
Lately You

     Sungjong sigh while folding the washed clothes.Smell of clothes fragrance filled out the lucent room.He took a glance at the wall's 11.30pm now.He sigh again.It's been his newfound habit recently.He tried to held back the tears from slipping out.

Where is he?Definitely not in the office.He tried to call once and they inform him that the company never keep their workers until that late.So he stop trying to find out. But that doesn't mean he stops caring,though.

It's been like this for a couple weeks. He stopped eating dinner at home,he was already gone when Sungjong woke up,and reached home after Sungjong went to bed. Sungjong has been trying to get rid of his anxiety. But everytime he tried not to think about it,the imaginations of his worst nightmare hit him  . Does he found someone else?Does he fell out of love?

     The creaking door sound wake Sungjong out from his sleep.It's him. He turns his body to face the wall,stares at the wall for a while then pretends to be asleep. vaguely he hears few steps approaching then the bedroom door sways open.There's a long silence and no movement from both of them as he tries to keep himself from letting out a sob. He doesn't want to get caught now. Instead he busied his mind and think about how ironic this situation is. Ironic how he used to wait for this person to come home happily,and now this person's presence alone has saddened him. Because he knows that things won't be the same as it used to be, 

"I'm so sorry.." that person suddenly whisper,then enters the bathroom.

As soon as he hears the sound of flowing water, he sobbed hard,hands holding his chest trying to ease the pain he felt. "pabo,you're a pabo,kim myungsoo.Why did you say you're sorry?Do you know that's not going to change anything?" 


The smell of coffee and burned toast welcome him the next morning. His head is dizzy and everything seems to be spinning around. "I need to ask Sunggyu hyung for more vitamins.." He mumbled ,and hopped out of the bed,heading to the bathroom.

He walks to the living room to find no one's there. He cant help but sigh again. It's weekend for God sake, where is he going at weekend? He must be with his new mistress. "no,no,stop it,don't think about that Sungjong!" He shakes his head vigorously

"Caffeine,I need caffeine" he goes to the counter and pour himself a cup of black coffee. He's not usually the coffee  type. He prefers a nice hot chocolate. Caffeine kills,but chocolate heals. That's why he often scold Myungsoo for drinking too much coffee.  He quickly takes the coffee and gulp the bitter liquid. He really doesn't want to think about Myungsoo now. At least not for now. He needs something to distract himself..


wow,speaking of distraction.

There,standing at the door,is sungjong's troublemaker cousin,Lee Sungyeol. Sungyeol's parents work at the states and Sungyeol had been living with Sungjong's family ever since. Making them really close ,and there's nothing Sungjong can hide from his choding cousin. Even though often  sometimes Sungyeol annoys him to death he admits that Sungyeol is the best moodbooster he ever have.

"What are you doing here,choding?" Sungjong raised his eyebrow dramatically.

"ya,be polite to your hyung,will you?" Sungyeol pout and hold his chest pretending to be hurt.

Sungjong rolls his eyes. "what are you doing here, choding hyung?"

"aish you little ... I'm here to take you out!" 

"out?where?I'm not really in the mood" Sungjong continues to sip his coffee,then goes to the couch and turn on the TV.

"That's why I'm taking you out!You've been like that zombies from The Walking Dead lately and I don't like that. I want the Jongie I know. The pissy diva brat. Come on,it will be fun. You and I will watch a movie -I'll let you choose- then we can buy many,many lemon candies,my treat!" Sungyeol knows that persuading Sungjong with lemon candies have the most chance to success.

"Many,many,MANY,lemon candies?" Sungjong's eyes gets brighter. Free lemon candies are rare lately.

"YES!Now,go change your clothes and I'll wait for you outside okay?"

"ne!" Sungjong ran to the bedroom.Leaving smirking sungyeol behind 


That day turns out to be amazing. They watch a very great horror movies(even though they have to get out early because the other audience is complaining about Sungyeol's high pitch and endless scream. God he should've pick that children animation movies instead) and Sungyeol bought him a big can of lemon candies that Sungjong hug tight like it's the most precious thing in the world.

They sit on the bench at the park,watching some kids playing at the playground and some others enjoying their ice cream. 

"So,you mind to tell me what's happening with you and Myungsoo?" Sungyeol break the silence,not in a really pleasant way.

"nothing..nothing..happened.." Who is he fooling.He could never lie to Sungyeol.

"I've known you since you're still in your diaper,Sungjong.There must be something going on between you too. You can tell me,you know ?I'm your most reliable person,right?" He pat Sungjong's back gently

Then he blurt it all out. How Myungsoo has changed drastically, how he always came home late. How afraid he is, afraid to know that every speculation he had is proven right. That Myungsoo fell out of love. That Myungsoo find someone else. He doesn't realize about how swollen his eyes become until he finished the story. He cried until his head hurt that he feels there's no more tears left. 

"what should I do,Sungyeollie" He sobbed. "You know that I love him so much,right? It hurts just to think about it. I don't want to cry for him anymore..but it hurts so much to think of living without him.." Sungjong looks like a sad,lost puppy at the moment.

"sshh,stop crying,okay?I don't want to see this side of Sungjong."Sungyeol tries to calm him down.He keeps patting Sungjong's back until there's no more sound but a slight sob.

"I know you love him so much,but you guys have to talk about this. And promise me that whatever happens,you have to be tough. You know that I'll always be here right?You have to man-up and face the thruth. It's a lie if I told you it will be easy. But you will pass that. You will eventually let go"

It took a  while for Sungjong to try to digest Sungyeol's word 

"You're right,I have to man-up. I'm not a kid anymore.I can let go.If that's nescersarry." He sounds more to convince himself. 

"Great,that's the jongie I know!" Sungyeol hugs him tight until Sungjong's phone vibrates.

Sungjong release himself from Sungyeol's arm then check on his phone.He got a message


From  : Myungie<3

We need to talk.7pm.ChatteCafe.


He doesn't expect it to be this soon.

"It's Myungsoo..." He tried to smile but it turns out to be a pathetic grin instead.

"You haven't forget about what we discussed about before right?Now go home,wash your face,wear a good and nice clothes."

"thanks for everything Sungyeol hyung,and pray for me will you?" He stands up and wave to Sungyeol.

"Of course I'll pray for you,jongie~"



Sungjong finally arrives in front of ChatteCaffe. He wears his best sweaters because it's freezing outside and Myungsoo mentioned it 'cute' once. Before he comes inside,he reminiscence for a while. This is where he met Myungsoo for the first time. "and you're going to break up with me here,Myungsoo-ah?" He mumbled. Then he push the door. The familiar warmth welcome him as soon as he enters.

There,on the corner of the room,at the seat where they first see each other , Myungsoo sits down,eyes on the pedestrians outside. He must be realized about Sungjong's presence because he lift his head and say,"I've ordered you your favourite dish and drink here. As usual,right?" Myungsoo smiled lightly.

Sungjong just nodded and sit across Myungsoo.eyes on the table,because he has no courage to look at the other's eyes. He's afraid that he might cry at the moment he saw those pairs of eyes.

Their dish came and they eat in silence. Sungjong doesn't really have an appetite that his favourite dish has somewhat taste bitter,like that morning coffee he had. 


"mm?" Sungjong is too busy sipping his lemon tea.

"let's break up, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

Sungjong has already see this would come,but it still hurts. It hurts like hell that if he doesn't leave that place he will cry in front of Myungsoo and that's the last thing he want to do.

"ah.. I see. I'm sorry if I haven't been a perfect boyfriend for you,Myungsoo-ah. I'm sorry if I'm lacking. I realise that I'm not perfect. I have flaws. And you deserve much more better than me." Another word and he swear he's going to break down there.

"I-I should go.This situation is really awkward for me. Thanks for the diner,I'll ask Sungyeol to take my belongings from your apartement. Goodbye Myungsoo-ah" Sungjong raised from his seat and bows,ready to run away and hid inside any hole he can find. 

Myungsoo grab his arm "no,no,please,I've ordered your favourite dessert here. Please stay, This is the least thing I can do,please"

He tried to let go from Myungsoo's grip. "I don't think that's a good idea. Just cancel the order or anything" He starts to feel uncomfortable. how pathetic do you have to make me feel? Sungjong thought,almost crying.

"Please,stay for the dessert. It's the last thing that I ask for you, okay? I won't bother you after this,okay? Just,please" He practically pleaded,that make Sungjong even coonfused more. Why is he so tough about this dessert thing?

But actually Sungjong also doesn't want to leave,though. So he goes back to his seat. one last dessert won't be hurt,right? so he tries to hold back his tears,at least for now,and absorb his last moment with Myungsoo. A few minutes later the dessert come. The lemon cake isn't look really tasty in his eyes now. But he tries to finish the dessert early so that he can get out of this place.

The lemon cake is , as usual , creamy, tasty, and soft,it kinds of remind him of Myungsoo. Great,he's really going to ..

"ekh!" Sungjong just bite something hard,something solid, that he swears he hears a 'crack' voice from his teeth. Thank God he doesn't choked . He throw the thing out to see what has made his teeth as pain as hell. What a wonderful night he have. His boyfriend broke him out and he almost died because of choked by a


Sungjong's eyes gets widen with confusion. He's holding a beautiful silver-coloured ring with the writing "forever" . Whose ring is this? He turns his head to Myungsoo to ask for explaination. "myung.." Then the cafe musicians start playing a song

Baby My Love Beautiful , I love you

Even if I close my eyes, at thoughts of you, my heart pounds and trembles
Baby My Love Beautiful , I love you
I’ll promise you that I’ll be with only you forever, oh loving U
Then unexpectedly Myungsoo takes the ring away from Sungjong,then stands up walking towards him. He kneeled and lift his head to face the speechless Sungjong,said,
"Lee Sungjong, I didn't lied when I said I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want you. I want you to be mine.Officially,not just between the two of us. I want the world to know and acknowledge that you,Lee Sungjong,is mine,and no one can deny that. So,Lee Sungjong,"
He hold the ring with both of his hands
"will you marry me?"
Sungjong is far too speechless he totally doesn't see this coming. So, Myungsoo doesn't fell out of love with him? That thought lifted his burden and suddenly he feel,light,relieved,and tears starts flowing from his eyes. happy tears.
"yes,of course yes"
Then the cafe employees starts clapping and cheering for them, But Sungjong doesn't hear them. His eyes only fixed on those pairs of beautiful eyes,that is looking at him with love and happiness. Then Myungsoo kiss him for the first time after a while,and then nothing else matters anymore.
They walk along the streets,hand in hands. The weather is freezing but they don't care. Because they have each other. 
"So where have you been all this time?Coming home that late?" Sungjong ask in curiousity.
"I took another job,as a club waiter downtown. That ring costs me a lot you know" He points at the beautiful ring that now circled at Sungjong's finger.
"You know that you didn't have to do that,right?" Sungjong rolls his eyes.
"But I want to. I want to make this special " Myungsoo answered simply.
Sungjong lowered his head,his expression went darker.Myungsoo notices that something's wrong.
"what's wrong,sungjongie?"
"I thought you cheated on me,you have no idea how you make me feel."
Myungsoo chuckled,"seriously,Sungjongie?after all this time?You still have doubt on me?"
"ya,what other explaination I could think beside of that??" Sungjong yelled in annoyance. Than he walks faster leaving Myungsoo behind.He feels fooled.
Suddenly he feels a pair of warm hands circled around his neck. "the only thing I'm going to cheat,is the death. So I can be with you forever,Sungjongie" 
Sungjong can't utter any word.He blushed hard.His face must be redder than the fresh tomato right now. "y-ya!Where did you learn those greasy things?that doesn't suit you,you know?"
"I learnt it from my ex-new-coworker downtown,he's an expert. But you like it,don't you?" He .
"Shut up."
so,yeah,what do you think?sorry for the bad grammar and any mistakes. I'm still learning as I told you. Because this is a one-shot you don't have to suscribe to this story but please kindly leave comments after reading this. I could really use your opinion right now because I still feel like a clueless puppy here ;; 
and don't worry,I'll never give my jongie a sad ending (unless it's nescersarry/?)
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Chapter 1: aw aw aw~
i love happy ending story, esp when it involved uri MyungJong! :p
thx for make my MyungJong heart fluttering here author-nim...
honey13494 #2
Chapter 1: I bet that the coworker is non other than nam-greasy lol
Chapter 1: I thought it's a lie when you tagged happy ending and I read myungsoo said he gonna break up with jongie~ omo mianhae author nim..

I like this story, I'm almost cried reading this..T.T
bohyemi #4
Chapter 1: I was about to cry then I was like....omg marriage!!!!
bohyemi #5
Chapter 1: I was about to cry then I was like....omg marriage!!!!
Chapter 1: AWWWWW :3 It's okay, I didn't pay attention to the grammar mistakes ;D this was so adorable <3

This actually made me cry ;n; like seriously my eyes are flooded as i'm writing this xD c':
Chapter 1: Yah ! Me about to kill Myung ya know ?! Haish you .. But .. Thank you .. For the happy ending .. <3
AznDuckies #8
Chapter 1: Hanna OMG I was about to tear up lol i was like NOO author I said happy ENDDING bu then the ring part came and I was so happy lol so KAWAII I demand a squeal bahah
Chapter 1: Well.. I kind of..knew it was a ring before reading it..I don't know why..I just had a feeling... But I was squeeling so hard..I lost my breath..ahahah
Author nim gomawo!! ^^
Chapter 1: wow myungsoo you can surprise people .....hahahah