Helping Our Son Confess- Lay

Daddy Fan- Fic (EXO One Shots)

Your POV

‘I think I should make pasta for Lay and Min Jun…’

“Omma…..I need your help….” Min Jun my 5 Year old son said.

“Mmmm….what’s wrong….?”

“I like this girl but I don’t know how to confess…..” Min Jun said turning a bit red.

“She thinks I hate her….” Min Jun said.

“I can tell why……-_-….”

“Aren’t you a bit too young…..?”

Min Jun just shrugged.

“Okay to make a girl fall for you, you have to be nice….”

“Like…?” Min Jun asked

“Buy her some chocolate….”

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

“Yeobo!!!!! “

“Yes….?” Lay asked reading his newspaper sitting comfortably in his arm chair.

“Our son has a crush!!!”

“Really…..?” Lay replied sounding only half interested

“I gave him some advice….”

“You advice……*sigh*…..” Lay sighed

“What’s wrong with my advice…?”


~~~~ Next Day ~~~~~

Min Jun came home looking gloomy.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I gave Lay his bowl of rice.

~~~~ Flashback ~~~~

Min Jun POV

‘I hope she likes it…..’

I put the piece of chocolate in her locker.

At lunch I heard her crying.

“Lia what’s wrong?!?!” Her friend asked.

“S-S-Someone put chocolate in my locker and it melted and it ruined my artwork…” Lia said while crying.


“Who would such a horrible thing?!??!” Her friend shouted sounding angry.

I slowly tip-toed away hoping I would not get caught.

~~~~~ End of Flashback~~~~

Lay and I were like -_-“……T_T….

Lay scoffed at me.


“Trip her over….” Lay said.


“How is that nice?!?!”

“It gets her attention….” Lay said eating.

“I’ll try….” Min Jun said.


~~~~ Next Day ~~~~

Min Jun came in looking gloomy and upset again.

“Appa…..I will never go to you for love advice ever again…..” Min Jun said.

“I TOLD YOU!!!” I shouted at Lay slapping his back.

“Sorry what happened…?” Lay asked.

~~~~ Flash back ~~~~

Min Jun POV

‘Here she comes……3….2…..1…..’

I stuck my leg out as Lia came to pick up my worksheet for the teacher.

Lia tripped and all the sheets she was holding were flying everywhere.

“LIA!! Detention” The teacher shouted.

“But…” Lia began to cry.

“I don’t like you at all….” Lia said to me before leaving.

~~~~~ End of Flash Back ~~~~

 Lay: ………-_-……….

You: …….TT_TT…..

“I am going to try my own methods don’t bother me!!” Min Jun shouted before he ran into his room and slammed the door.

“Why would you …sigh….Lay…..”

“*cough* *cough*I think I should um….go to bed…..” Lay said as he ran away

“Where do you think you are going….?!”

“Uh…..” Lay said.

“We should help our son…..” I said smirking.

~~~~ Next day ~~~~

“Min Jun get up!!!”

“Why…so early…it’s a Saturday!!” Min Jun groaned.

“Lia is coming over….”

“……WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER!!!!!!!!!!!! MOM!!!!!!”

Min Jun ran around the house cleaning up.

I couldn’t help but smile.


“IT’S LIA!!!!” Min Jun shouted.

“Good morning I came to play with Min Jun….” Lia said looking around for Min Jun

“Hello! Come in!” I said as I led her into the house.

“Min Jun, say hi to Lia…”


“Hi Min Jun!” Lia shouted as she hugged Min Jun

Min Jun blushed and slightly pushed Lia away.

“L-L-Let’s go play outside….” Min Jun mumbled.

I turned to look at Lay.

“Time to spy!”

Lay looked unhappy.

~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~

Min Jun was playing with our dog Pol.

“He is so cool!” Lia exclaimed

“He’s like family…he is my little brother…”

Pol kept Lia’s face.

“I like you too!!” Lia said giggling.

“OMG!!!! Lay!!!!”

Lay and I were hiding in the kitchen and watching them.

“I really don’t get why you need binoculars…he is play in our backyard….” Lay said.


“Did you do this to me in high school….?” Lay asked


“Don’t change the subject…” Lay said.

“…..Maybe a little bit….?”

“…*sigh*….no wonder I always got weird chills down my back once in a while….” Lay said.

I slapped his back.

“You were hard to approach so I watched you from afar!”

“Mmm…I guess you’re right…” Lay said

“OMG!! Min Jun make a move Lia’s mum is coming to pick her up soon!”

Lia was sitting by herself.

Min Jun approached her slowly holding flowers behind his back.

Lia looked up at him.

Min Jun handed her the flowers.

Lia blushed a little and Min Jun started to walk away.

Lia tapped him on the shoulder and she kissed him on the cheek.

“OMG!!!!!” I shouted as I kept slapping Lay’s shoulder.

“Ow… sure have grown stronger from all the housework.”

“What did you say…?” I said growling.

“Nothing hey look there’s a bird!” Lay said pointing somewhere.

I turned to look and there was nothing.

“Hey!! You!”

I turned to shout at Lay but as I turned my head Lay kissed me on the lips.

“But you’re still cute as ever…” Lay said.

I blushed and Lay was tomato red.

Lia and Min Jun came in.

Ding Dong

“Lia I think your mum is here…”

“Oh…okay bye Mrs…” Lia said

She then walked out the door.

Min Jun was all blushing and happy.

“You guys are so cute….” I said.

“I like her so much!! I saved one dollar to buy her ice cream on Monday from the canteen!!” Min Jun shouted feeling happy.

“That is actually quite nice of you!!” I said rubbing his head.

Min Jun ran into his room and I tucked him in and he went to sleep.

“Yeobo…do you want to watch a movie….?” Lay asked.


Lay and I snuggled up next to each other.

“I’m so glad you were brave enough to confess first, Lethia…” Lay said kissing my forehead.

“I so happy you accepted….”

We leaned on each other peacefully and watched the movie.

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love it a lot :)
beibylovely #2
Chapter 4: love it! waiting fot the next appa stories
Chapter 3: >.....< sorry, im taking up commenting space but this was so sweet (': even tho its only a oneshot it really kinda gives a message. C: please update!! hwaiting! C: btw: lay was so cute in his chapter pic XD LOL
Chapter 1: LOOOOOOL; "appa is pretty!" I get it now HAHAH LOL Chanyeol n kids = pizza, makeup & cupcakes :33 how healthy
Songy mai honey piee c;
Chapter 3: Kawaiiii ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
update soon :3
Chapter 2: Awww,,,,so sweet ><
Hotcoco123pinkie #8
Chapter 1: That is actually really!
Mikescollection #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^