Chapter 18

BE MINE (Sequel of The Flight)
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After 3 months


Yonghwa wake up because of his cellphone alarm. He reached out his hand to hit the snooze button and then flung his arm across the other side of his body, expecting to feel Seohyun's warm body next to his. To his surprise, that side of the bed was empty. Yonghwa opened his eyes almost panicking but then suddenly remembered that its Monday and Seohyun must go to her gallery early. He rubbed his eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief. Pulling away the blankets from his body, Yonghwa rolled out of bed and stumbled to the restroom to brush his teeth. He saw a post-it note stuck on the mirror.




Did you wake up okay? I hope I didn't disturb your sleep. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up.

I left breakfast on the table for you. Eat well so you have energy for your court hearing today ^^

See you in a few hours,



Yonghwa broke out in a huge smile after reading her note. Already his day was looking great. He folded the note and stuck it in his wallet intending to keep it for his memories. He knew that reading it again on days that he was feeling lazy would give him strength to push on. Awakened and now refreshingly energized, Yonghwa went about getting ready, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and changing his clothes. He felt like he was floating on air. Walking out into the kitchen, he saw a plate wrapped in aluminum foil. Anxiously opening it, he found that Seeohyun had prepared two triangle sandwiches for him. One with ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, and the other one with a fried egg, dried pork shreds, and corn mixed with a little bit of mayonnaise. Smiling again and feeling his heart flutter inside, Yonghwa eagerly devoured her breakfast while watching the news on tv. Feeling full and ready to conquer the world, he quickly did the dishes, grabbed his stuff and headed out to the office.

"I'm happy with what I have right now" he said while driving.




2months ago

Seohyun prepared their breakfast while Yonghwa is still sleeping. After 5minutes Yonghwa went out of the bedroom and head straight to the kitchen counter, his eyes lighten up when he saw the plate of food. He walked up to hi angel and wrapped his hands around her waist.


"Eat". Seohyun said pointing the food


"Ani, later. I have to wait for you" He said


"Okay give me 5minutes".She said while fpping another toast. Yonghwa just watched her moves.


"5minutes is up Angel" He said looking at his watch.


"What? You're timing me?" 


"Hmm Of course.." he said giving his toothy smile.



"Well good, because I'm done!" Seohyun said moving her french toast onto her own plate. She grabbed powdered sugar from her cupboard and sprinkled some on both plates.


"Komawo Angel," Yonghwa said.


" eat," she said while handing him a fork and knife.


Without a word, Yonghwa starts to eat the food infront of him. "Can we stop by my house really quick? I need to pick up more clothes and other stuffs" He said.



"Are you planning on staying

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Chapter 20: wss seohyun able to exact revenge on yonghwa for what he did to her during their uni days?
Chapter 20: i hope you can still update.
iLuvgogumaYS #3
Chapter 20: Please update soon. :)
ABT234 #4
Chapter 20: Update please, like this story so much
Kianarain #5
Chapter 20: Please update soon!
pipopanda #6
Chapter 20: update please
chana_lo #7
Please update soon
Chapter 20: the question is not who's yoochun to hyun the QS is what's yoochun's plan
hope he won't tear yongseo apart
update sooooooooooon please
Chapter 20: Happy belated new year too author nim
amonim #10
Chapter 20: More updates please...