Part 5

Candy Shop Romance



Henry walked into the candy shop via the back door, shutting it behind him quietly. There were shelves of ingredients on either side of him, stacked on vibrantly colored platforms. Swirling designs were on either side, appearing much more decorative than necessary.

That was what made the Lee family’s candy shop so nice though. It had more to offer than some delectable desserts. They had weekend magic shows, multiple levels of candies and candy-themed toys, and a stained glass dome so large, it seemed to be impossible. There were trinkets and thingamajigs suspended from the ceiling, twirling and jingling with the ventilation system’s currents.

Even the unseen was made to appear for the public eye – which brings everything back to the storage room Henry had to walk through to enter the main bakery.

There were a few separate bakeries within the shop, but this one was used by actual members of the Lee family. Other ones were managed by hired employees. Henry grabbed a spare apron from a hook on the wall, tying it as he walked into the main room.

Donghae was kneading dough, flour coating his forearms and the front of his blue and white apron. The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled up, the top few buttons undone. His eyes were focused on the pale, malleable ball on the wooden board. Henry watched him for a few moments too long, having always found his friend to be cool when earnest.

“What sort of goods are you baking?” Henry idled up next to him, leaning one hip against the working table. He lifted his eyes to Donghae, relieved to see his friend smiling somewhat normally.

“Chocolate chip,” he responded, “Is that okay with you, Chipmunk Cheeks?”

Henry grinned, “Sounds awesome, Rainbow Fish.” He didn’t want to ruin the mood – really, he didn’t – but it seemed like a better idea to get it out in the open now, than to be surprised later when Donghae brought it up. Swallowing hard, Henry shifted around on his feet, circling around to the boy’s other side, picking up a rolling pin absently. “So…what did you wanna talk about? You’ve been a little weird, and I’m worried.”

“Thanks for the concern,” he chuckled, falling silent for what felt like forever. When Donghae did open his mouth to speak, he was already halfway down with scooping out dough balls for his baking tray. “I like you, Henry.”

“Well, I like you too,” he answered slowly, confused.

“No, I mean,” Donghae looked up, face flushed, “I think I love you.”

Henry cocked his head, arms crossing. “I love you, too Hae. What’s going on? We’re brothers after all.”

He made a frustrated noise. “Listen to me. I’m saying that I have feelings for you—or well, I think I do.” Donghae looked down and then back up. “I hated seeing you with Jiyoung earlier. I kept telling myself that there’s no way I could actually like you in that way…but I really thought about it, and it’s not just a brotherly affection. I get upset thinking that you only see me as your brother. I want to be more.” He took a deep breath. “That’s how I know that it can’t just be a sibling love. I want…I want you all to myself. Do you get it?”

Henry’s face was bright red, lips pressed into a tight line.

Donghae registered the expression and then his brows came together. “Are you okay?”

“You…uhm, you just dumped a lot of emotional baggage on me,” he said in a flurry, “Let me process a little bit of it.”

“Oh, okay,” he nodded, dropping his gaze. Donghae cleared his throat, doubling his speed of work in an attempt to use up the adrenaline quickly filling his veins. Picking up the tray, he turned to Henry, “Look—”

His friend has his back turned, legs shaking and fingers drumming. Henry really felt like he needed a good hit to the head or pinch to the arm. How could…How could Donghae have said something like that so easily? Then again, maybe it wasn’t easy for him after all. Henry replayed the situation in his mind again and again.

A hand dropped onto his shoulder and Henry jerked violently, yelping. The tray of cookies clattered to the ground, a dozen dough balls smashed under the metal. He whirled out, seeing Donghae’s hurt face. Regret filled his features and he grabbed Donghae’s hands before the older boy could move away. “No, please don’t look like that. I was just surprised, not scared,” he assured, squeezing the sensitive one’s fingers, “I…I don’t know how to answer you. This is really sudden.”

“I know,” Donghae nodded softly, not fighting with the desperate hold on his hands, “That’s not what I’m bothered by…or, I don’t know.” He gnawed on his bottom lip. “I like you a lot, Henry. So…can you give me an answer by tomorrow?”

“Uhm, tomorrow?” his eyes filled with panic.

“Or…soon?” Donghae frowned, worried.

Henry relaxed a bit. “I’ll try not to make you wait too long.”

Donghae took either side of the boy’s face in his hands, pulling him forward and pressing their lips together for a fleeting, electric second. Henry’s eyes widened and he stayed there, holding Donghae’s wrists as he seemed to fall into a daze.

“If that felt right, then maybe it’ll make your decision easier,” he mumbled, leaning in and kissing Henry on the cheek. “See you.”

“Y-Yeah…see you,” he squeaked, face heavily reddened. Henry stumbled backwards, navigating haphazardly back to the door and out into the world.


The kiss was what changed it all.

It had a charge unlike anything Henry had ever experienced.

Being touched like that was better than the finest chocolate, the sweetest gumdrop, or even the silkiest cake. He felt like he was bouncing on cotton candy clouds, hyped up on pixie sticks, trying to unscramble the tangle of licorice that was his brain.

As he sat on his bed at home, he stared at the opposing wall, sometimes at his violin, but mostly just at the whiteness of the dry wall. Tilting his head, he wondered if he was just going crazy. Everything could easily be a dream and he would wake up to find out that no one liked him and he had suddenly awoken to feelings for his oldest friend.

Him and Donghae…did that make much sense at all?

But that kiss…

Henry felt heat rising again and he rubbed his face in embarrassment.

Abruptly, the doorbell rang and he jumped. The night had just settled in and there were no scheduled visitors as far as he was concerned. Henry slowly climbed down the stairs, looking at the door. Carefully, he walked up to it, using the peep hole.

Opening the door, Henry smiled in confusion at Jiyoung. “Hi, what are you doing here?”

“I was just thinking about the afternoon and wondered if you had settled things with Donghae,” he responded, smiling uneasily. “I felt like he didn’t like me being there, so I was a little guilty.”

Henry shook his head, ignoring that small part of him screaming that Donghae could very possibly be jealous of someone. “It’s okay. It’s really not your fault, so you shouldn’t think too much about it.”

“Oh…well, that’s good,” Jiyoung laughed. He was quiet for only a second before reaching out and holding Henry’s hand. “And, actually, there was something else I wanted to ask you. If you’re not busy…uh, would you want to go see a movie tomorrow night? Just us?”

“Yeah, that would be cool,” Henry nodded casually, flashing a boyish grin.

Jiyoung seemed to deflate a little. “Henry…I meant, would you want to go on a date with me.” He smiled helplessly. “Get it?”




Donghae looked out his window, confused by the tapping on the glass. Pushing the curtains aside, he slid the panel up and stuck his head out, receiving a rock to the forehead. Groaning, he rubbed his head, glaring down into the semi-darkness.

There was enough light from the street lamps and his side door to see Henry flinch in apology. The younger boy stopped throwing rocks and rocked back on his heels like a scolded child. He seemed to wait for Donghae to say something first, to which Donghae obliged somewhat grudgingly. “What do you want?” he sighed.

“You’re like whipped cream on a waffle!” Henry whisper-yelled.

“Again…what?” Donghae stared at him blatantly.

“You’re the cherry on top of a sundae!”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re that one clump of chocolate chips in a chewy cookie!” He was grinning then, almost humming with energy.

Donghae tried to suppress a laugh, leaning out the window, smiling at the silly boy.

“You’re the sweetness after the sour in a Sour Patch Kid!”

“Hmm…,” he chuckled.

“You’re the extra scoop of ice cream for the perfect brownie dessert!”

“What’s your point?” Donghae called back.

Henry turned in a circle of excitement, waving his arms before grinning broadly and openly at the boy gazing down at him. “You, Haefish, Mega Squid, Hae-stack, Nemo of the mighty ocean—you’re something that makes my awesome life that much better. Sometimes you’re not upfront about it, but you’re like that cherry on top, that dollop of whipped cream, those extra chocolate chips, and that scoop of ice cream you always end up missing when it’s not there to make a perfect thing beyond perfect.”

Donghae laughed, covering his face. “What made you suddenly decide this?”

“…When Jiyoung came by and…,” Henry shrugged, “your confession made me feel different.”

“Should I thank him?”

“You don’t have to,” Henry answered sincerely.

Donghae melted a little on the inside, “Yo, Hamtaro.”

“What up, Nemo?”

“You’re cute.” Donghae grinned.

“Right back at you.” Henry made a heart with his hands, laughing.






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sashalovesfish #1
Chapter 5: that was sooooo gooood!!!!i love it...cute Hamtaro and Nemo...
i think i'm melted in sugary field....;)
Chapter 5: awww so cute :)love the ending i have a sweet tooth now^^
Chapter 5: i have cavities now ;A;
too much cute to be healthy e___e
ah well, i enjoyed it
Chapter 5: This one.. This one..
You drowned me in fluff and sweetness XDDDD
Which I don't mind at all..
It's just so pure, so innocence.. Thank for this story, author-ssi!!!
nycbean #5
Chapter 5: The fluff is so dangerously cute. I seriously loved it! Your plot was so cool and the story is well written and though it jumped around a little, it still flowed really well and I love the ending!
Chapter 5: This was absolutely adorable. It was sweeter than any willy wonka fruit flavored candy. I couldn't stop smiling for nothing.^^ !D

The storyline had a nice flow and it was finely executed.