
One Cup of Coffee At A Time


I dotted my brush over the canvas, finishing up the last touches. My artpiece was done.
I was an amateur artist, painting requested portraits or photographs for a small fee. After graduating from Korea National University of Arts with a Masters degree in Visual Arts, Painting, I decided to plunge into painting as a career.
My home was my studio. I've been painting in my home ever since high school, where I took Art as a subject. I would set up my easel and canvas in the middle of my living room, and just paint. It helped me relief stress from school. My mother would make me a cup of coffee as I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, painting my art assignments. She accompanied me, lying on the sofa, chatting with me while I worked.
"I don't think your father would approve of you staying up so late, if he was still here," my mother mumbled, her eyes closing, and then abruptly opening again, trying hard not to fall asleep. "Cancer was tough for him. He was a strong man, and fought it with all his might, but alas."
I hummed in acknowledgement, focusing on my task at hand. Painting scenery wasn't as easy as I thought.
I took hold of the canvas and the easel. Gently, I placed the finished piece onto the coffee table, toppling over a few empty coffee cups in the process, and proceeded to fold the easel. I plopped myself onto the sofa, placed the easel beside me, and leant forward to pick up my completed painting.
I was surprised at how well I could still remember Byun Baekhyun's face. His coffee-tinted wavy hair, a small button nose sitting above a set of thin lips, and those slits for eyes when he smiled that angelic smile. 
We met in a plain way, nothing special. He was a high school student working as a barista at a coffee shop, and I was a high school student indulging in my daily cup of coffee.
Today was the first day of my second year at Sik Min High School and I mentally prepared myself for the challenge which was the yearly art assignment. This was the assignment that Mr Shin, my art teacher, gave at the start of the school year. It was to be handed in by the end of the year, specifically, the last day of school. During art, Mr Shin handed out brand new canvases to everyone. "Your assignment," Mr Shin instructed, "is to paint a person. It can be a portrait, or full-body." 
Since this was the first assignment of the year, I was determined to do well for it, and wanted to start right away. I needed an inspiration. I was against the idea of painting a famous figure; most of my classmates were doing that already. I wanted mine to stand out, I wanted to paint someone who intrigued me, who I wanted to find out more about.
After school ended, I put on my headphones as I walked out of school grounds. Looking around the streets of Seoul, I tried finding a person who piqued my curiousity. I took a deep breath. Finding a muse was proving to be a difficult task.
After a long while of walking around on the streets aimlessly, I decided to take a break. I entered a small cafe nearby. It was quaint and quiet, with only a few customers. The sepia-coloured wooden furniture and walls blended into a picturesque and peaceful scene, befitting a cafe. I chose a seat in the corner, where I could block out the rest of the world with my headphones and a cup of coffee.
As I settled down into the cushioned chair, a waiter came up to me. He was slightly taller than me, and looked about my age, too. He had fair, smooth skin and, as he handed me a menu, a charming smile.
"How can I help you?" he chirped in a sing-songy voice. I glanced down at the menu in my hands, and scanned it, trying to decide on a cup of coffee. "A mocha latte, please," I finally said.
"Sure," he flashed a grin, before turning to leave with the menu. I turned back to my blank canvas on the table, took out a pencil and a piece of paper, put on my headphones which were hanging around my neck, and started to sketch.
My fingers wrapped around the pencil, and moved swiftly across the fresh sheet of paper. I started to draw one of my favourite scenery: a garden in the summer. It wasn't until my mocha latte was placed in front of me did I realise I was so focused on my sketch, as I jumped a little, startled at the sudden appearance of another object.
"Your mocha latte," the waiter said with a bright beam. I hurriedly took off my headphones. "Thank you..." I squinted to read his nametag, "Baekhyun."

Sorry for this pretty dry chapter, I needed to get introductions done. It'll be more interesting (more Baekhyun) soon, promise!

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