Missing Something; Found.

Guide Me.


With March here, comes the snow and maybe something else. The snow continues to cascade down the streets. Along with two particular people, making their way. So close yet so distant. With his hand, on his wrist. 

        "I understand Mrs. Oh, you're welcome" Luhan said to Sehun's mother. 

 Sehun stood behind Luhan, like a lost puppy. Almost too literal. Luhan wasn't his friend nor wanted to be, he was Sehun's guide. Mrs. Oh would pay him weekly to get Sehun home and to school safely. Since she didn't have the time nor compassion do it herself. Luhan just needed the extra cash.
"You know you don't have to keep doing this" He frowned. Sehun with his chin down to his chest said, through the icy breaths he took. "I just need the money, okay. That's all" Luhan replied to him, pulling him by the wrist down the porch. Luhan clearly annoyed, and Sehun illegible. 

"I love the feel of the snow. I hope it snows on my birthday, I'd love that" Sehun said looking up, hold his free hand up to the sky catching snowflakes, with his eyes closed. He basked in this sweet moment, but Luhan had to break it with his narcissistic reality. "You're birthday is in April. It'll be spring by then" Luhan pulled his wrist closer, with a feeble smile. 

Everyday they took the same route to school. One that Sehun thought he could memorize. He would count the steps intricately, then the directions, followed by the sounds of each vendor, and smell of each street cart. But to his dismay he couldn't. 

 One morning Sehun finally mustered enough courage to go to school on his own. He followed his clear memory of each step he took. But without the fast footsteps in front of him, and the warm wrist was once secured tightly around his wrist. Sehun couldn't think clearly, he felt like he was missing something. In the long run he ended up calling his mom, following the braille on his cellphone. 

  Lately, Luhan has been way too distracted whilst his journeys with Sehun. Usually he would try to be nice, but something about him makes him uneasy. He doesn't want any part of Sehun, yet he longs to be that hand to safely grasp his. So avoidance and independence is key to Luhan. Maybe if he didn't show any interest, he could convince him self that Sehun is just a waste of life. 

 "Here's your locker. I'll pick you up here later" Luhan said to Sehun. Sehun stood there looking in the distance, with his pale almost lifeless eyes. That Luhan almost felt invited to. He sometimes would just stand there and look into them, trying to read his thoughts. "Yeah, see you later" Sehun said. Too ironic. 

  But when Sehun turns around to attempt to open his locker, Luhan just watches from a far. Just to makes he's safe, so Mrs. Oh won't get mad. Or so what he tells himself, every time he catches himself looking at his beautiful porcelain skin, or thinking about his small pink lips. Though Sehun can't see that Luhan is there. He can sense it, he always has. 

  As the weeks passed by, the time they spent was the same. Though the snow melted and the cold wind stopped blowing. Feelings have changed.

At the end of the day, Luhan was dying to see someone that never left his mind.He went to see Sehun with a smile on his face, he wasn't there. Usually he would already be standing there with his beanie and coat already on, and his bag slung over one shoulder. All he felt was the unusual cold breeze brought in the poor school doors, (because Sehun's locker was so close to the exit). Luhan became erratic. His heart stopped beating for a moment, before her ran out of the school to find him. 

  It was early April, and the breeze that blew by was awfully cold, and the clouds in the sky were awfully grey. But Luhan was still worried, Of course he was worried. He's Sehun for goodness sakes. He's the most innocent person Luhan has ever met. Or so he wanted to think. Luhan just wanted to find him, and reassure for himself. As he ran down the same route, through the soft flakes of snow, from a distance he saw him. In the middle if the side walk taking small steps, slowly, with hands opened up to the sky. Sehun's lips pursed and held an empty look in his eyes. Luhan felt his heart sink. Just the look on his made Luhan go crazy. 

  He picked up his pace to get to him. But being Luhan we grabbed his cold hand, and held it against his. "Don't do that again you'll get lost" He told him. With a scolding voice that hid behind an expression full of relief. "Sorry, I just felt the cold and wanted to see if it snowed. Particularly on today" He said with a hint of innuendo in his voice. "Let's just go home" Luhan said. And that was the end of their conversation. 

Something to Luhan felt different. Every time he looked at Sehun it wasn't the same. All he was was the innocent boy, playing in the snow. And Every time it never failed to make him smile. Besides the fact, that he had the courage to hold his hand on the way home. As for Sehun. He was surprised that Luhan was actually holding his hand, but sad that he hadn't realized it was his birthday. They both continued like this, silent but comfortable, both surround by thoughts of the other. 

As they reached the front porch, Luhan finally did it. "Sehun, Happy Birthday" He said to him while grabbing his other hand in his. Holding both his hands in his, he looked into his eyes. But this time he could read the happiness in them. "Thank You, Luhan" He smiled at him, surprisingly looking into his eyes too. With the seconds that passed by slowly, Luhan held his chin in his and and reached in to peck his lips. When they pulled back, Luhan had never seen Sehun smile that brightly. "I realized today that, you are more just a person in need of guidance. You are a person in need of love. Something I can help you with. Oh Sehun, I love you." 

With April comes spring and maybe a new beginning. The snow melts and it's a time to start anew. The cherry blossoms cascade down the street along with two people walking to school. Once so distant now too close. With fingers intertwined

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WhoaWmee #1
Chapter 1: Loved it thank you