Friends' reunion

THIS is not happening to me! (eng. ver)
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Bom's POV

I walked with hurried step towards my building, I walked in and waited impatiently for the elevator. Why is my sister told me to go urgently to my apartment? Aish, I hope it's something important, I was having a good time with the Lee brothers. Although they are a bit rare, are fun, hehe.

I flinched a little at the sound of the elevator opened, I laughed a little when no one had seen me scared and went to the elevator. God, 17th Floor. Why did I buy the department so high? I was bored spending 2 minutes up in the elevator, and not to mention the time that the elevator didn't worked and I had to walk up the stairs. 

Uish, such a difficult times.

The elevator, thank God, it opened and I started to walk down the corridor to the door of my apartment. I took my keys out of my purse and put the key in the lock, when I heard the laughter of two people. I stopped, those laughs ... were my sister and my boyfriend? What the hell were they doing? Aggressively I turned the lock and opened the door firmly, and saw my sister and my boyfriend playing twister.

It was not that they were playing twister what bothered me, it was the position in which they were. 

And no, I'm not jealous.

But I could kill my sister right now.

Apparently they haven't noticed my presence, because they kept playing. Oh, now I will make my presence known.


Chaerin and Taeyang quickly fell to the ground, and I saw that something scared them. Maybe me? 

Maybe I shut the door too hard. 

"Can you explain in what kind of position you two were?"   I asked, watching desperate stand and look at me.

"It's .. it's just a game, honey." Taeyang said and showed me the most beautiful smile I could see.

"Yes, we were not doing anything wrong, you know." As soon as I heard the voice of Chaerin, the state of enchantment that Taeyang had brought me, brought me back to reality. Yes, smart Chaerin.

 "You know?" I repeated what my sister said. "I don't know! That's why I'm asking you! That's definitely not a twister position, okay? YOU!" I pointed Taeyang. "You were practically on top of my little sister, you freak!" I started to throw things at my boyfriend, who was trying to avoid the things that I would throw. Until I felt the strong grip of my sister.

"Stop freak out!" She says totally serious and I stopped. 

"But you-" I tried to defend myself.

"We were just playing a freaking game, Bom. There's nothing to be jealous" In this time, Taeyang spoke as he approached me. I pouted. 

"I'm not jealous." 

"Yeah, sure" Chaerin whispered looking away and I mentally slapped her. 

"Don't make me get mad again." I said in a low voice, dangerously. Chaerin understand the nonverbal message and stepped back as a precaution.

"Aww, you are such a cutie when you're jealous!" Taeyang grabbed my cheeks and squeezed slightly. I blushed and tried to take his hands out of my beautiful face. But instead, he gave me a quick kiss on the lips and hugged me. 

"Mmm." I mumbled trying not to enjoy too much the embrace he was giving me. 

"Great, the couple reconciled." Chaerin said as he entered the room with a glass of water after having gone to the kitchen. 

I stuck my tongue while my boyfriend and I let go of our embrace. I saw Chaerin sat on a couch and I sat down in front of her with a huge smile. Taeyang looked at me confused but sat next to me.

Chaerin drank some water until she noticed my weird behavior. She raised an eyebrow. "Now what's wrong with you?"

"Are not you forgotten something?" I said trying not to laugh, if she didn't remember, I wouldn't tell. Taeyang was interested and Chaerin stared at the ceiling trying to remember. She jumped and lunged at me with shining eyes.

"Yes! I remember! Tell me! Are not they couple, no? Otherwise I would have no chance against her." Chaerin said quickly with sad eyes. 

I smiled. "Yes, they're brothers. But they seem boyfriends, they are very similar and very close. " I said remembering what had happened just 1 hour ago.

"Whose are you talking about?" Taeyang asked curious. I smiled at him. 

"I'm talking about your bestfriend, Seungri. And his sister." I said and Taeyang looked at me confusedly, I blinked.

"Yeah, I thought they were couple. That's why I sent her to know them." Chaerin smiled and Taeyang still looked confused. 

"Seungri has a sister?" Taeyang asked and we laugh a little. 

"Yes, Dara!" My sister and I said at the same time and Taeyang blinked hard.

"They're brothers?!" He asked incredulously, and both gave him a hit on the forehead. "¡Auch!" 

"You didn't know?" I asked incredulously. "You're his best friend, And didn't you know?"

Taeyang opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out of his mouth.

"You see that I'm not the only one who thinks that?" Chaerin asked defensively. I understood perfectly, I thought exactly the same.

"To me it seemed obvious that they were dating, I didn't have to ask." Taeyang looked surprised, as if he had hit the news. "Are you sure?"

"Are you saying I'm lying?" I said starting to feel irritated, and my boyfriend could feel it because quickly smiled and hugged me by the shoulders. Still, I looked at him serious.

"No, not that, love. I mean... seriously?" 

"Ya!" I shouted and Taeyang pulled away from me. "I'm saying they're brothers, why would I be lying?" I asked once again, and Taeyang bit his lip. He's nervous, I knew it because he always bite his lips when he's got in a trouble. 

Chaerin smiled brightly at the scene. "Yes, Taeyang. Why would she be lying?" She asked slyly. Taeyang looked at her as if he wanted to inflict damage on her. To which she smiled even more. She knew he would never do anything, he had a law of nonviolence. 

When Taeyang couldn't be more cornered, something saved him. 


Taeyang, just heard the sound, quickly stood up and ran to answer the phone, leaving me with the question in the air. Chaerin did nothing but laugh. 

"Yoboseyo?" Taeyang aswered and I went more near to hear the conversation. Chaerin gave me a disapproving look and shook her head. "Oh, Minji ah?" 

Chaerin quickly came to me and sat beside me. I raised an eyebrow and smiled mockingly. "Now who's the gossip?" I said, she made a frown and paid more attention to the conversation that Taeyang had.

"Sure! It will be a pleasure!" Taeyang exclaimed excited. A pleasure? What the hell? Taeyang saw the look I was giving him and quickly said: "Yeah, it will be a pleasure have a dinner with you and your brother!" 

Chaerin and I looked at each other with questioning looks. A dinner with Minji and Daesung? It sounds a very good idea.

"Tell her to invite Seungri and Dara! Pali!" Chaerin said, bowing for Taeyang's attention. I groaned, Chaerin was halfway over me. I pulled her hair and she realized that she was screwing and pulled away back to her seat.  

Taeyang laughed a little. "Yeah, tomorrow, right?" He waited. "Oh, sure I know where it is. Oh, by the way, could you invite Seungri and Dara?" Chaerin  applauded excited and Taeyang looked at her with a strange expression. "Don't worry, tell Daesung to invite them. He's friend of Seungri, and I guess of Dara too." Taeyang smiled a little.

I heard my sister started singing the chorus of 'When a man loves a woman', I slowly looked at her.  

"What's the matter with you?" I asked totally blank. Chaerin let out a deep sigh and smiled like an idiot. 

Love makes people more ... silly. Or maybe she was that way from the beginning. 

"YES! Cook spaguetti, please!" Taeyang asked enthusiastically and I hit him with a pillow. Taeyang looked at me not knowing why he had beaten. I hit him again. 

"We're the guests! We are going to eat anything they cook, ok?!" I whispered upset and he pouted. Aw, how cute he looks.

"Okay, tomorrow at 2 o'clock. See you soon!" Taeyang said goodbye and hung up. He smiled but his smile disappear when he saw my sister dancing around the house. "Why is she...?" 

"I don't really know" I said sincerely, laughing a little. He sat next to me and smiled, I smiled too and he leaned to me, I closed my eyes waiting for his kiss but... instead I feel a chin on my lips. 

I opened my eyes and see the chin of my sister in front on me. Huh?

"So what did she say? Seungri is going tomorrow?!" She asked happy looking at us with a big smile. Taeyang and I looked at Chaerin. 

'You're such a er, seriously.' Taeyang thought. 

"Yes, he's going to go. Now, will you, please, leave us alone?" Taeyang asked friendly, but inside he was very annoying. I smiled.

Chaerin make a frown. "Yeah, I'm leaving now." And with that, Chaerin walked away. "Why I don't have a boyfriend? yaish..." She whispered and we laughed. We smiled and started kissing. "I'M STILL HERE SO DON'T DO ANYTHING INAPPROPIATE!" She shouted shutting the door of her room. 

"Hahahahahaha!" We started laughing hard.



"Dara, walk quickly!" I said getting off the elevator and walk to the door of the apartment.

 "It would help if you took some bags, you know? I'm about to die." Dara said at the time she got in on the apartment. I walked towards her but she ignored me. "Never mind, I'm going to throw it all on the floor." And said and done, she threw all the bags down and sat on the kitchen table looking tired.

I went to the laptop in the room and started using it. 

"I'm dying ..." I heard my sister whisper as her head was on the table. I watched one second with a smile and turned my gaze to the screen of the laptop. Uh, new music. "I'm dying ... and all because of you!" She pointed a finger listless, refusing to separate her head from the table.

"Why?" I asked laughing, to which she looked upset.

"Aish, and you dare to ask?" Dara replied sarcastically.



Both look immediately the phone, and then exchanged glances. That meant one thing.

"I got it!" My sister and I talked at the same time, running to the phone. Damn Dara and her speed.

"Yoboseyo?" Dara answered cheerfully, showing the tongue. I rolled my eyes and mentally begged that the call was not for me. Because if it was for me then it has to be... "Oh, Minji ah? Hey! How are you?" 

For god damn sake, kill me. 

"Oh, Seungri?" Dara looked at me with a devil eyes. 

I opened my eyes in surprise and began to move my arms in denial. "I'm not here! Tell her that I went to the supermarket!" I whispered desperately. Dara gave me the thumbs up as she heard what Minji said.  

"Yes, he's here! Wait a second" Dara quickly said and gave me the phone, I took it surprised by what she had done.

"Which part of 'I'm not here' you don't understand?!" I whispered again, getting mad. I saw her smiling and  saying revenge with her lips. 

Yeh, I guess I deserve it. 

I sighed and tried my best to feel lively. "Minji? What's up?"  I forced a smile and listened. "Yeah, I'm not busy tomorrow night, why are you-?" Suddenly I felt a slight twinge, damn, I should have said I was busy. God, Seungri, think before you speak! that's why God gave you a brain! 

The reason I didn't like that Minji called me, is that she did so every day. And she was very talkative, and gossip. And she worked on my work area with Taeyang and Daesung. She was really, really, really annoying. 

And she slept with my boss.

Oh my God, did I just tell that? No no no, ! I'm not a gossip, just in case, ok?

Forget what I said.

"Have a dinner with you?" I asked excited, I was excited by the idea of ​​going to eat at the house of Daesung, usually I went there to play video games and drink beer until we lost consciousness. 

Again, too much information. 

But now it was different, it was a whole night spending in the same room with Minji.  

Dara was laughing near to me, 'lamenting' my bad luck. I looked away and I heard something that makes me really happy. "YEAH! DARA CAN COME TOO, SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO TOMORROW!" 

"WHAT?!" She asked totally scared, trying to take the phone out of my hands. Her attempts were in vain, because she was smaller than me. 

"Yes, yes, We're going tomorrow. Bye bye!" I hung up before she was going to take the phone. I smiled wildly and walked towards my room. I felt my sister behind me and I quickly got in my room and closed my door before she could enter. I leaned on the door and Dara hit hard a few times.

"You'll pay for this, Lee Seunghyun!" She said aloud. "I'm not going to that dinner with the hateful Minji!" She said before going to her room and shut the door. I burst in laugh.

"Yeah, sure." I said to myself changing my clothes. 


The next morning

*Ring Ring*

I rang the doorbell and waited. I was holding a bottle of wine in my left hand while my right hand rested on the inside of my right pocket of my coat. I looked at my sister to make sure she was still beside me. Sure enough, she was there, but with a frown. She looked at me and gave me a cold look, crossing her arms around angrily.

How I convinced my sister? Easy, she never resist my agyeo.

My sister started hitting the ground with her foot impatiently. "Seungri, maybe they aren't in the house, we better go!" She said and turned very de

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Chapter 8: Noooo, i just found this storyy.. update pleaseee
Chapter 8: Please update soon!:)
Chapter 8: actualizacion por favor!!
Chapter 8: Oh my god, this story is going to be more interesting!! I always love topri vs gri, although idk what's the true pairing because i saw daratop tag as well. But i was hoping, topri and gri to compete each other muahabshasbsb. Thanks!
greeen-tea #5
please update it more often atleast not once a year ;-;
greeen-tea #6
Chapter 6: ugh cliffhanger authornim ):
fluffy #7
Chapter 6: Wahhhhhhh clifhanger..... hahaha but i like this chapt ^^
danteseth #8
Chapter 6: No whyyyyyy leave it just there finally top is in the picture
RiiRiiVIP #9
Chapter 6: hhaha this chapter is funny how Ri and Taeyang reaction when imagining "that thing" and how smart minji was :D plus TOP appear waaw,this gonna be more interesting and..and.. Jiyong is Bom and Chaerin cousin ??? now i can't wait for the next chapter >.<
ninnies90 #10
Chapter 6: gri and topri shipper too!