Chapter 1

My Love Diary

New day has started, beautiful song is with me now..

"Ah.. I think i dont wanna go to school this morning." Krystal yawn

"No! You said that you wanted to see the boys today.. Remember their sports day..??" Victoria reminds sleepy Krystal

"Fine then!" Krystal is now out from her bed.. Opens her wardrobe and picks her coolest clothes of the day..

"Yeppeo? Yes, i am" Krystal is now ready for school..

" 'Morning Note. Dear diary, im off to school now.. I was really wondering what will hapen today.. Yesterday was a bad day with Victoria.. Well i hope this will be a good morning.. Hahaha.. No, really..' " Krystal writes those word on her diary.

Kriiingg.. Kriiingg...

Krystal arrived her class on the perfect time

"Kids, we got a new commer today, Kim Myung Soo" Ms. Son enters the class with a boy

"Hello, pleasure to meet you all. My name is Kim Myung Soo, i moved from Gwangju because my father has transferred to Seoul. You all can call me L.." That boy greets him self with blush

"Well, Myungsoo you can have a sit" Ms. Son shows him an empty seat

"Well, shall we start todays class?" Ms. Son asked and started the lesson

At brake time

"Who is that boy?" Victoria asked

"He is the new boy here,, he is so cute.. His name is L, transferred from Gwangju.." Krystal answerd

"Well, i think he knows Sunggyu well.. Good luck on your love.." Victoria really makes me blush

"What??" I suprised

" ' Day note. Dear diary, today there is a new student in my class... He is so handsome... I think i got a crush on him?? What should i do onfront him?? And, Victoria realized my crush on him... OWhh... I'm so blush... ' "

Kriingg... Kriingg..

"After school, i walked home, But wait, he was there.. I was so shocked.. What should i do???" Krystal talked on her heart

"Oh, your my classmate are'nt you?" L suddenly talked to me

"Wh-what? Oh, Yes, i am.. I'm Krystal, Krystal Jung.. Nice to meet you.." Krystal suddenly stuttering

"Nice to meet you to Krystal.." L answerd

"What, whats wrong? Am i ugly? Or, i haven't put my make up on?" Krystal talked on her heart when L is keep looking in her face

"I-is something w-wrong?" Krystal asked

"Yeah, there is a cream on your face.. Here let me get it.." L wiped the cream on krystal's face

"W-w-well, thanks.. I-i gotta go..." Krystal was running with confused face, but a happy heart

"Yeesss................. I meet and talked with him............ HE also wiped the cream on my face....................." Krystal calls Victoria

"WoW!!!!!!!!! Awsome keep it hot girl.. You don't want to lose your chance" Victoria answerd

"Well, thanks and i won't lost my chance..." I said with a happy face

"Cool.. Keep it up.." Victoria ends their call

" 'Night note, dear diary, i am so happy.......... I cant wait what will happen between me and L tomorrow...... I just wish that things could be better between us..... He just know me and i just know him... I don't know whats the best to tell my love.. But, i hope he likes me to.. Just pray.. And keep calm' "

Krystal wrote her last note of the day and preparing the newest note for tomorrow


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Chapter 2: Hihihi, cute *u* Update soon :">
huixin1017 #3
look interesting!