Chapter Two

Five Faces of Kim Jongin



Two - When he feels embarrassed



“No,” he says, as he gives me an ‘are you kidding me’ look.


I laugh at the look on his face and pinch his right cheek. He swats my hand away lightly and frowns at me, before rubbing his cheek. “Oh, come on. Don’t be a baby. You did say that you would do anything for me.”


“And now I absolutely regret it,” he mumbles under his breath.


“You’re late,” I said, my pokerface in place.


Jongin scratched the back of his head – a sign that he was nervous. He bit his bottom lip and said, “Well, you see-“


I raised one of my hands and he immediately stopped talking. “No, I don’t want to hear your excuses. It’s probably going to be something unbelievable like ‘my dog ate my pants’ when obviously, Monggu wouldn’t do something like that or something lame like ‘I couldn’t fine my hair wax’.”


He grabbed the hand that I was raising and intertwined our fingers. I had to look away from him because he had this pleading look on his face and I know that I was going to give in easily if I continued looking at him.


“Come on, I’m sorry,” he pleaded with me.


“Fine,” I sighed, before continuing. “I’ll forgive you. On one condition.”


“I’ll do anything for you!” Jongin said eagerly, his eyes wide open as he waited patiently for me to say what my condition was.


I stared at him and gave him a sly smile. His eager expression changes into one of nervousness as he probably realises that my condition was not going to be that easy.


“So, are you going to do it or not?” I ask him.


He frowns at me a little – like a little child who has been asked to eat their vegetables – and mumbles, “Be glad that I kind of love you.”


“Excuse me? Kind of?” I retort, raising a brow.


“Yeah, kind of. I mean there are other girls- Ow!” he shouts in pain when I hit the back of his head.


He glares at me, annoyed at what I did and asks, “Jihyun-ssi, what was that for?”


“Do you want to be single, Jongin-ssi?” I retort, raising a brow.


“Well, maybe…” he smirks, and when I stand up from where I was sitting, he quickly adds, “Of course not. I would never want to lose you. I love you, you know that.”


“Good answer,” I smile at him sweetly before patting his cheek and sitting back down on my seat. “Now, do what I just told you to.”


“B-but I just told you that I love you,” he says immediately, trying to escape from doing what I just told him to do.


I shrug at him and got ready to stand up. As I was about to walk away, Jongin latches his arm around my waist to prevent me from walking further. He grumbles, “Fine, I will do it.”


“Yes, finally!” I say excitedly before clapping my hands enthusiastically.


“I’m going to get back at you for this. You know that, right?” he says to me, as though warning me. However, it does not have any effect on me. So, all I did was give him a taunting smile as if to say “bring it on”.


He gets up from his seat and stands in front of me. Jongin practically towers over me as I am sitting on the chair. I stretch my neck to look up at him and give him a smile of encouragement. He takes a deep breath before putting both his hands that were in tight fists to the side of his face. He then closes his eyes and says “Bbuing, Bbuing” through gritted teeth while moving his fists up and down.


I bite my bottom lip, trying hard not to laugh out loud. However, that failed because I let out a loud laughter. It was absolutely amusing to me, seeing how tortured Jongin looked while doing his task. Jongin’s whole face fills up with a lovely shade of red. He then scrunches his face in embarrassment and immediately covers his face with his hands, before turning around.


I let out a slight giggle at his actions. He usually does that when he finds himself in an embarrassing situation. I cannot help but find it such an endearing gesture. I like how he can be such a cocky little bastard but at the same time, he can be such a child, getting embarrassed over the littlest things. It just makes me love him even more.


I get up from my seat and walk towards him. Knowing that I was approaching him, Jongin walks further away from me. He mutters, “Go away.”


I say with a laugh, “Come here, you little boy.”


Jongin stops walking and turns around to walk towards me. Still blushing slightly, he says, “I hope you’re happy.”


I smile widely at him and wrap my arms around his waist. Placing my chin on his chest, I look up at him and say, sincerely, “I am very happy. You make me happy.”


Smiling at back at me, he wraps his arms around my waist and leans down to peck my lips. When he pulls away, he smirks while tapping my bum lightly and says, “Good, because I’m getting back at you.”



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yolandakim #1
I want to know the rest :((
yolandakim #2
Chapter 3: Aaaakkkk Jonginieeee is so swweeetttttt
yolandakim #3
Chapter 2: I kind of imagine the look of him when embarassed B-)
yolandakim #4
Chapter 2: The current chapter is till chapter 3, but why on the front when I search your story it's written 5 chapter? Did you errased them? :c I want to know the rest too


I really need to stop reading fluffy jongin fic. it's not good for my heart aswdsedwief

anyway this is such a good story! <3
Chapter 3: cute chapter > <
Chapter 3: Hahahaha! Giving him a taste of his own medicine, DEVIOUS AND SMART :B
KimRae #8
Yup, jongin's buingbuing is sooo damn -hot- cute xD
KimRae #9
uuhuhuhuhu i love this ;;__;;
Cant wait for his sleepy face xD