
The Dragon Legion: Legends of the Great War [APPLY CLOSED]

I shall be posting announcements and whatnot here, including current applicants.



Deadline is Thursday 26th of May at 8pm, Eastern Australian Time.

Applications are now closed. Sorry for those that didn't get an application in.

Those that have been chosen will be announced in the coming few days.

I have chosen the characters and have began writing. You will soon find out who has been chosen.

Applicants List.

Second in Command:

Daemon Drakos (Kel'Dari) - picoura

Riku Arnhallr (Kel'Dari) - reindurrr


Yvan Rhys Féroun(Human) - dazzlecwc


Roselyn Lyko (Elf) - Nightstar01

Hazelle Ramonic (Human) - Ssamuraemon

Alatáriel Amarië Tinúviel (Elf) - Miyoko_Kato


Ariya Clousen (Elf) - snowflower280

Lasgælin Kirilmot (Elf) - unnamed1demannu
Celyria la Fère (Elf) - azu-nyan
Heracleum Xanthus (Elf) - raikou123


Haruthiel Uncia Aerielys (Half-Elf) - --fallen_angel--


Sephira Lenore (Human) - p3acexl0vexsuju

Onyx Eve (Elf) - CityDreamer

Karisë Mithalvarin (Elf) - oxygenbubble


Penotere Illira Hiliphos (Human) - 5revalations

Rhys Sync (Human) - Pandora242


Azo Zurvan (Human) - Iefa_San

Castor Greywinter (Human) - MomoFace


Jazmine Elderflower Xenthia (Human) - ThatGirlOverThere

Rhian Cerys Almeara (Human) - staticdream

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love it so far~ like seriously, this was awesome for a first chapter~~<br />
update soon~
sorry if I have read the first chapter a little too late.T.T)<br />
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I just realized that you named my eagle already! Orel! :) I liked it. (not that my opinion matters >.<)<br />
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an action fic. hmm.. I more of an emotion reader, but I enjoyed it, really. Yvan and Peno is <3 Haha. :)<br />
cool mage you got there. (obsessed with wind elemental magic, sorry)hahaha, sorry. ^^"<br />
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can't wait to see, when will the other characters appear. :)
I see integrations of a few different worlds, cool. Great first update
Mokunjet #4
" "A Kel'Dari? What is this madness?" he whispered to the fellow next to him. " for some reason i got reminded of 300 lol. good chap hyung<br />
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wahhh~ okay that was a good start Jay, i liked it XD<br />
all of us in the legion are so epic! XD
There will be some KPop idols in this but only as supporting/minors.
heyy i have a question<br />
are there going to be any kpop idpols in this story? or are they all oc's?<br />
but regardless, great first chapter cant wait for the next one
It's a good start. I love the length of the chapter, seeing as most stories on this site have painfully short chapters.<br />
(I also have criticism, but I'll hold off on that unless you want to hear it.)<br />
Mithril. Ha. You're going LoTR on us, aren't you? I personally prefer adamantium, but that's a different universe.<br />
What are you using as your Elvish language? It doesn't look like Quenya or Sindarin to me, but I don't really know either language.