How could I..... let you go?

How could I..... let you go?

IU (you):

          You were shouting as loud as possible not knowing what to do, if you were going to call JiYeon and L.Joe or not..... what would you do? By having no experience you made your decision, you were going to call JiYeon and L.Joe. You first putted in JiYeon's number, but she wasn't answering, first you thought it was really weird, but later you remembered that maybe she wasn't answering because you kissed ChunJi, so you tried to call L.Joe, but he didn't answer either. First you thought that it was weird, but you remembered that you kissed SungJong in front of L.Joe... when suddenly you received an SMS from JiYeon, you ran to read what she wrote (okay that is weird). 

          IU HELP ME..... Infinite got me and L.Joe and now we are here and they want to kill us 

                    HELP ME!!!

         You were shocked not knowing what you had to do, but without thinking you just ran toward Infinite's hiding place.

-Infinite's hiding place-

         When you arrived there you saw that JiYeon and L.Joe were tied up and they were sitting in two chair, for you it was good, because you could save them easily, because there were no one in that room. You tried to come near them, but not knowing what was going to happen next, JiYeon was with her eyes closed, but when she opened her eyes and saw you she wasn't with a happy face.

        "IU!! What are you doing here? RUN AWAY!! This is a trick!! They want to get you too, they want to hurt you as they want to hurt me and L.Joe"

       While JiYeon was saying that L.Joe turned around and saw you, with a worried face..

       "L.Joe look I am really sorry in what you saw that day I..."

      "It's okay, I know that everything was a mission, I am fine"

      "How did you?"

     JiYeon interrupting you said that Infinite told them everything and that if IU didn't fiish the missions, Infinites would hurt JiYeon and L.Joe. You were with your mouth opened, why would Infinite want to stay with IU??  You were ready to save them, when you felt that someone was covering your mouth/nose not letting you breath when you just fainted. When you woke up you felt your arms "stuck" to a chair and you could see that JiYeon was looking at you with a "I told you" face. When you looked u you saw that Infinite were right in front of you. 

    "What do you want with me? What did I do to you guys? SungJong ah~"

    "I am sorry IU ah, but you know the truth and you are not going to do every mission, so that is why you are here and that is why they are here... so if you don't follow the mission we're going to hurt them right in front of you."

    "What? What truth?"

    Hoya: "Yes you know the truth that we are I.T., when we were done talking we heard that someone was running, I went there to see who it was and I saw that it was you, when we noticed that you knew the truth."

   WooHyun: "And now that you know, you need to follow the last mission and we'll let you and your friends alone, oh and do you remember the last mission? Meet new people? These new people are us, that means that you are going to stay with you forever."

   "If I say no? What will happen huh?"

   "Than we'll hurt your friends..."

    You closed your eyes trying to think, when you heard someone punching another person, when you opened your eyes Infinite were on the floor and the ones who saved you were "Boyfriend". You  were shocked, you knew Boyfriend well you were the first person who talked to them, You looked at them confused when MinWoo finally spoke

   "We were going to call you to eat with us, when we noticed that you weren't there, but you left your cellphone, and we kind of read your message and we came here to save you"

   "But how did you know that I was here?"

  "Hum... we asked ChunJi's help then he told us where it was so we came here to save you"

  "Aww that is so cute~ hum... can you guys help me get out of this chair?"

  Boyfriend helped you, JiYeon, and L.Joe get out of their place, but the problem was that even though you left/ ran away Infinite was going to chase you and you had to do the mission or else they were going to hurt your friends. You said goodbye to Boyfriend and JiYeon. When L.Joe took you to the playgroud (it can be weird, but it was the near by)

   "Look IU, I have something to tell you.. I still love you and I want to be with you forever, but I don't know if you want me back"

   You started laughing and than you hugged him and said that you wanted him back too. He held his hand and came closer making you two give a kiss. 

    "I would never let you go L.Joe... I loved you and I would never break up with you, but it was the mission..."


   After that he gave you another long kiss, you were feeling that that was the best day ever, but deep inside you were nervous to know what would happen to you and  the others


that's ot people hope you like it ><

PS: I am NOT an anti fan of Infinite

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Dea_Jiyeon #2
I want to know what the good idea is
It's a fun story :))
;DD WOW.. So many people like IU lol.!
this story.....

is the best!!!
LemoniPeachi #6
Update soon or make a sequel of this story cause i really want to know what's the good news !!! By the way i love your stories !!! Fighting ~~ ^^
question, besides loving ur story, who is the character u use.
-xttran #8
Its kinda,,,,confusing in this chapter.
ooow I really love your story^^<br />
it's fun to read<br />
you had just used my favorite characters IU chunji specially Ljoe and jiyeon<br />
keep it up hwaitimg!!
love4ever #10
OMG this is so cute <br />
That is a really good happy ending<br />
sad that it finished, but it was a good story..