one shot

Everything Is Perfect (ONE SHOT)

As I watched the children laughing and yelling as they ran around the yard, filled with may flowers, I couldn't help but smile. The sun happily got in my eyes, causing me to squint. This is what spring is about, yet, it was missing something.

“One lemonade, for the lovely lady.” A cheery voice chuckled, lightly setting the glass of sweetness onto the table beside me. I looked up to see Cheolyong's smile, creating those dimples I had fallen in love with those many years ago.

Yes, this is what my spring was missing.

My husband.

“Kamsamnida.” I whispered, turning my gaze away from the bright man beside me, a man whose smile is brighter than the sun above me. I turned my gaze back to my children, who were now attempting to do cart wheels.

“We sure our lucky, well, I know I am.” Mir sighed, leaning back into his chair. He looked at me and nodded toward the children. “We have the cutest daughter- as beautiful as you, and the most handsome son- who takes after me, of course.” I laughed, while Mir pointed from me to him.

“So true, how did we get this lucky?” I asked to no one, no one but the sunny day. Mir took my hand from across the table, and looked at me with his smile. The smile that used to win over all those fans- including his number one fan, or better known as his wife.

He chuckled, “I tried to think up some romantic explanation, but all I can think of is because of how awesome we are.” I let go of his hand, so I could clap while I laughed crazily. The children turned their heads toward me, confused, but quickly went back to their play. I wiped my tear, and calmed down long enough to look Mir in the eyes.

“You know, I was expecting it to be romantic too,” I chuckled. “But that was by far a better explanation. We are an awesome duo.” I sighed, and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “I love you, yonggie bear.” I whispered in his ear, causing him to blush.

“Yonggie bear?” He looked at me surprised. “I haven't heard that nickname in ages.” He smiled.

“I felt like it was appropriate.” I grinned.

“Well, although it just made the moment even more cheesy...I agree.” He replied, getting up from his chair, walking around the table to me, and getting down on one knee. Mir took my hand, and intertwined our fingers. He brushed his thumb over the back of my hand, and looked up at me.

“Mir?” I asked, tilting my head.

“Maddie,” He began, ignoring my startled look at the sound of my name. I hadn't heard him say it ever since I started going by my Korean name. “I wanted to tell you how lucky we are...more like how lucky I am...that we are together. Ever since the day I met you, set my eyes on your face, felt my heart beat so fast for the first time, I knew that I wanted to be with you.” He coughed, obviously embarrassed by his words. I just sat there, the tears beginning to form. “But Maddie, I wanted to tell you today, because today is a stunning day, and it reminds me of you.”


“I love you Maddie, as a friend, a love, a mother, and mostly as a wife. I promise to love you for the rest of my life, even though I already stated all this in my proposal...” He began to blush, realizing all of his words were random.

“Oh Mir.” I hugged his neck, and kissed him on the cheek. “I don't care if you said this before. That was so sweet, thank you, really.” I hugged him tighter, and he chuckled, rubbing my back.

“Is Mommy sad, Daddy?” A light voice asked. Mir lifted his head and turned around to the kids.

“Mommy's just happy. Happy that she...” I let go of Mir, and picked up my daughter.

“Mommy's just so happy that she saw you land your cart wheel for the first time!” I laughed, as Sammie wiped the tears from my eyes.

“Mommy! I did one too!” Kyon exclaimed, as he tugged on my pants. Mir laughed, and picked up Kyon.

“Such talented kids! Love, I think this calls for ice cream! Maybe even a walk in the park!” He cheered, the kids bouncing in our arms in approval. I laughed, and nodded.

“Sounds fun, and I think I know just the park to go to.” I smiled at Mir, who returned it with his grin.

There are those days...where everything is as best as it can be. Where nothing is missing from the puzzle of life, and you feel like if you died that would be forever happy.

This is one of those days.




Everything, is perfect.


THANK YOU!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this ^^ its just one of the many fantasies I have of Mir.

Do you have fantasies about your bias? Leave a comment telling me!! I would love to hear about them, and maybe even write about them!!

Also if you haven't seen Joon's mesage to his future wife.... its at 3:50 in thsi link:


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Aww that was so cute ^__^
Great job =)
KyraHero #2's so sweet. Nice job. A lovely oneshot...
Mrem96 #3
@GHOST5566 @Littlepenguins @Junggeunjii<br />
haha thanks so much for liking my one-shot!!! I like short-sweet ones yah know? and soon I'll be able to write one-shots so if you friend me I can remind you and you can submit a story!!
twowoos #4
Awww this was so sweet <333
Like the story! <3 ^_^
i love this! it short and sweet! :D
ExoticLoveer #7
Awww thats cute!
What a lovely oneshot! An ideals family with your ideals love. I'm sure every girls would love to have this fantasies with their bias. <br />
Personally i enjoy being with the bias in '2 peoples world' then only proceed to build family! :)<br />
<br />
By the way,thanks for sharing the link. I did watch it. I wonder do you still remember me? I'm one of your subscriber in your others story.