~Jealousy does have its price~

~Jealous much?

~Cause you like a caffeine~ You just smiled when hearing your boyfriend's voice in the air while driving your car to work. It is the solo debut for him and you felt proud because he did worked hard for it. You decided that you wanted to watch the music video as soon you reach your office. After parking your car and saying hi to your co-workers, immidiately you switch on your laptop and search for Yang Yo Seob's Caffine music video. While waiting for it to load, you send a text to him that you are waiting for his video to load. After a few minute, the sound of coffee grinding was heard and Yo Seob looks darn handsome in there. You just couldn't believe your eyes that it is the same Yang Yo Seob that you have been dating for years now. Suddenly, your facial reaction changed when the video showed the part where Yo Seob kissed the heroin in the video. You were shocked and felt a pang of jealousy when seeing it. As you felt your hands were shaking because of it, you quickly told yourself to calm down. "Keep calm and control yourself Lee Soo Young. This is just a video and Yo Seob is just doing his job". You said this word over and over again.

 Quickly, you close your laptop and try to focus on your work. But, unsuprisingly, your head seems keep thinking about the kiss scene. It just cannot get off your head as you wanted. "This can't be! I really must stop thinking about this. Maybe seeing Onew oppa might lift up the burden a little bit. Lee Jin Ki or Onew is one of your favourite brother despite of his craziness towards chicken. He is really considerable person and caring too. You called him for his whereabouts. "Yeobsayo?" Onew's husky voice was heard. "Oppa, are you busy?. Can I meet you even just for a while?". you said to him with a smile formed. "Aigoo, how can I say no to my cute sister. Tell you what. I am at the Cube because I have something to discuss with Doo Joon. Why not you just come here then after that we go and grab something?" he said to you with an excited voice. At first, you werw reluctant because if possible, you don't want to see Yo Seob's face just yet but you just agreed with Onew's offer and start packing your things to go to Cube.

  After getting permission to go in the Cube, you began to walk to search for Onew. After all, you have become familiar with the Cube's building after visiting it a few times to see Yo Seob.  After passing by some room suddenly, you heard Yo Seob's voice which is not far from you. You slowed down your pace and heard a woman was talking to him. You peeked at the door's hole and saw Yo Seob and the woman. "I think I saw that girl before" you whispered to yourself. The conversation continued which that woman started to put her arms around your boyfriend's neck. You were flaming with anger but still you calm it down. As you were calming yourself, out of the blue, the woman tip-toed herself and kissed Yo Seob in front of your eyes. This is too much for you. The jealousy and anger that you have been keeping suddenly become your tears. Tears coming out without any hestitation.

 "Soo Young? what are you doing here?" Doo Joon's voice startled you and the person inside the room. You quickly wiped your tears,bowed and quickly ran away from that place. Doo Joon saw your tears but didn't have much time to ask as you ran off quickly. Onew catch up behind him and asked. "That is my sister, right?" Doo Joon nodded and Yo Seob went out. " What the hell have you done to her Yang Yo Seob?" Onew yelled while grabbing Yo Seob's collar shirt after Doo Joon told him about your sad and tearful face.

 Yo Seob shrugged his shoulder. He also was surprised with all the incident that just happened and was desperate to know why you were there,   He dailed your number but no one picked up. He began to worry as you never ever did not pick his call before. He rushed to your apartment but no one was there. "Soo Young, where are you. Let's meet. At least we can talk about this. I want to know what is my mistake" said Yo Seob in your voice mail. You heard it but your ears seems numb because of the pain that keep reminding you not to react to your phone or whoever the name was Yang Yo Seob. You reached at a park and sat down on a bench that was availabe there. Your head keeps visualising the image that you saw and your tears keeps forming. The people who were passing by just looked at you but you didn't care about your surrounding. You stayed there until the moon has come out. It was chilly that night but your senses has become too ignorant to believe it. You stared at the night sky blankly until a drip of water dropped on your cheek. You ignore it then suddenly, it rains. You let your body soaked wet and not moving an inch from that bench. "It feels soothing somehow

"Soo Young!" someone shouted your name and came closer to you. You looked at that person and recognize the figure. It was Yo Seob. He come closer to you and hugged you. "Why don't you pick your phone. What did I do. I been looking you like crazy". You felt disgusted with his word and pushed him away. You looked at him. "What am I to you Yo Seob? Why don't you tell me beforehand if you love that woman and not me anymore", you said with a croaked voice because of sitting under the rain for too long. "Don't deny it. I saw the girl kissed you today" You continued. He looked stressful when you said that and he was trying to explain something but all you could hear was his voice getting fader and fader.  Suddenly, your world out. Before you were completely fainted, Yo Seob quickly caught your body. he carried you and brought you to the nearest hospital. In the taxi, Yo seob was shaking your body and cover you with his jacket.  "Soo Young, open your eyes! Don't you dare leave me." He said furiously but at that time you were totally fainted and cannot hear any voice anymore

You opened your eyes, digesting the surrounding around you and thinking what did happened to you. You fainted because of staying under the rain for too long and Yo Seob carried you here. When Yo Seob's name was mentioned, the memory of him, kissing another girl messes your head. The tears also formed automatically. You didn't reliazed that Yo Seob was holding your hand and when you cried, the tears fell onto his face and he woke up. "Jagi?, its not good for you to be crying like this. Doctor said that you need rest more than ever." You pulled your hand but he just grip it tighter not letting it go. "Now, Soo Young. Look me please. I just want you to know the truth." He hold your chin and facing him. You keep avoiding his eyes but failed as it keeps looking at you directly. "I never cheated on you. The woman that you saw is the heroin for my debut solo song and the director asked me to do all that stuff. I had to do it. But I still with you Soo Young and I love you. Only you have taken my heart. " You snapped at him. " Then, why she kisses you outside the mv? Did the director asked?". He shook his head. "That was out of control, she suddenly kissed me out of nowhere and I'm sorry for you to see that. I know it hurts".

 "A kiss is a kiss". You said. Suddenly, his lips turned into a smirk. " Are you jealous, jagi?". Your cheeks turned red all of the sudden and you tried to avoid his eyes. He saw your reaction and pulled your chin nearer to his face. "You know, there is no need for jealously because the other girl will not get this." You were astonished and asked what is 'this' represents. "This". he said and kissed you. You were shocked and opened your mouth to scream and tried to push his shoulder away but he saw it as a chance to travel around your mouth and palate. he moved so fast, you resisted it but his hand was faster. He had already put it behind your head and locked your movement. Knowing that you have nowhere to escape, you let yourself free and reply his kiss back. You also put your hands behind his head. Both of you were dominating each other until you surrendered because of oxygen need. He grinned, "I win". You just hate that grin because you know he still have something under his sleeve.

 "See, you are the only one that I kissed in that way.". You were blushing a lot because of the kiss just now and nodded. You admited that you just cannot be angry to him for long. "Shall we proceed to next?" he asked. Once again you are too confused to understand what he is trying to say. "Jealousy has ita own price you know jagi and this is the other way to pay for it." he said and locked your lips with his again.



A/N: Thank you for reading^^
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