. He looked at me smugly.


“Is that all?” he clenched his jaw. I heard someone snickered from behind. I craned my neck to look at the person.


“Shut your mouth Yixing!” Tao said. “I’m sorry Wǒ de xiōngdì [my brother], but this girl have some spark.” He paused, bringing his fingers to his lips. He looked at Tao. “No. Not spark. But fireworks” he said a smile on his face, dimples showing. This man was also stunning in beauty, a serene face like the emperor. He turned his head towards me, his eyes – mischievous and wise – locking with mine. “He is yet to be defeated.” He gestured to Tao. “If that helps…” He smiled. “I was planning to say that.” He glared at Yixing who was by now retreating to the sidelines. He too had a crest of a flower engraved on his belt. “Now answer.” Tao ordered.


I sighed. “He is like the other men…” I looked at the rest of their specie. “Who has money to spare, and a wife too dumb to notice.” I looked at Fat so and smiled – ever so sweetly “He offered me a place…” eyeing the man who was as pale as his bones. “A place… that is…” I returned my eyes to the general’s “In his bed.”


People gasps, and whispered. Fat so’s scream erupted and surpassed them all, silencing the commotion “Do you believe her LIES!???!” he screeched – like a pig in a butcher’s table.  


So pitiful.



He continued on his babbling for quite some time until “Silence!” The adviser of the emperor said, breaking through Fat so’s soliloquy. “Have you no shame? Causing such uproar in front of your Emperor?” His voice was loud and clear, but his beautiful face was emotionless, and so was his voice. “B-But my lord, if I don’t correct her lies, people might believe!” “And why are you so afraid that people might believe? You, from the very start, had tattered her dignity beyond repair, you, have persecuted her in your mind and have persuaded this crowd to believe your accusations.”


“Maybe, what she say is true.” Yixing followed through his voice like a scream in the midst of silence. And once again uproar had started. “Perhaps, we can talk like humans and not like animals.” The emperor voiced out – his voice so gentle so contradicting for his eyes – and the people in the room went mime. He lifted himself off his throne and walked down the step. Tao, Yixing, and the adviser helped him, like he was something so fragile – like a glass figurine.


 He approached me – exactly seven meters away - people whispered. Again. But this time Tao glared at them, rapidly silencing them once again.


“What can you say about this?” he asked, like we were the only ones in the room. “You want to know my thoughts?”


“Speak to him with respect!” The adviser barked, aggravation etched in his face. “Wu Fan, you might scare her.” The emperor said. Wu Fan – the adviser – opened his mouth, but closed it quickly anyway. The emperor smiled and turned to me. “So?” he asked so softly.


I rose from the floor, brushed my shoulders – trying to get the dirt off, I apt  my posture holding my head high, shoulders squared and eyes meeting the emperor’s.


“I am not ashamed of my roots, for my father, though he had killed, was a just man, my mother, despite her profession, was a loving woman.”


“And your crime?” Wu Fan asked.


“I cannot return the life, which my father took; I cannot right my mother’s wrongs, but for this man – ” I looked at Fat so “– to persecute me for the things that I have not done. Don’t you think that it’s unfair? If he had presented me before you, and claimed that I would be killed for my parents, then I will shoulder the blame. I will take the penalty, wholeheartedly.”


“LIES! ALL LIES!!!!!” Fat so shouted. “She’s LYING! THAT SEDUCED ME! THREATENED TO KILL MY WIFE AND CHILD! EXTORTED MONEY AND – “ again, Fat so found himself with a blade against his throat. “Utter another letter and your head will separate from your neck.” Tao whispered – loudly.


He looked at his emperor and asked “What is your judgement you’re Majesty?”


The emperor looked at him, then to me. “What do you suppose I do with you?”  


I stepped back and went towards Tao. I held my hand in front of him. Asking him to give me the sword. He sighed and dropped it on my hand. I then returned to the emperor, giving him the sword – hilt towards him – causing my hand to bleed.


“Take it sire.” He then took a hold of it, and I adjusted it so that the tip was placed directly at my throat. People took in their breaths for my acts; Yixing looked worried, while Wu Fan looked appalled, and the emperor looked amused.


I looked in his eyes and into his soul.


“My life, right now, is in the palm of your hands. You can end it, or save it. It is for you to decide, not mine.”




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