Because I Love You


Just how you suppose to say I love you in many ways...


If you saw me waiting for you and never get tired;

It is Because I love you

If you found me crying for your leaving;

It is because I love you

If you give me something with condition and I never take it;

It is because I love you

Don't ask why, what, when because the answer will be the same;

It is because I love you


Someone who loves another will never get tired of showing it, telling it and giving it. No matter what it surpass, no matter what the situation was. Love only knows love, and no other than that. No gender, no condition, no transition. Love is just love and no other than that. If people looked at it with condition, situation and status, then love can nenver be found.



I was so burnt out with that crazyness I have done to my last fanfic and I have receieved so much love for that. Thank you babies!!! LOL... Sorry for calling you babies... This is a new Rickjoe fanfic. Hope you guys love it. I just thought of it yesterday because someone gave me a really great feeling of love, so I gave this one to you.


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LovingKitty #1
Chapter 1: Omfg hellla cute loved it my rickjoe~
Chapter 1: Cute!!!! ^3^
Chapter 1: Nice I like it
Chapter 1: Awww so sweeet ! Rickjoe moments are the best ♥