The Unbreakable Vow

Invisible Bonds


Kim Myungsoo was like fire. He was vehement, radiant, and uncontrollable. With deep-set ebony eyes streaked with cognac rays around the iris, thin lips, a Greek nose, inky black hair, and toned musculature, he was the epitome of masculine beauty.  In contrast with his serene appearance, his personality was brash, prone to bouts of heated emotion, and oftentimes sadistic. Myungsoo ruled his kingdom with staunch asperity and, although it flourished, his subjects feared him.

In an effort to acquire more buried wealth of the earth for his people, Myungsoo began testing the boundaries of his kingdom. He would ride out on his trusted steed, a lustrous black Akhal Teke stallion, in the misty mornings to observe the outer edges of his territory and the other kingdoms that surrounded them.

On one such occasion, Myungsoo had been on his return trip home after spending the day marking his boundaries out on a map that he carried with him when he stumbled upon a lithe youth about his age playing in the plains that separated his kingdom from another in the east. The young man had short dirty blonde hair with a fringe that reached past his eyebrows. His thick lips were pulled back into a wide grin. Myungsoo watched as the lad played with the fireflies that were now beginning to appear in lieu of the setting sun. Completely captivated, the tyrant king knew that he had to claim this young man for himself. He galloped up to the dazed boy, shattering the tranquility of the moment, and scooped him up onto the saddle. 

Upon his return, the guards opened the gate and Myungsoo gracefully dismounted his steed, throwing the young man over his shoulder and carrying him into palace. After showing the youth to his new living quarters, Myungsoo attempted to learn his name. The boy, lamenting the loss of his freedom, refused not only the urge to speak but both food and drink as well. Despite that, it soon became known that the charming young man was Jang Dongwoo, prince of the eastern land, and his kingdom was searching for him. Myungsoo had halted his daily excursions in order to woo the boy before their time together was up.

Unable to win Dongwoo’s affection, Kim Myungsoo sought out the advice of the court mage. The mage, upon making it clear that he could not cause one to fall in love with another, offered to ask the gods for a token that promised to bind the two so that one could not exist without the other for long periods of time. Myungsoo, whose emotions had become so enthralled by the youth, hastily agreed for if he could not have Dongwoo emotionally, he would have him physically.

He returned the following week and the mage produced a pomegranate.

“You and your lover must eat at least a seed from this fruit then, and only then, shall the two of your souls forever be bound together” the mage told him.

Kim Myungsoo returned to the palace in high spirits. He sat upon his ivory throne and glanced at Dongwoo, who was sitting on the corresponding throne next to him. The boy had begun to drink water again, but still refused to eat. He had lost a lot of weight and his already prominent cheekbones had become even more pronounced and his lips had lost their luscious pink tint. Dongwoo, oblivious to the king’s cold stare, sat gazing at nothing in particular. His mind always seemed to be elsewhere.

Tentatively, Myungsoo called his lover back to reality. Dongwoo turned and stared at him, unsure of what was to come, his teeth clamped loosely on his lower lip.

“You aren’t eating. You haven’t been eating. You don’t have to dine with us or even eat a full meal, but please, at least take a bite of some fruit.”

Myungsoo extended his hand, offering Dongwoo a bowl of shiny pomegranate arils. The famished boy could not refuse. He grabbed a couple and put them in mouth, a combination of sweet and tartness filled his mouth. Myungsoo watched as Dongwoo’s eyes closed in bliss, savoring the flavor of the pomegranate, and took an aril for himself. Their souls were now bound to one another; an unbreakable vow had been made. With the threat of losing Dongwoo vanquished, Myungsoo was able to roam his kingdom without worry once more. He resumed his inspection of his boundaries during the day and returned to Dongwoo in the evening, watching as the boy began to start eating and talking once more.

Several months had passed and on a chilly, snowy night, a consort of the eastern king had come to pay a visit in hopes that Myungsoo had seen their prince. Upon arriving at the throne room, the consort immediately recognized his prince. He pleaded for the prince to come home. The eastern king was filled with grief and, in mourning the loss of his son, failed to take care of his citizens. The eastern kingdom had fallen into poverty, their crops had failed, and the people were starving.

Dongwoo’s glanced at his captor, his eyes containing a tacit plead. Myungsoo nodded his head.

“You must go,” he announced, “Your people need you.”

The young prince was amazed by the generosity he was being shown and in his happiness broke out in a wide grin, the very smile that had drawn Myungsoo to him. A light smile tugged at Myungsoo’s own lips. Before the consort or even the young prince could say anything, Myungsoo demanded that he Dongwoo back to the eastern kingdom. The consort would stay the night and return the following day.

Myungsoo led Dongwoo to the stables and led him to a young, russet mare. After making sure that Dongwoo had mounted the mare safely, Myungsoo mounted his own stallion. The two took off, leaving a flurry of snow trailing behind them.

Unlike Myungsoo’s kingdom, the people of the east revered their king; however, in light of the current conditions, a melancholy sadness had set in upon them. When the two arrived, the people hailed their prince. He had returned and so the king would return to his duties and their kingdom would recover.

The king was ecstatic and tightly embraced his boy; a feast was to be held right away. Dongwoo excused himself to pay a visit to his old room. Myungsoo seized the moment to tell the king of their bond. As a gift from the gods, it was not to be taken lightly. The eastern king did not believe him and ordered Myungsoo to leave at once. He agreed stating that Dongwoo would seek him out when the time came.

Five months had past and Myungsoo had not received word from Dongwoo. His body was growing weak from their time spent apart and he knew Dongwoo must feel the same. Although his kingdom still prospered, he was unable to achieve what he had hoped to accomplish before. Without Dongwoo by his side, Kim Myungsoo felt incomplete and in no mood to deal with the tasks set out before him. Dongwoo was his heart and soul and his absence left him listless.

Just as the pain began to become unbearable, it was announced that Myungsoo was needed in the throne room. He begrudgingly agreed. As he sat in his throne, waiting for one of his subjects to approach him, he was pleasantly surprised when flaxen hair greeted his eyes. Dongwoo had sought him out after all. The feeling of weakness lifted and Myungsoo noticed the playful sparkle that had been missing in Dongwoo’s eyes upon his entrance had returned.

Dongwoo did not want to leave his kingdom behind, but he could not live without Myungsoo, that had been made clear from their six and a half months apart. He proposed a compromise, and although he didn’t expect Myungsoo to agree, he hoped that he would be allowed to return to his homeland for brief visits.

Myungsoo consented to Dongwoo’s compromise. Although he wanted his lover to himself, he also wanted his lover to be happy. Dongwoo would spend six months with him and six months back in his homeland.

Kim Myungsoo was like fire. He was vehement, radiant, and uncontrollable. With deep-set ebony eyes streaked with cognac rays around the iris, thin lips, a Greek nose, inky black hair, and toned musculature, he was the epitome of masculine beauty.  His subjects feared him. And although he had a dark, stern personality he was deeply in love with the young prince from the eastern lands. With Jang Dongwoo at his side, Kim Myungsoo was more rational, more human.

If Kim Myungsoo was like fire, Jang Dongwoo was like water. With his butterscotch colored hair, effervescent smile, and whimsical personality he showered rain onto Myungsoo’s fire, calming the passionate king. Despite his initial resistance, Jang Dongwoo had begun to love the brooding king and his rash actions; Kim Myungsoo’s fire set Dongwoo’s world aflame.

Neither would be complete without the other.

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Chapter 1: beautifully written
but couldn't imagine either of them like that
a bit sad that they didnt have a full conversation with one another
still nice though
Chapter 1: Probably one if the best Infinite one shots I have read.
Chapter 1: very nice~ I like how you wrote this!