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Dear Jiyong and Seunghyun..


Here I am, writing a letter to the both of you because Jiyong threatened me that he will not reply to my text messages or pick up my phone if I refuse to write again this time. And guess what? He really did! I’ve been calling like.. 10 times yesterday and sent almost 50 texts, and Jiyong how dare you not answer any of my calls! I mean, what the hell is wrong with you??

Anyway, since I missed you guys too much, I eventually submit to Jiyong’s demand (when have I never?).

Through this letter, once again I apologize, from the bottom of my heart, that I couldn’t attend your wedding. I know I said that I was so busy with work, that I couldn’t just leave again after taking a long break, but.. I guess that wasn’t entirely true. I wasn’t able to tell you guys, especially Jiyong, the real reason. But I think I had to do it eventually, because you guys don’t deserve to be treated that way. Especially Jiyong. What kind of best friend am I if I keep lying to you, Jiji. Well, although it is partly true that I had a hell lot of work to finish those time of the year, but mostly... deep down it still hurts. I’m really sorry to disappoint you. I know, I’m not someone worth to be called “best” friend. I’m probably the worst. Or at least, just an ordinary friend. Definitely not the best. I keep hurting you guys. It broke my heart to hear Jiji crying and begging for me to come, yet I still didn’t came. But Jiyong, you are the bestest friend ever. You understand, don’t you? Please do. Please forgive me and don’t hate me. Please keep being my friend even though I’m such a coward for not telling you this in person.  I’m not saying that I’m not happy for you guys, because I am. I wish you guys a lifetime of happiness. I am glad that I lose Seunghyun to you, Jiji. If it were someone else, I’d fought harder for Seunghyun and I. But this is you, and I know nobody else deserves Seunghyun but you. Not even me.

But! Through this letter I wanted to tell you—it will be a lot more fun to tell you by phone, Jiji—but I might have a crush on someone already. Yay! Do you remember Youngbae? We used to practice at his father’s studio when we were in high school. I met him again a couple weeks ago and we exchange our phone number and whatnot. We hangout a couple of times already, and.. he confessed to me two days ago. I don’t know. I mean, I’m still not over Seunghyun yet, if I am to be honest, but I think I might like him a little. He told me he will wait, that his confession was not meant to burden me, and honestly, I really want to try. I really really want to be able to let go of you, Hyun, like, really let go until there’s nothing left. I’m not sure I can do that, though. I won’t lie and say that I’m absolutely sure I can do that, but at least, I want to let go of whatever I need to let go and be happy with someone else. Youngbae, hopefully ^^

Ummm, what else? Ugh I’m so not used to type this much, I’d rather talk all night long, you know. But I love Jiyong so much, so what can I do?

Ah, speaking of, Daesung is doing well here. He is now living in Busan with his mother, who wanted to live near the coast since she missed Bali too much. He’s seeing someone now. The nurse that attended his mother. It is a funny story actually. Daesung despised him so much at first because he had the same name as Seunghyun. But the kid really didn’t care and despite Daesung’s constant bitterness towards him, he still act cool. He liked Daesung since day one and totally, totally showed Dae his feelings in everything he does. Daesung softened a bit after he saw how the kid (who now he calls Seungri, I’m not sure why though) took care of his mother sincerely. And so they live happily ever after. Hopefully.

Ah, okay! My fingers are starting to have cramps. I need to tell you all this again myself through facetime or skype Jiyong! I have done what you asked for so tomorrow, answer my calls or I WILL NEVER CALL YOU AGAIN! You hear me??? Wait, it’s an email, of course you won’t hear me.

Make sure to eat, Jiji. Seunghyun please never let that brat skip his meal or skip his vitamins. God! I’m so not used to living so far away from you, Jiyong-ah! I miss you and I’m literally crying every night here from missing you! (Sorry Seunghyun, but no, I do not miss you as much as I miss Jiyong)

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writing the next chapter of Always now. I hope the mood and the idea stays long enough until I finish. And hope you guys are still here when I post it! haha.


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Chapter 19: Akhirnya....
Finally final.... yeaaay.
Chapter 7: Bayangin seunghyun jadi orang hindu .... serasa ngebayangin jodoh lagi di depan mata :'>
Ini ff the best .... ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 7: Author-nim maaf nih ya ... no offend
Mbak agama hindu ya ? :'>
Kok tulisan om swastyastu nya bagus amat ...
Kalo salah ... ampure ya mbak :>
Btw sy orang hindu makanya nanya :')
Chapter 5: Mbak ... akunnya yg di fanfiction.net masih aktif gak ??? Soalnya ceritanya yg the beauty beast gak update2 :'( ... penasaran ama lanjutannya.
Anyway ... buat cerita ini plotnya ngena bgt. Salut deh ama ide2nya mbak. Pas ngeliat authornya kutunakal dan critanya ada latar indo2 gtu... langsung sy baca mbak. Fighting ya mbak ... sm the beauty beastnya kl bisa di lanjutin dong :)

P.s. : udh lama gak comment pake b. Ind :> ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 19: Omg that's so sweet! !!!thank you for this epilogue. . This story was awesome thank you for it and all the hard work toi pour into it! !!! I hope to read you more one day so if you got time and GTOP inspiration know that I'll be always waiting to read you!! ;)
Dragon63 #6
i really needed an epilogue like this ^^
this was perfect, thank you so much for this!!!! :D :D :D
hashimocca #7
Dear author-nim.. since i saw you still OL and we are from same country.. can i ask you something..?? Pleasee dont abandon this story... and update soon..
vododoll #8
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaah i love this storyyyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 18: hey unnie, I thought you had stopped shipping GTOP (just because you didn't update any of your stories and we haven't chatted for a long, long time, haha)
glad you still do! and I'm really happy with this update. pengen teriak AKHIRNYAAAAAAA TTvTT

part pembicaraan Jiyong sama Dae yang diskip mungkin yang bikin endingnya terkesan sedikit rushed, tapi semua pembicaraan sama Bom make up for it kok :"D
dan memang the talk with Bom is way more important than the talk with Dae, haha
well, Jiyong, pls be a happy husband and son-in-law. :p you deserve this for all you've done~ ciee ntar jadi Choi Jiyong wkwkwk
nunggu epilog dan apdetan Distraction~~
Chapter 18: Finallyyyy Jiyongiee /throwconfetti/ all is well... Can't wait for the epilogue (can we get some y scene of their "malam pertama" ? /grins/)

Thank you for updating... <333
PS. I am still waiting for Distraction to be updated ;p