
Where Lightning Strikes

Dongho scratched his head and got up. Something wasn't right here...

The ground he layed on was cold and hard. Dark wisps of a dream floated around him, but he just couldn't place what it was about.

He shrugged and got back onto the couch. Apparently he had rolled off and hit his head.

"You okay?" a slender girl with short blonde hair asked, peeking into the room.

He got up and smiled reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry to wake you."

Dongho kindly guided her back to bed. "Sweet dreams."

She reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "You too, Dongho."

I tossed and turned in my sleep.

A dark figure kept hovering over me and whispering into my ear. It's breath felt like icewater dripping onto my skin.

It was chasing me. Please, somebody, help...


Soohyun sat by the girls side while she slept. She was so pretty, with her long dark hair and fair skin. Why didn't she like him? It wasn't like he had offended her or anything.

Suddenly he heard her moan in her sleep. Soohyun bent over her, grabbing a damp washcloth and setting it on her forehead. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here. Even though you hate me, I'll still be here," he murmered to her softly.

Her arms wrapped around his waist, trying to protect herself from the dream. Soohyun felt heat rising to his cheeks, still halfway bent over. The girl nuzzled in closer. He could feel the heat radiating off of her. Apparently the fever she has was worse then he expected.

Soohyun reached out and her cheek, softly singing a lullaby.  He lied down next to her and stared at her face. "You seem strong and push us away, but you really are like a lost puppy. Don't worry, I'll take care of you."  They both fell asleep smiling in eachothers arms.

I woke up to the gentle touch of hands, ruffling my hair lightly. A small chuckle comes from somewhere in front of me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Soohyun laying two inches away from my face. I tried to push him away, but his arms wouldn't let me. 

B-bmp. B-bmp. My heart was beating a mile a minute. With slight hesitation, I reached out and touched his light brown bangs. He smiled childishly in his sleep. I his hair between my fingers. This seems so familiar. I feel like I should be remembering something...

I slowly leaned into his chest and started cried quietly. I just wanted to give up!

His arms gently hugged me gently. 

"No way,"I muttered. "If he's awake, then I'd kill myself."

"Mmmm?" He muttered sleepily. "What time is it?"

"All right, where's a knife," I said, still crying but trying not to let Soohyun know that.

He paused a moment before releasing me. "Robyn, what's wrong?" It was too late; he already noticed.

"What did you just call me?" I asked grudgingly, brushing away the wetness from my face.

He smiled again, his warm brown eyes pracitcally radiating warmth. "Robyn. Since you can't remember your name, I thought I'd give you one."

"Good morning sleepy head. Are you feeling any better-" Clair peeked in the tent. "Ooooh Soohyuuuuuun.....just wait until AJ finds out that you slept by Robyn! You're such a ert!"

He got up to his feet really fast and chased her around. "I am not! Don't even think about mentioning it. It was an accident!"

"Accident, on purpose, same difference." Claire skipped gleefully around the small campfire that she had made.


I sat as far away from Soohyun as possible.

"So Claire," I asked, "where is AJ?"

She shrugged. "Running like a dog through the forest, I presume."


Soohyun laughed. "He's just gathering firewood. AJ's known for his running though. If he had been the one chasing you, you wouldn't of lasted 3 seconds."

I just nodded and didn't meet his eyes. Something about this guy gets on my nerves,'s cute.

Claire pointed. "Oh look, there he is now!"

I jumped to my feet. "Uh, Claire? That's not AJ!"


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