The first mission....

How could I..... let you go?

Before starting to read read, if you want you can read while listening to this song... I was hearing while writing so... OH it's IU's MIA


IU (you)

         I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking on what to do. Should I do it or not? If I did it people would be angry at me and if I don't people will be in danger. You tried to forget, but it would just popped out in your hand. *What should I do?! Okay... I made my decision, to protect them I need to do it* You closed your eyes to try to sleep, when you got a message in your cellphone. First you looked at the number.. who is it?? You had never seen that number before, but you opened.

          See that you don't know what to do isn't? I don't know if that will help, but you can tell just for one person that you can trust and that you know him/her for a long time.

           Good night IU

           Signature: I.T

           Great!! That didn't help much,but that was something, but who would you tell? Someone that you trust and you know for a long time? When you remembered the only person that you could trust more than JiYeon and that was SungJong. You would tell him tomorrow morning and as it was Saturday you would have the weekend to do the two missions.

            In the next morning you woke up and took a shower and changed. Ate your breakfast as usual and ran to look for SungJong and of course you went to the most important place that he always went , his house. You rang the door once and no one came you rang it again, but silence. You thought that he had left for something important so you just turned, when you heard the door opening.

            "IU?? What are you doing here?"

            "Hum... H-Hi SungJong ah~ long time that I don't see you~"

           "Y-Y-Yeah c-come in"

-SungJong's living room-

              "Soo... why are you here?"

              "I have something really important to tell you.."

              "Okay what is it?"

              You took a deep breath and took out the envelope from your bag. You didn't know how to start so you just started talking that you were with JiYeon and that suddenly this guy came, and you said everything about the missions and etc.

                "Oh Good! Why did they choose you? You are such a nice friend.."

                "Yeah I know, but if I don't want that people get hurt I need to do it, is the only way.."

                 You looked at SungJong for a moment, he looked nervous for a minute, but he finally spoke.

                 "Yeah, that is true, so are you doing the first mission today? Are you really going to break up with L.Joe?"

                 "Yeah I think so... can I do it here? So you can stay  with me and like you know support me?"


                  You got your cellphone and took a deep breath, for that moment you don't wanted that L.Joe talked to you. When you heard his voice....

                   "Hey honey >< what do you want?? Are you angry at me because I didn't go to the shopping mall with you yesterday?"

                   "We are done here..."


                   "I broke up with you...."

                   You hang up, but you could hear L.Joe calling out for your name. You tried not to cry, but you could  feel tear drops falling from your eyes into your cheeks. You could feel SungJong grabbing you and "supporting" you not to cry. It was the end, for you and L.Joe. You couldn't believe that you didn't talk to him or anything, that you just said it. Your cellphone was ringing, it was L.Joe, but you just turned off and took of the baterie and never wanted to turn it in again. If that was so painful to do it, you couldn't imagine how the other missions would be, but you were prepaired, not wanting to hurt anyone.


thanks for everyone that commented and subscribed

the story can be short, but hope you like it

thanks for everyone that read it



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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Dea_Jiyeon #2
I want to know what the good idea is
It's a fun story :))
;DD WOW.. So many people like IU lol.!
this story.....

is the best!!!
LemoniPeachi #6
Update soon or make a sequel of this story cause i really want to know what's the good news !!! By the way i love your stories !!! Fighting ~~ ^^
question, besides loving ur story, who is the character u use.
-xttran #8
Its kinda,,,,confusing in this chapter.
ooow I really love your story^^<br />
it's fun to read<br />
you had just used my favorite characters IU chunji specially Ljoe and jiyeon<br />
keep it up hwaitimg!!
love4ever #10
OMG this is so cute <br />
That is a really good happy ending<br />
sad that it finished, but it was a good story..