Sleepover No.2

My Dream in Korea

The rain was so heavy that Kai hardly could see, no more than a few meters away. The lightings were so intense that he was obliged to keep his head down, so as not getting blinded.


 He should have taken an umbrella.


But even now, with all these barriers, he wasn’t thinking of stopping and going back. He was only thinking of getting to you, ensuring that you weren’t scared and that you were totally OK.

  He cursed himself uncountable times while walking- almost running- because he had realised he had acted stupidly, two days before. And- beyond that- he hadn’t even apologised then. He just kept distance from you and he only found out that your parents would be travelling from Baekhyun. You weren’t very talkative, too. And he knew, he could tell from your face that you weren’t mad; you were mostly sad. And that’s when he became mad with himself.

  After all, he had promised not to get jealous again. But that was probably something impossible for him. Especially with that Joonho guy. He couldn’t stand even the idea of him, his name. He was sensing something that was making him worry. And he couldn’t ignore it.

  His jealousy… wasn’t completely undue.


  He wasn’t totally mad at you, though. He was mostly mad at his life, that didn’t allow him to be all the time with you. Then, he wouldn’t be jealous. Never.


  Absorbed by his thoughts, he kept on walking quickly, when he stepped into a puddle and his shoe got flooded with the cold water, making him shiver. The sense of the wet sock was feeling disgusting, but he bowed his head and kept walking.

  In reality, he was sure that nothing bad would happen to you. But only the thought that you were feeling scared was pushing him to run to you. And- anyway- you were all alone and that what was another important reason that he had to get to you.

   Another puddle. There was no difference, wearing shoes or not. People with umbrellas were looking weirdly at him. But he kept going.


  Two girls the same street as him and started walking next to him. Well, too close to him. He managed to look at them, taking the most annoyed expression he could. The two girls giggled, impressed by Kai’s hot look, which was outlined by the rain, that had soaked him fully.

  He turned his look away and tried to walk faster. However, the girls must have thought the whole situation as a game. They, having an umbrella, didn’t hesitate to follow his pace and get close to him again.

  He could hear their giggles again closer, his nerves getting tensed. One of them, pushed the second, who fell on Kai, pushing him on the edge of the pavement. Slippery as it was, his left foot slid and he twisted his ankle.

  He gasped in pain and bit his lip.


 The girls stopped next to him, worried as he had bent down.

 «Get lost, now!!» Kai yelled and the girls moved away quickly. «Aish, chinja...» he murmured and tried to walk again.





  A man’s figure was on the door. You felt a shiver down your spine and took a deep breath.

  With shaking hands and a heavy breath, you approached the door.


 «Who is it?» you mumbled.


 However, the noise of the thunderstorm was so loud that your voice probable got lost within this fuss.

  You gulped, as the bell rang again.


«Who is it?» you yelled this time.

«It’s Mr. Kim!» you finally heard the answer and sighed with relief.


 You opened the door quickly and smiled.


 Mr. Kim smiled back.


«Young lady… Are you on your own?»

«Ne, ajusshi. Tell me, how can I help you?» you asked, feeling your heartbeat slightly calmer.

«Do you have any candles, dear?»

«Ah… Yes. There are some candles in the kitchen. Wait for me to bring them to you.» you simply said and hurried in the kitchen.


  You opened a cupboard and searched quickly.

  «Candles… Candles…» you murmured and opened a paper box.

«Rina! Rina! Come here!» you heard Mr.Kim’s voice and you jumped from your position, grabbing two candles from the box.

 You rushed back to the door.

  And that’s when you gasped and the candles dropped from your hands.


Kai was standing next to Mr. Kim, as he was supporting him, all wet and tired looking.


  «Oppa!» you exclaimed and ran towards him.

  Something, however, reminded you that you were actually mad at him. And you cut down your speed.

  «Get him in and take care of him, young missie. He’s soaked to the bones!» Mr. Kim said seriously and grabbing the candles from the floor, he closed the door behind him, leaving you and Kai on your own.

 Kai looked at you with  unexplained eyes and tried to walk towards you, after removing his shoes. His twisted ankle, however, throbbed with pain and he gasped, clenching the painful spot.

  You let out a small scream and hurried to support him.

 Your voice came out more worried than you actually wanted.


«Kai… What happened? What’s wrong with your leg?» you asked, a shaking tone coloring your voice.

 Kai took slowly a breath and looked at you.

 At least, your house and your arms were warm.


«I sprained my ankle. Two girls on the street pushed and my foot slipped at the edge of the pavement.» he said with a weak, still serious voice.

«Oh my God! But… Kai, you are a dancer… What are we going to do now?» you exclaimed, tears appearing in your eyes.

«Calm down! Bring some ice and…» he was saying, but stopped. «Don’t cry.» he capped your cheeks and wiped your tears off.

  You nodded slowly and hurried to the freezer, where you found a pack of ice.

  Once again in the living room, Kai was still standing where you left him.


«Oppa, sit! It’s no good to stand on the hurt foot, huh?» you said and showed to him your sofa.

 Kai didn’t move again.

«Rin… Look at me and tell me if I look like I can sit anywhere.» he moved his shoulders.

 You slapped your forehead.

 Such was your panic with his ankle, that you actually forgot that he was soaked because of the rain.


«Omo, I’m so stupid! You’re gonna catch a cold! Come, you have to change clothes! I’ll give you one of my dad’s jogging pants and a t- shirt, OK? I hope you’re clothes will be dry until you leave. I’ll turn on the heating.» you said and turned to the stairs.

«I suppose they will, until the morning, right?» his voice stopped you.

  You gulped.

 But felt happy at the same time.


«Until the morning? What… what are you talking about oppa?» you mumbled.

«I came all the way here, as soon as Seulki came at our house and was planning her night out with Chanyeol. I… I thought you will be on your own and… there was a thunderstorm… And I… Ugh, anyway, I’m here to stay with you all night long, OK?» he said, touching his forehead with his hand.

  Kai… Kai went through all these to come here, so as I’m not alone and scared? you thought, new tears appearing in your eyes.

 You opened your arms to hug him, but he held you back.


«I’m all wet.» he said again, but –then- tried to smile. These clothes of your dad sounded nice.»

 You smiled, too, still with teary eyes, and headed upstairs.


 Kai sighed with relief. He had made it and  now he could be with you.

  The thunderstorm had become less intense, but he knew from the weather forecast that the weather would be a mess the whole night. So, he was regretting nothing.

  As soon as he had arrived to your house and saw a manly figure on the opened door, he was so scared that he probably lost some years of his life. Uncountable thoughts had crossed his mind.

  But, when he realised that it was Mr. Kim, he found person to support himself and his hurt ankle. Mr. Kim immediately offered to help him more and stay with them to show them how  to take care of the sprained ankle, but Kai had told him that he wants to be on his own with you. After all, he was a dancer, he knew many things about sprained ankles. Mr. Kim, understanding the situation, had agreed; that’s why he hurried to leave.


  You searched for one of your dad’s old pants, when he was slightly fitter, as Kai was thinner than your dad. Thankfully, they had the same height, so you finally found both pants and t- shirt that would fit. You grabbed a towel from your room and got downstairs again.

  Kai had started shaking, so you handed him the clothes and smiled.

«Here you go!» you grinned and placing the towel on his head, you rubbed his hair intensely.

  Kai smiled and started removing his blouse.


 You gasped and blushed.


«Yah, you can wait for me to leave the room, huh??» you exclaimed and covered your eyes with your palms.

 Kai rolled his eyes and laughed.


«Aigoo, you are so funny.» he put out his tongue and kept on removing the blouse and the jersey he was wearing under it.

 You, feeling the blood burning your cheeks, ran to hide in the kitchen and- as soon as  there- you could hear Kai still laughing. Your hands on your chest, you tried to calm down yourself. You were happy that Kai was with you…. But the feeling was still awkward.

  Looking around the kitchen, you thought of making something for him to eat. Some of your favourite chicken soup was in the fridge, so you thought of warming that up for him.

 «Rin! Can you bring me another towel to cover the ice pack?» Kai yelled.

 You were about to come out naturally, but you suddenly stopped.


«Are you wearing clothes right now?» you yelled.

«No, I’m all , waiting for you…» you heard him giggle again and you rolled your eyes.

«You are something, aren’t you?» you murmured and entered the living room, finding him seated on your sofa, his hurt leg on the short table in front of him.

 «I love teasing you.» he grinned and you hurried upstairs to get another towel.

«Here you go.» you puffed and threw the towel on his head. «I’m warming up some chicken soup for you to eat. Is that OK or do you want something else?» you asked him.

«It’s just fine.» he smiled cutely.

 Your heart skipped a beat with that cute smile.


«I’ll help you. The soup will be ready in a while, anyway.» you said and kneeled next to his leg.

  You covered the ice pack with the towel and gently placed it on his ankle, also bringing a cushion to comfort his foot there.

 Kai, still with the towel he had dried himself on his head, caressed your hair with a gentle smile.

«Thank you, baby.» he said quietly and you looked at him, smiling too.


«You need to dry your hair, too. If anything on you is wet you may catch a cold. So, I think a sprained ankle is enough, huh?» you moved your finger, getting up on your feet again.

 Kai moved his shoulders.


  You disappeared in the bathroom and appeared again with the hair dryer. You lugged it and moved it in front of Kai.

 «Here, mister.» you grinned and turned it on.

 He, however, pouted.

«But Rin… I can’t do it on my own… I’m here seated and I have the ice pack on my ankle and my hands will hurt me and…»

«Oh, OK, shut it up, I got it! I’ll do it.» you rolled your eyes and started drying his hair.

  Kai closed his eyes and smirked. He enjoyed being treated like a prince. Like, a lot. The moves of your hands were gentle and the air from the dryer warm, so he was totally feeling like a baby being carefully caressed.

  However grumpy you wanted to act, you started liking it, too. It was nice to take care of him. After all, he had been through all these, just to come at your place and assure that you are doing fine. Didn’t he deserve a little care?

  His hair started becoming soft, as it was drying, so the feeling became pleasant.

«See? You are probably enjoying it more than I do.»

  You snapped out of your calmness, realising that Kai had turned his head and was looking at you, smiling slyly.

 «Yah, cut that off.» you said firmly and slightly pulled his hair.

«Ouch!» he rubbed his head.


 Suddenly, you smelled the soup from the kitchen and you gasped.


«Finish it on your own!» you left the hair dryer next to Kai and ran into the kitchen.



  A few minutes later you were offering to Kai a full bowl of chicken soup.

 «It’s tastier than I expected it.» he smiled, after eating a spoon.

«Ehm, thank you?» you rolled your eyes.

«Aish, don’t be whiny, princess, OK?» he giggled and patted your head, as you were sitting next to him on the sofa.

 You pumped the volume up on your TV again, able now to watch your movie again. Fear had vanished from your soul and you were feeling completely calm, also happy with Kai’s presence. He was indeed caring for you. And that was making you happy.  


  You sighed with happiness, causing Kai to look at you.

 «Are you OK?» he asked.

 You nodded and smiled.

«Are you still mad at me…?» he asked, half- closing his eyes.

 That question kind of surprised you. The reason? You had actually forgotten that you were mad at him previously. However, you moved your head negatively.


«I’m not. Because… because you went through all these s to come to me… I would be a really ungrateful person, if I was still mad, right?»


«I acted stupidly again. And I know it. I didn’t even have the guts to apologise… I know I’m a pabo and nothing else. And if it still makes any sense… I want to apologise now. I’m sorry for acting like an idiot all the time… You don’t deserve it.» he dropped his head and left the bowl with the soup on the table in front of him.


 You rubbed your head awkwardly, but decided not to answer to him directly about that.


«Ehm… Thank you for coming, Kai oppa… I’m really glad you are here.» you smiled and creeped closer to him on the couch.


«You don’t accept my apology then…? OK…» he closed his eyes and rest his head behind.  «But, I’m glad I’m here, too.» he smiled.


 «Not responding, doesn’t mean necessarily no or yes…» you imitated him and rest your head back.

  You felt his hands embracing your waist and dragging you in his hug.

  He slightly kicked the ice pack and rolled on his left, locking you in his arms.

 «Enough with the cold… Can we go to something hotter?» he chuckled and bent to kiss you.


 As soon as his lips touched yours, you kind of remembered that it was only you and him and it was night. Late night.

 And immediately you panicked.



 You pushed him away and felt blushing.


«Don’t be naughty, OK?» you murmured, but stayed in his hug.


«Is it being naughty just to kiss you? Since when?» Kai whined, but you ignored him, your attention again on the movie.






 Sehun drank a little from his lemonade and smiled at Victoria.


«You aren’t drinking your cola… Is there anything wrong?» he asked.

 She seemed surprised by his question.


«Oh… It’s nothing really… I just…» she blushed. «I was just thinking that this moment… I feel so happy. I was sure that the ideal date will be somewhere luxurious and stuff, with great clothes and etc, etc. But now…» she smiled.

«Now?» Sehun raised an eyebrow.

«Now… I feel fully happy simply by being in a cafe, drinking cola and listening to the rain, with… with you.» she blushed again and rubbed the back of her neck cutely.

 Sehun smiled happily.

«I’m very satisfied to hear that. Really. Because I’m having a good time, too. Thank you for giving me a chance, Vic… I think that we… somehow… can work it out. Huh?» Sehun blushed, too.

 Victoria gasped and widened her eyes.

«However I was acting… However I was treating Rina, who is a dear friend of yours… You still… still liked me. And this… this is irreplaceable for me… Because… I don’t receive much love you know. So… yeap. I kind of think that we can work it out indeed.» she smiled and touched Sehun’s hand.

 He shivered and closed his eyes.

«I can’t believe that this is actually real…» he whispered.


«Well… neither can I…» Victoria smirked and approached Sehun’s face to kiss him on his cheek.


 However, it was as if Sehun sensed her presence and decided to be the one to make the most important move. So, as he felt Victoria’s breath on his cheek, he turned his head to face her, causing her lips to crush on his.


«Ah!» Victoria gasped in surprise and pulled back.

«What? Was that bad?» Sehun raised an eyebrow again.

 She blushed and looked away.

«No… not at all.» she smiled and finally looked at him.

«So… can I repeat it?» Sehun asked, giggling.





You were rolled on your sofa, your head resting on Kai’s laps.

Kai was caressing your hair. You didn’t really know for how long. But it didn’t matter, since you were feeling nice. Really nice.


«Don’t you bother that your parents left?» Kai asked.


 You rolled and looked at him.


«No… It was my choice to stay here. It’s not like they abandoned me or so. My parents aren’t like that, Kai and you know it.»

 He sighed.

«Yeah… I know that. Sorry. I didn’t mean to critisise them.» he rubbed his head.

«I know, oppa, don’t worry.» you grinned and tied your hands behind his neck, bringing him closer to you.


«And… can I ask why you decided to stay here?» he raised an eyebrow and smirked.

«Because… my parents were already suspicious that I wasn’t feeling OK. If I were with them 24/7, they would be asking me all the time. And you know how much I hate that, don’t you??»

«Only for that?» he smirked again.

«Well… I was very sad with our fight… I had no mood for trips or holidays.» you murmured.

  Kai bit his lip and bent closer to you, your hands still behind his neck.

«Ugh, I love you so much that I can’t fight it…» he said in a sly way and kissed you on your lips.

  Feeling the warmth of the moment, you kissed him back, playing with his hair at the back of his head.

«I liked that…» Kai whispered in between of a second kiss, which came out deeper and more passionate.

«Yah…» you were about to protest, but the feeling overtook you.


 The kisses proved a nice way to spend your time. You had Kai locked in your arms and he had his hands on your tummy. The awkward moment came when Kai’s hands slipped down on your hips and his kisses became more aggressive.


  That’s when you finally opened your eyes and widened them.


 What to do, what to do… your mind raced crazily.

However, panic messed your mind and you simply pushed Kai away from you.


«No! Don’t do that!» you protested, feeling blushing.


 Kai dropped his head. He didn’t intend on freaking you out.


«I’m sorry… I just couldn’t help it.» he held your wrist.


You nodded quickly.


«I just… I might… I’m just going to bed, OK? You can sleep here, on the sofa… It’s comfortable, don’t worry.» you assured him and escaped from his grip, heading quickly upstairs.


 He palmed himself and cursed through his teeth.


He acted in rush and scared you. And that was the last thing he wanted.



You wore your pajamas and jumped on your bed.


A lightning brightened your room and a deafening thunder made you gasp.


 You got mad with yourself for freaking out so much. But you simply couldn’t control it. In no way. You hadn’t been  in a similar situation never again.


 You covered yourself with a blanket and rolled on your bed.


Why did the thunderstorm have to start now again?


You were having such a good time… And you messed everything up.


Another thunder.


You choked a small scream, covering your mouth.


At least you are not alone… At least you are not alone… you kept on murmuring to yourself.


Kai… you should apologise to him…

 The third thunder made you jump from your bed and ran to the door.


 You, instinctively, opened it and immediately bumped against Kai’s chest.

«K- Kai…» you murmured.


«I’m here to… to check if you are OK…» he patted your back. «Don’t get scared, huh?» he smiled and turned to leave.


However, you held his hand.


«Oppa… Stay with me, please… I’m… I’m scared.» you moved your head slowly.

 Kai widened hs eyes.

«You want me to sleep here?» he raised an eyebrow.

«Yes… but only if you aren’t naughty. Because if you are… I’ll push you down from my bed.» you moved your finger and he, smirking, grabbed your hand and kissed it.

«I will be as quiet as an angel, I promise.» he kissed your cheek.


  Satisfied with that answer, you jumped again on your bed and patted the spot next to you.


«My bed isn’t for two persons, but I think we can both fit in here. And I take the side of the wall, OK? It feels warmer and safer!» you lied back and smiled at him.


«I have no problem with that, actually.» he creeped next to you, lying, too.


 «Is your ankle any better?»


«Yes. Don’t worry… Sleep tight now.» he said quietly, pulling the blanket over you and him.


 A lightning startled you, causing you some chills on your spine. Kai patted your head.


«I’m here, don’t worry. Everything will be fine.» his voice proved much more calming than expected. «Can I hug you?» he added.

 You nodded and rolled next to him, his arms instantly embracing you tightly.


 «Good night, Jongin oppa.» you said, as sleep made your eyelids heavier.

«Good night, jagiya…» Kai smiled, feeling a weird pleasure by hearing his real name.


Finally, at least that night, had a good ending. 




From misschoi: Hi people!! Something warm for the Holidays~ ;) Thank you for your support, views, comments and subscriptions! Infinitely thank you!!! Merry X-mas and Happy New Year to all of you!!! <3 Take care til next time!! =D 

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Chapter 35: Please update!
bluesweett #2
Chapter 35: I hope you are doing better author-nim, thanks for the update! :) ill be waiting for the next one~
Chapter 34: Good luck authornim...and Congrats for your great story...^^
Chapter 34: Ermagerd whos that?goodluck author^^
kayepop #5
Chapter 33: There so sweet! Update soon :)
Chapter 32: i can't wait though*.*
JesSev #7
Chapter 32: I hope it's kai thought.... Update soon :)
JesSev #8
Chapter 27: update soon *-*