
C · H · U




 April, 2010. 7.30pm, Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea.


"Miss. C Young?" The man standing before me was clad in a suit and bowler cap.

In his hand he held a piece of card with my name printed on it clearly. Around us people were watching curiously, obviously wondering who I was to be received by a man clearly in a drivers uniform. I nodded my head, to which the man frowned at.

"Identification card, please." He asked curtly, again in heavily accepted English.

I stared at him dumbly for a moment. Did he want to see my passport, or my drivers permit? Wait... Maybe it was my new Entertainment VISA I'd attained?

Then it hit me.

I quickly slid my backpack off and took out my purse, which now held a slot for my brand new SMentertainment Trainee ID card. I handed it the man curiously and watched as he scrutinised it before handing me it back.

"Let me help." He grabbed the handle of my suitcase before I could respond. I let him, secretly relieved. My shoulders were aching from hurling it through customs, since it was so heavy. It did contain my life, after all.

"Thank you." I responded in Korean as I slipped my ID back into my purse, and my purse back in my bag.

"Your pronunciation is good." I looked up to see his surprised expression.

"I practiced the most the on it." I admitted proudly.

Before moving into more Intermediate level lessons I'd worked tirelessly on my accent, making sure I worded everything proper. I was glad for my hard work and effort now that I was here at last.

Seoul, Korea, at Incheon Airport itself.

"Come, I am to take you to your dorm." He announced, pulling my suitcase. I followed him quickly, shouldering my backpack.

"Where is my dorm?" I asked as i followed him out of the terminal doors.

Since my ticket had arrived in the post, along with another information Pack from SME, I had been left curious about my actual Dorm. The Pack had given me a travel guide book on Seoul, a message telling me transfer to my Dorm would be taken care of, and anther booklet about my VISA, but other than that... Nothing.

The original Pack I bad been given at the audition had just included an information and fact book on SMentertainment itself and another information book on SMAcademy, a school which helps those wanting to make it in the Entertainment industry with their singing and dancing.

But where I was to live, my schedule and dorm partners hadn't been included.

"Gwangjin." He answered, as we beaded into a parking lot. He had drawn a set of keys from his pocket.

"Ah..." Was all I was able to say, since I hadn't a clue where that was.

He led us past several cars before finally stopping next to what I can only describe as a huge black SUV with tinted windows. As the driver unlocked the doors and began to load my case in the trunk, I opened the door eagerly and smiled to myself at the black leather seats and TVs behind the head rests.

It had two single seats in the middle row then a three seater in the back. I wondered if I was the only was being picked up, considering the space.

As the driver got back behind the wheel I strapped myself in the single seat behind him and took my phone from my pocket. It was a battered old Flip Nokia I'd bought especially for coming with a new Korean sim, though I only had two numbers so far. Mothers and Annas.

I reeled off a quick text to my mum.

» Me: Got here safely, missing you already xx  

» Mama: good, make sure u take lots of pics luv u too x

I smiled at how quickly she responded.

As we drove over the highway to Seoul I took pictures of the sites around me on the camera Mother had bought as a going away present. Capturing the various skylines, I marvelled at how different everything was here from my quiet town in Florida. The sun was setting and everything was lit up, just like how I remembered Vegas as a child.

It was truly beautiful.

After about an hour of driving through traffic we finally arrived outside a quaint looking apartment block. Pulling up, the driver switched off the engine and turned to look at me in his seat.

"This is it." He announced, again in English. I grinned and hopped out of the car, breathing in the warm air.

The area was quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the main district, and I noticed there weren't many people about. I followed the driver as he got my case and headed inside.

The lobby was bare and plainly decorated, though was in neat condition. As we entered there was a hall with doors, an elevator and a huge set of double doors which I assumed led to the stairwell. We stepped into the elevator, which was big enough for at least four with mirrored walls. Pushing the button for the third floor, we ascended and walked down the bright hall towards apartment 24A.

"This is yours." He told me, fishing out a key from his jacket.

Unlocking the door, he held it open and gestured me to go first. I entered nervously, and looked about at my new home.

It was a simple apartment with a living room and small kitchen combined, with a two seat sofa, a singer chair and tv pushed against the far wall leaving a huge open space with mirrors against one of the walls and a small CD player on the floor. A few beanbags and rolled up exorcise mats were near the mirrors against the wall, with two sets of dumbbells and an exorcise ball. The kitchen was separated by a breakfast bar with three stools, and was modestly decorated.

Two doors ran off in the open space, and a glass balcony door was behind the sofa.

Stepping through the first door I was lead into a narrow hall with three doors. In each were completely matching bedrooms with space for a single bed, bedside table, a desk bare except for a desk lamp and a small set of draws and wardrobe.

The second door next to the hall lead into a bathroom with a bath, toilet, a sink with a overhead mirror and a small standing shower.

Back in the living room I found the Driver stood facing the breakfast bar.

"Here is your schedule and apartment key. I'll be back tomorrow at 9am to pick you up." Then he bowed.

I bowed back and gave him a bright smile.

"Thank you." I gushed in Korean. He inclined his head, gave me a small smile and left my apartment, shutting the door behind him softly.

I stared around my apartment once more, my smile widening. Mine, this was my home now. I loved it!

Laying my suitcase down in the empty space I opened it up and began taking out a few things for the night. Laptop, phone charger, pajamers, slippers, clothes for tomorrow and most importantly... My Other information packs.

I'd unpack the rest tomorrow.

Even though it was only quarter to nine, jet-lag had hit and I was tired from the hours of flying and travelling to and from airports. Taking a quick shower I washed my hair and slipped into my pajamers before grabbing the schedule from the counter and sitting myself down on the sofa.


Monday - Friday: 

6.30am - Pick up.

7am - 13.00pm - School.

13.00pm - Pick up.

13.30pm - 15.30 - Language Class.

15.30 - Pick up.

16.00 - 20.00pm - SM Academy. 

20.00pm - Pick up.

20.30 - 22.00pm - Independent Study.


6.30am - Pick up.

7.00am - 10am - Language Class.

10.30am - Pick up.

10.40am - 11.30am - Gym. 

11.30am - Pick up

12.30pm - 19.00am - SM Academy. 

19.00pm - Pick up. 

19.30 - 22.00 - Independent Study.


6.30am - Pick up. - 9am - Church Service.

9am - 22.00pm - Free Time.


"Wow..." I muttered, my eyes zoning on the morning pick up times.

Half six.. That was pretty early. I'd have to get up at 5.30 just so I could get showered and ready! And church service? I wasn't even religious, did that mean I still had to attend? I’d never been to Church in my life.

SM Academy... I'd always dreamed of attending there, especially since my dancing skills required a lot of work. But seven hours of it on a Saturday? It was insane, and Gym for an hour? Was that also necessary when I was to practice so long? I wasn't fat... Right?

And pick up... Would I get a chance to ride the the public transportation? I'd always wanted to try the Seoul subway. Language Classes, I needed, but for two and a half hours and three on a Saturday? Wasn't that too much?

Free time... Now that was one thing that bright a smile to my face. I bad huge plans to explore Seoul and see the local sites first hand. By the looks if this id be carted around everywhere without much time between activities, meaning there wasn't time in my schedule to just... Look around. Sundays were definitely going to be great.

With a sigh I stretched out and began to imput my schedule into my phone, setting the alarms to silent ones. I was getting excited, since tomorrow was Sunday, free time, right? The driver said he'd be here at 9am to pick me up, so I was guessing I'd be missing church service tomorrow.

I wondered what they had planned for me.

With a smile rivalling the Cheshire Cat I locked up my new home and headed into my room where I put my phone on charge and set an alarm for, giving me plenty of time to get ready. My Laptop was sat nicely on the desk and I fished out a photo frame of me, Mother and Father from my suitcase, placing it on my bedside table.


Slipping under the plain bedcovers I snuggled down and prepared to sleep.

After all, I was now an SMentertainment Trainee. I had to look my best.




Hair... Check. Clothing... Nice. Bag... Ready.

I smiled at my reflection in one of the huge mirrors in the living room. I was wearing my long blond hair down with my side fringe held back by a pastle pink bow clip. I'd worn my favourite long black top with the words "born to dance" on the front, which was sleeveless with a pastle pink cardigan over the top left open, a white lace skirt,  pale pink vintage heeled boots, my pink tinted sunglasses and black and pale pink bangles.

Picking up my black and pink handbag from the sofa (which had been a gift for my 16th last year) and double checked its contents. Purse holding my ID, check, SM Academy booklet, yep, phone... Double yes.

I was ready.

Munching on a bowl of bran flakes at the breakfast bar I chuckled to myself at the memory of exploring the kitchen this morning. It had been fully stocked with healthy food and loads of bottles of water. I'd been pleasantly surprised when I'd woken at seven starving.

A knock at my door made me jolt and I quickly rushed to put my bowl near the sink before grabbing up my bag. Unlocking the door I was greeted with the driver from yesterday, clad once again in his uniform.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded my head and locked up the door behind me as I followed him out.

Stepping into the elevator I felt my phone buzz.

» Anna: Have a great first day, keep me dated x

I smiled to myself. It was only 8pm back in Florida, and a whole day behind! It was Sunday here in Seoul but for Anna it was still Saturday. The time difference was so weird.

In front of the apartment block was the same SUV from yesterday. I headed towards the front seat and hopped in, ignoring the funny look I got from the driver. He obviously expected me to sit in the back again.

"Will you always be picking me up?" I asked as he started the engine and set off.

"Yes Miss Young, I will be your regular driver. Here, my number." He spoke in English, passing me a business card from the cup holder.

Mr. Geun Jiang.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Geun Jiang, feel free to call me Callie." I offered as I inputted his number into my phone under his full name.

"Thank you. You may call me Jiang."

I smiled and edited his name to ‘Driver Jiang.’ It made us seem so familiar!

"Where are we going?" I asked, glancing around us. We were back on a main road.

"To Gangnam to the head office. Director Liang wishes to see you."

"Oh..." I mumbled, feeling a spark of panic. What did he want to see me about? Was it serious?

» Me: I’m on my way to the office now. Will let you know what happens /nervous! Xx

I texted Anna back.

The rest of the journey went by in silence, but in just under half an hour we pulled up in a parking lot. Jiang switched off the engine.

I was nervous. Would they want to discuss my possible debut, or begin recording? Or was it too soon yet?

"We are here." He announced, opening his car door.

I unbluckled and took a deep breath. Here goes.




Authors note;

Sorry for the lack of action, i promise the good stuffs coming!! ^__^ Please stick with this story~ 

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