- Sickening ways to get them ready -

Being The "Responsible" Leader !

My eyes fluttered open to be almost blinded from the morning light. The curtains giving off streaming shapes of light and shining on my mangled body. Ugh . . I pulled myself up from the couch and looked at the clock on top of the t.v.

7:23 A.M. . . 

Of course, I'm the first one awake. DUH ! I stretched and my spine cracked like a b*tch. "Ow . . !  " I bit my lip and hushed the words out angrily. I'm only 25 ! Not 52 ! . .

I went up to the windows and pushed the curtains open. I winced and squinted my eyes, as I saw the morning light hit me like a pickup truck. The living room was quiet and bright. The 2 white gaming controllers were scattered in front of the t.v. with a few soda cans. I sniffled my nose and headed for the bathroom.


I placed the last plate of eggs on the center of the table. One plate was scrambled and the other plate was sunny side up. I made sure that some of them were firm and the others were runny. They all like their eggs different. I untied the back of my apron and tossed it aside. The pink apron landed on top of the snack pantry. Placing my hands on my hips, I stared at the table. There were bowls in front of each seat with different cereals the members liked. Milk, sugar, maple syrup, and jam in the far ends of the table. Toast and bacon on the sides. And the eggs in the center.

Whew. . I sighed heavily and wobbled my legs to each of their rooms.

Jiyeon's room first.

Her door was half way open, so I just slipped in. That girl had her blanket spilled on the floor and was hugging the pillow. I could see a wet puddle of drool on the poor pillow sheet. I put my hands on her sides and rocked her back and forth. "Jiyeon ahh ~ Wake up ! Breakfast is ready." She grunted at my words and murmured "mmm . . okay. " 

Areum's room second.

The door creaked as it opened and saw that she was already awake. Sitting by her vanity mirror and tying her silky hair into a bun. She noticed me and knew  what I was going to say. "I'll be at the table, in a moment. " She said in a singy songy voice, I raised my eyebrows and shrugged.

Hyomin's room third.

That girl is a ridiculous sleeper. She sleeps as if she is in yoga class. Everyday is different. This time, her body was half off the bed and her legs were curled to her back. "What the ? Hyomin get up ! Breakfast is ready ! God damn it ! " I picked up the other half of the body that was falling to the floor. She flailed her arms at me. "Just 5 more minutes, unnie .  . " She gritted her teeth. Better be at the table, before I can whip her .

Qri's room fourth.

This girl is the second hardest to wake up. Lord. . I stomped my feet up to the little princess-like girl and grabbed both of her shoulders from her bed. "Hey ! Lee Qri ! Get up and eat ! " I shook her so hard and her head bobbed back and forth. "So-y-eonie-e-e, c'mo-o-o-on " Her skinny little body being tossed around by me. "This is what happens when you play video games late at night ! " I snapped at her and slapped her thigh.

On the way to Eunjung's room, I saw Boram unnie awake. She must've smelled the food. I'm so messed up.

Eunjung's room fifth.

I hate waking her up. She is the hardest to. I made sure to slam her door open. The door clanged loudly against the white wall. I quickly walked in the room and held a golden bell that was especially brought for my dear little Eunjungiee. I rung it violently. "EUNJUNG, WAKE UP ! OR I'M GOING TO GET ANGRY ! " I rung it right on her face and her rilakkuma dolls fell onto the floor, as she shifted her body. "EUNJUNG ! NOW ! " I pulled her arm and she lifelessly tossed her body to the floor. "EUNJUNG ! GOD DAMMIT ! NOW ! " I yelled and grabbed both of her arms. I slid her from her bed to the door, by this time, she was half awake. "mmm, unnie. Okay. Okay. "

My job here, is done.


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ind_vis94 #1
Chapter 6: So sweet...
1140 streak #2
Chapter 6: Hahahaa Jiyeon runs around without pants??? Hahaha
browtogs09 #3
Chapter 6: im glad you updated this story is very funny...LOL!!
pioushej #4
Chapter 5: hahaha hahmkyul jjang!
1140 streak #5
Chapter 5: Hehe i cant stop laughing at how Hyomin sleeps and how Soyeon wake up Eunjung.... Update soon author
1140 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hehe Hamkyul vs Taeny love it and the 2 troublemakers too
soyeonismine #7
Chapter 3: Eheheheheh I somehow enjoy Soyeon's attitude :P
shikshin12345 #8
"with those 6 other derp to take care of" this make me LOL . done sub ^_^
Chapter 2: haha they are a pain in the ___ soyeonnie? right? XD
Chill my leader-ssi! They are all sweet anyway :P
Chapter 1: Nice introduction author.nim! Hehehe Hope you update soon again.. Cant wait to see the T.ara members craziness.. Heehee \(^0^)/ Thanks ;')