




angst | 372 words




“No! No,!”


He shoots up in bed, screaming. Beads of perspiration form on his forehead – some already dripping down the side of his face. The night is humid, the room feels hot and everything seems to be on fire; though he knows that only happens when he closes his eyes and not in reality.


The image of her face crosses his mind, yet again.


“Hyeri...” he breathes.






“We can’t keep her here any longer,” the doctor is telling him for the nth time. “We have to take her off the support – “


“No!” Daehyun is quick to interject. “You cannot do that! As long as she is still breathing – “


“That’s the thing – “ the middle-aged, bespectacled man interrupts gently. “She is not. She is solely hanging onto the life support system. She’s stopped breathing on her own awhile ago.”


Something strike hard and deep inside of him. Awhile is an understament – and he is aware of that. Awhile is when it happened a few hours ago, days before in the very least, but not months long. Certainly not six months long.


The doctor is just trying to spare his feelings because he pities him. Everyone else pities him – and Daehyun feels like yelling out loud sympathy is not what he’s looking for because he knows that he was the one who brought this upon her. They should be blaming him for this tragedy that has happened to her; that has caused them all to lose a precious and loving friend. For the world to lose a person as bright and lively as Hyeri, is such a dampen – such a shame.


For the world to lose a soul as compassionate as hers is such a sorrow.


And because selfless Hyeri met selfish Daehyun, is the reason why she’s lying on hospital bed right now – dead yet barely alive merely because he has her strapped to all those wires – just because he isn’t ready to let her go just yet.


He has to break them now though, he knows. He has to break every single one of those shackles he’s tied her to, even though by doing that – he knows he will lose the only emotional chain he has to the world.

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Chapter 8: lol changjo oh haaaaa ㅋ
Chapter 7: aww i dont know what to say but eummm.lemme think of somethin.... cute :"3
Chapter 6: thank you thank you thank you ~~~~
did you know i ship this so much ;~;
it's so sweet, fluffy and straight to the point! ♥
why is pcr so shippable with everyone?
Chapter 6: aww sooo sweet :3
Chapter 6: It's written nicely but...a little too short. Haaha...still enjoyed it though. :)
Chapter 5: nice written :)
Chapter 4: this chapter too .. seriously awesome
Chapter 3: this drabbles is one of the best I v ever read. seriously it's only 184 words ?? but yeah.. awesome :> the idea too ... ><