
Believe Me

"And y'know, I don't even care if Jiyong-hyung has a new girlfriend. She's not even that pretty, anyway."

Youngbae nodded absentmindedly while he drove as he listened to Seungri rage on and on about Jiyong's new love interest. He knew the younger man was undoubtedly jealous, but Seungri would most definitely deny any possible romantic feelings for Kwon Jiyong.

Both were completely in denial; Youngbae had realised that after they had both come ranting to him, complaining about each other's girlfriends or love lives. When Seungri had a new girlfriend, Jiyong would pop up on Youngbae's front steps and declare that she was set out for Seungri's money. When Jiyong had a new girlfriend, Seungri would barge into Youngbae's house and exclaim that she was set out to use Jiyong and his resources.

It was a vicious, endless cycle that made Youngbae want to pull his hair out.

Honestly, Youngbae would have just loved to shove the two into a room and force them to confess their love, but he hadn't chosen the right time to do so. Also because he was sure they'd kick his once he let them out...

"...hyung, right? We should follow this girl around and figure out what her motives are, so she doesn't end up hurting Jiyong-hyung." Seungri poked at the older man firmly, eyes narrowed determinedly.

Youngbae froze as he heard those words, blinking rapidly. Not another stalking mission. The two of them had gone on three stalking missions so far because of Seungri's nonstop begging, which involved following around Jiyong's girlfriends. Youngbae and Seungri had not done well on every single one — the girls ended up catching them every single damn time, and complained to Jiyong, who in turn lectured them about how he lived his own frigging life and didn't need them meddling in it.

"Um." Youngbae voiced out, not wanting to say no and give Seungri the chance to whine about it for days and hours. Nor did he want to say yes, because Jiyong would undoubtedly become pissed off and unleash his fury.

"Hyung," Seungri pouted childishly, his dark eye circles even more accentuated, "please, just this once."


"And I've gotten way better at hiding in bushes since the last time! I don't end up making so much noise or breaking a lot of branches and I swear not to step in dog crap and get it all over your car's interior like back then..." Seungri unconvincingly listed, leaving Youngbae in quite the predicament.

Youngbae was about to open his mouth to give his final answer, but he noticed a figure on the sidewalk collapse suddenly. His orbs widened as he stopped on his brakes, jolting a surprised Seungri. "Hyu — whoa, that guy just fainted," Seungri squinted his eyes to see the figure, following Youngbae's line of vision. Youngbae parked quickly, stepping out of his car to see if the guy was alright.

He stalked over to the unconscious body, and gently rolled the man unto his back. Youngbae took in the sight of a probably seventeen year old, with brown hair, and regular features. The younger male was pale, sweaty, and seemed to be sporting a fever — whoever the guy was, he was definitely sick. Youngbae suddenly felt compelled to help the fellow teen, as odd as it was. The defenceless look the boy had plastered on his face was one of the reasons why Youngbae wanted to help the kid.

He attempted to wake the young man up, but to no avail. Seungri stood over the two, watching curiously. "He's not waking up?" Seungri wondered aloud before realising something. "...Huh... He looks kinda familiar..."

"No, he's not waking up," Youngbae responded, "and how is he familiar to you? Well, you could've seen him around town..."

Seungri shrugged nonchalantly. "Guess so."

Youngbae carefully took the brunette into his arms, and was genuinely surprised at how light he was. Holding the man bridal style, he turned to Seungri. "Open the back door," He instructed, "so I can let him lay down there." Seungri nodded, opening the car door.

Placing the brown haired stranger on the leather seats, Youngbae made sure that he was comfortable. He stepped back and surveyed it before nodding. "Where are we taking him?" Seungri inquired. "Nearest hospital's not for another twenty or so minutes."

"I'll take him home," Youngbae immediately replied, "I can take care of him."

Seungri glanced at him incredulously, "Are you crazy, Youngbae-hyung?!" He demanded disbelievingly, gesturing at the unconscious fellow teen. "He's a random stranger you picked up from the street." Seungri let a huff out as he saw Youngbae's bland expression. "Let me repeat that again. Random. Stranger. From. The. Street."

"But there's something about him," Youngbae frowned as he attempted to explain his thoughts, leaning against his car, "that makes me want to help him..."

"...That made no sense. At all." Seungri bluntly said, facepalming. He waved his arms wildly. "What if he wakes up, tries to rob us, and then eventually kills us?"

Glancing at the sleeping boy and his harmless face, Youngbae already knew his decision was made. "...I doubt that." He muttered, making way to the driver's seat.

"Fine, but if he does wake up and tries to murder us, I'm leaving you behind," Seungri grumbled out with a sigh, opening the passenger's side door and sliding in.

Daesung didn't know where to go.

After he received the call from his mother, he had no one to go to. Everyone was against him in his own town. But his mother's key advice ran through his mind: "Run."

Run where, exactly? He didn't even have much money to survive on, only his weekly allowance of ₩30000 plus last week's because he was saving up money for a Doraemon spree. It was nearing ten twenty on his watch, so he had already wasted quite some time just walking and thinking on what he should do. He would obviously be recognised if he stayed any longer in the city, so after much though, he decided what to do.

He had to leave.

Daesung hurriedly put on his hood, already knowing he was nearing the southern outskirts of his city. The next nearby city was for another few kilometres, but Daesung wasn't sure if it was safe there either. He'd just have to keep moving until he found a place safe enough to decide what to do.

What could he do, though?

He couldn't randomly just go up to people, say he was framed for his best friend's murder, and expect people to believe him. They'd obviously call him crazy, and then call the police on him. His whole world was crumbling down, and no could absolutely help him. No best friend, no home, no family, no support — Daesung just wanted to cry.

But he couldn't. He needed to find a way to save himself from injustice — and find a way to discover the truth hidden behind Hyunseung's attempted murder.

And so, Daesung ran.

He was actually a great runner and jogger, since he honestly enjoyed working out and exercising. The world flashed by him as adrenaline pumped through his body. He ran until he couldn't find the strength to do any more, and when he was finally out of breathe and panting feverishly. Daesung stopped for a moment, hands on his thighs as he leaned forward.

It was still a dark night, and as Daesung glanced at his watch, he noted that it was near to eleven. He was undoubtedly thirsty, but there wasn't any water nearby. Perhaps if there were any water fountains — a park. He just needed to find a park, where his thirst would probably be cured.

However, Daesung was so damn tired. He wanted to fall to the floor and just sleep, but he needed to continue on. He forced himself to continue walking, feeling warm even in the cold weather. The brunette continued walking for hours and hours, pushing himself to go on.

He eventually paused when he realised the sun was going to rise. That was when Daesung decided to rest for a short while, but then to move on.

After a short forty minutes of sleeping and eating a snack bar he had in his jacket's pockets, Daesung felt he was ready to keep moving. Even when his head and body were aching, Daesung had to keep moving. His body was screaming for him to stop, but his mind told him to not give up so soon.

He found that it was eight thirty-eight when he began feeling nauseous.

In such a short time, Daesung was terribly straining his body. And it was taking its toll on him.

That's when he crumpled to the floor, inevitably fainting.

"He what?! That fuc — I'll be over in awhile!"

At Jiyong's exclamation, Seunghyun and Hana, Jiyong's new girlfriend, glanced upward. Seunghyun was actually quite thankful for the sudden interruption; Hana had been eying him with batted eyelashes for a while. While Seunghyun knew that many women liked him, Hana was Jiyong's, and he honestly wasn't interested in women at the moment.

Especially if they were dating someone who was like his younger brother. That just made this entire breakfast thing even more uncomfortable.

Seunghyun hadn't wanted to eat breakfast with them — he'd woken up, rolled out of bed, threw on a suit, and planned on going out to a restaurant or something. After all, he figured Jiyong and Hana deserved some time alone, even if he didn't particularly like her. But Jiyong and (mostly) Hana had insisted on having him with them for breakfast. (Please note that he and Jiyong were step-brothers and obviously lived in the same house.)

And so, Seunghyun had unfortunately found himself shoved into a chair and eating with his step-brother and his step-brother's girlfriend that wouldn't stop giving him the look. That was when Seunghyun swore to himself that he would leave the mansion earlier, so as to not get caught in another uncomfortable situation like the one he was currently in.

"What happened?" Seunghyun inquired curiously, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Youngbae-hyung," Jiyong sighed wearily, falling into a seat, "apparently brought it upon himself to pick a random unconscious stranger off the street an invite said stranger into his home. That's what Ri told me."

Hana gasped, eyes wide. "That's so scary!" She declared, false fear laced in her voice. "If I go with you oppas, I'll need someone strong and manly to stay by me." And her eyes immediately landed on Seunghyun, who abruptly glanced away.

You have a boyfriend right in front of you, woman, Seunghyun wanted to blurt out, how many times am I going to have to reject you before you get it? "Then it's a great thing you're dating Jiyong, so he can protect you," Seunghyun said blatantly, stressing the whole 'dating Jiyong' part, "right, Ji?"

"Yeah," Jiyong grinned at his girlfriend, "don't worry, I'll protect you."

She pouted at Seunghyun, but quickly smiled as Jiyong looked at her.

Sighing in relief, Seunghyun excused himself from the table. That chick just doesn't stop, Seunghyun thought idly. He couldn't bare to tell Jiyong, because the younger man had specifically said that there would be no more meddling in his his love life affairs after he found out Youngbae and Seungri were stalking some of his girlfriends in the past.

Shrugging, Seunghyung decided to dial Seungri's number to find out what had occurred. He punched in the numbers, waiting for the boy to answer.

After a few rings, the younger man finally picked up. "TOP?" Seungri asked, sounding bored. "Aren't you supposed to be with the happy couple?" He muttered sarcastically, sounding annoyed as he mentioned the last two words.

Seunghyun barely resisted the urge to say "call me hyung", and continued speaking. "That chick won't leave me alone. Anyway, I heard what Youngbae did." He said quietly.

"Oh, yeah. Crazy bastard — but the guy he picked up seems harmless. No weapons on him or anything, just a snack bar and his clothes," Seungri replied. "The guy hasn't woken up, yet. But apparently he's dehydrated and has a fever, so everyone's showering him with care, even though we have no idea who the hell he is."

"Hm... I'll be there soon." Seunghyun frowned thoughtfully.

"Make sure she doesn't come," Seungri reminded Seunghyun bitterly, hanging up.

Seunghyun snorted, "Like I'd want her to go." He placed his phone into his pant's pocket, stalking back to the dining room where Jiyong was at. He cleared his throat, since Jiyong was busy tickling a giggling Hana.

Jiyong glanced back with a grin. "Yeah, hyung?"

"I'm heading off to Youngbae's," Seunghyun informed him as he slipped on his dark tinted sunglasses, "I want to meet that guy he picked up."

Hana sat up at those words, gazing at Seunghyun frantically. She pulled on Jiyong's jacket, pouting cutely. "Oppa, let's go, too!" Hana pleaded childishly.

Jiyong contemplated her words. "...Well, hyung can't drive, so I guess —"

"No!" Seunghyun blurted out uncontrollably. Two curious pairs of eyes glanced at him. "...It's uh. Because I need to, um —" Seunghyun wanted to slap his forehead; he couldn't find a probable excuse. "Well, look at the time I should be going."

And after saying those words, the taller man bolted out of the mansion, relief flooding throughout him when they didn't follow after him.

Seunghyun rubbed his forehead, attempting to hail a taxi after he closed the iron gates. Why haven't I learnt how to drive yet...? He wondered, because even Jiyong had received his license. Eventually, a taxi finally stopped in front of him.

Making way inside and giving the driver Youngbae's address, Seunghyun leaned back in his seat. Even though Youngbae was shy, he was also terribly kind. Apparently his kindness stretched to random strangers on the street as well. Seunghyun just hoped that Youngbae didn't let some crazy old man into his house.

There'll be hell to pay if my dongsaengs get hurt, Seunghyun thought absentmindedly, readjusting his glasses so that they hung off the bridge of his nose. As the oldest of all the four, it was his job to protect the younger ones in their odd quartet.

"Sir," The driver cut in to Seunghyun's thoughts, "we've arrived."

Seunghyun politely thanked and payed the older man in the car, stepping out. He headed up Youngbae's front steps, ringing the doorbell.

One of Youngbae's servants answered, an old maid. She smiled at Seunghyun kindly. "Seunghyun-ah," She greeted him fondly, having known the young man for years, even when he was a small child.

"Ahjumma," Seunghyun bowed his head slightly as he spoke to her, "I'm here to see Youngbae and his... guest."

"Ah!" She nodded enthusiastically. "That young man. He just woke up, actually. I'll take you to them."

Seunghyun followed after the older woman, who led him up the stairs and to the nearest guest bedroom. She quietly opened the door, revealing a laughing Youngbae and a young man with brown hair and an angelic smile. Seunghyun ceased moving, jaw slack as he took in the sight before him.

"Hyung," Youngbae glanced at the doorway, finally noticing the older man. A small grin was still on his lips, "When'd you get here?"

But Seunghyun was busy staring at the brunette, whose angelic smile just instantly captivated him. The brunette seemed to notice that Seunghyun was staring, but didn't mention that. "Hello," The brunette greeted him softly, waving a little.

"Uh..." Seunghyun found that he had suddenly lost the ability to speak properly. Looking at the brown haired angel made him lose his train of thought. Seunghyun felt like an idiot, but he had no idea what to even say back to the angel. Youngbae watched amusedly, while the ahjumma excused herself from the room with a bow. "Er, um... I...uh. A... Uh..."

"Smooth, hyung..." Youngbae chuckled quietly, nudging the older man.

Seunghyun sent him a look with his eyebrows that read 'Quiet, or I'll burn your CDs and have Seungri piss all over their burning ashes, fool', because he was TOP and he could speak with his eyebrows like a boss.

Youngbae raised his hands in defence, but a small smirk was across his lips as he glanced away.

Notes: I actually know a dude who ran four miles in thirty minutes — crazy, right? Takes me around eight min to do one mile. Hana isn't anyone real, just a random character I thought of.



I'd like sing Happy Birthday, but I'm sick as hell. Daesung <3. He's mine, TOP. If you're reading this Choi Seunghyun or TOP or Tabi or Bingu TOP, I claim Dae as mine and you can never have him. Eva. Eu kyang kyang! (tis my evil laugh) :P

Maaan, why am I so lame. Yeah. I wrote this while I'm sick, so I deeply apologise if the writing is more terrible than usual. On another note, I'm going to Koreatown in LA on Saturday. I'm so excited, but I know I'm gonna waste like a bunch of money on Kpop there... I gots ta buy Lee Hi's new album and possibly any BB or 2NE1 or TVXQ merch~. :D

Thanks to all who give me support! :D

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MizzPeel0007 #1
Chapter 1: How could they think that Dae could not just hurt his best friend but kill. Do they not trust him at all? New here and will be back to read more. It is intriguing already.
Chapter 1: Ahhh Hana is so annoying XDD
I hope Ji and Ri end together soon LOL
I love the way you write :3
I can´t wait for more >u< Daesungie and TOP <3
Zimmy02 #3
Chapter 1: love this chapter ^^
and Happy Birthday to our angle~ XD
update soon author-nim ^^
aieru_amie #4
Chapter 1: huhuhu!!
i wanna see ji being jealous.
it'll be fun.
love at the first sight top?
i just love it when top doted on his dongsaengs.
so cute!!
Chapter 1: This is great! I really love it *_*
Get well soon and... update soon! xD fighting author-nim!
Ohhhh!!! my heart goes thump thump!

Run Daesung! RUN!!!
The foreword was amazing!
I'm sure the story would be daebak!
Update soon!^^
mebuoki #8
Just run now Dae! Who could've done this to youuu!? T_T
Omg was Dae set up??? Go Dae go!!
I can´t wait for the chapter <3