Chapter 17

#You're My Dreams#..

Joez's p0v :

Its hard to pretent that y0u love someone when you dont but it's really harder to pretent that you dont love s0meone when actually you d0.... Should I tell him that I love him or just keep my feeling... He's the only guy that can make my heart beat faster, the only guy that can drops my ego, the only guy that I want spend  my life with and the only guy that I cant live with0ut.... The more I get closer to you, the more my feeling to you.. Do you even think of me? I love you so much, the only thing I can do is cry but I'm look like a fool because I keep waiting for your love.. My heart just cant let you go, you're the only person who appears even when I'm close my eyes, the person who next to me even in my dream...... 

-End p0v-

Leehan : Are you okay?

Joez : Hmmm.. ya of c0z.... Why you asking me like that?

Leehan : Dont lie to me.. It must be something that bother you,right?

Joez : *look down* I just.......

Leehan : You like him,right? *look at my eyes*

Joez : you know??? I never say anything before....

Leehan : Come on, joez ... I know you love him even you didnt tell anyone about your feeling... The way you look at him, your smile when you with him, the way you talk to him, its totally different from joez that I know... I can see from your eyes.. 

Joez : Oppa............  is it too obvious?? I dont know what should I do now.. Should I tell him that I like him or just keep my feeling... I have no idea..

Leehan : If you love him, better tell him while they're here... If not you'll never had a chance anymore... Alwanys remember that opportunity only comes once in a lifetime.. Or you will regret if you didnt make it now..

Joez : Arraso...... *I give a bitter smile to leehan*

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