Ms Sakada vs Ms Boram

My Daughter-in law becomes a new housewife

Chapter 4 Ms.Sakada vs Ms.Boram



“Omma..” I walked to her when she came out from the room with her angry brid face -_-^

“Yah~~~~ Ham Eunjung.. Do you want to kill my husband by your food?? Are you a lady, aren’t you?? This generation, the ladies are like this all?? they can’t cook….8$%#&(*)”

She started to blame me again T[]T


In this afternoon, Boram omma asked me to buy some food at market, and she was at home to look after Onew appa -_-^

Luckily she didn’t kill me -.-^


I was walking to look for some food, There was many things which I wanted to buy. But omma's just given me a bit of money :3 she is so mean as she was afriad if I will spend all of her money. However, I have my own money kkkk that my cutie omma gave me before my wedding. ._.

Okay that's all..

I quickly went to add up the bill and then I bring these things out of the market..

Emm… I couldn’t take Taxi because Boram omma told me to take the bus. It can save more money Y_Y I might be crazy soon if I still live with her like this..

“Hey stealer! He is stealing my bag..” suddenly I heard a loudly shouting..

I turned back to that sound as I saw, an old woman is falling down and someone is running away…

Crazy!! He is our Korean's .. How dare he do this to old lady?

I got off all my things and I ran after him in a hurry..

Aiyooooooo I am super woman T-T hoho…

“Hey stop!!!!!!!” I shouted at him while I was trying to run after him..

“If I stop, I must be crazy..” that stealer shouted back to me and he tried to run away


Suddenly I saw a small way as I remember if I ran this way I would run faster. I turned left to that way and finally I got the way where is in front of him..

“Hahahaha… You can’t escape me now..”

“Crazy woman! You know too much..” suddenly a few men appeared

As my clever brain, they must be a group T____T Badly! I am alone

I must be crazy that I ran after him without thinking. I couldn’t fight with him or s.

“Hahaha.. What’s a pretty girl!” a man who has face, is as simillar as coconut walked to me .-.

“Crazy!!!” I tried to find some ways to escape but they were faster rounding me..

Aigooo……. Jungshin help me T[]T I swear I stop know about another’s story too much..


“Hey come on..” those guys came to me…


“Don’t touch her..” suddenly a strong hand stopped them first and then he boxed the coconut man strongly till he fell down.

Oh My God.. My hero :O

And then, their fighting started suddenly.

One vs Five >.<

Unbelievabl! I couln’t see his face clearly but I think he is simillar… --‘’

It was only 5 minutes, he strung those bad guys well…

Omo.. he was angel OoO^

“I will call police to catch you into the jail.. crazy.” He pointed to them and turned face to me again..


He is Choi Jonghun O.O^

“Eunjung? Aren’t you?” he shocked a bit

“Yeah! Unbelievable you are so cool…”

“You’re strong too, even you are only a lady but you dare to fight with them o.o”

T.T I just felt sorry about this..

“It’s just a little bit hehe” -_-^



We walked back to the old woman together. She was still in front of super market.

“Hello Mrs! ” I ran to give her bag back.

The old lady who has a pretty face, she looked beautiful with her style. Even her age might be simillar as Boram omma, However, I’m pretty sure she is really nice looking.

“Aiii.. good kid! Thank for take it to me back. You’re tired. Nowadays, you are a lady who is hardly to find..” she admired me with holding my hand. 

I am super know too much -_-^ if Jonghun hadn't appeared, I must be die .-.

“Oh No! I’m not. Here this man who found this bag for you..” I told her and pointed to Jonghun who was at the back

The old lady looked at Jonghun a bit and turned to smile at me again..

“If you didn’t stop them first, he wouldn't found them.. okay….” She said

“Okay! omma.. Are you alright?” Jonghun walked to her

“Omma?? Is she your omma?? O.O” I shocked

“Yea… what’s up?” Jonghun turned face to me strangly

“Yaaaaaa she looks pretty~”

“Hahaha really?” Jonghun’s omma laughed abit by covering

“Let’s me introduce first kkk.. My name’s Sakada or you can call me aunt kkk cutie..” she touched my face..

“Okay Aunt Sakada hehe ^^”

“Sorry Miss.. Can you go to find answer with me in police’s office? Those guys we’ve already caught but we just wanted to get more information” a few polices came to us.

“Oh Sure.. ” Aunt Sakada -_-^

“So how about me? Can I leave?” I asked them

Omg My Boram omma might wait for me

“No.. just go first..” Police said coldly



Police’s office


After we gave them some information…

“Ham Eunjunggggggggg……..” Boram omma came fast to me Y_Y

“Omma.. How can you get here?” I asked her

“It should be my question, police called to ask me your profile. Did you do bad thing?” Boram omma yelled loudly

“Noooo… I've just came to be witness about the stealing event..”

“Huh??? I asked you to buy food not making problem. You know too much about another’s story…” Boram omma yelled

“Omma T_T”

“So where are the things which I hold you to buy??”

Huh?? Things?

I turned left and right, but it was nothing. I started to try remember that event again.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I must be dieeeeeeeeeeeee

I threw them away when I ran after that man.

“Omma.. I…”

“Where??” she unfolded her hand to me..

“Omma hehe..” I hit her hand abit T{}T and gave her a cute smile

“Where?” Boram omma was still with her sassy face

“I.. lost them”

“What??” she looked at me with her big eyes

“I.. lost T_T when I ran after that stealer”

“Huh?? Ham Eunjung! Are you kidding to me??” she shouted at me

Ngaaaaaaaa I want to cry nowwwwww TT_TT

“Nae~ they lost..”

“Ham Eunjung!!!!!!!! Do you know?? How much they are? What silly you did huh?? &()((%&JB..” she started blaming me again..

“Yah Omma…”

“You are….” Boram omma continued..

“Long time no see Jeon Boram. What are you doing with my good kid?” Ms Sakada came to us with Jonghun

Does she know omma?? O.o^

Or they are friends as Jonghun and Jungshin?

“Sakada??” Boram omma turned back to Mrs. Sakada with her bad face

“Yeaa… you are still the same as 20 years ago..” Ms Sakada smiled

“It’s not your business. I just adviced my daughter-in-law..” Boram omma

“Your daughter-in-law??” Ms Sakada shocked and looked at me

“Eunjung.. Are you married??”

Both of mother and son liked to ask me in the same question -_-^

“Yeaa she is my daughter in law.. or Jungshin’s wife.. so you shouldn’t know about our story..” Boram omma

“It’s really..” Jonghun began to say something

“lamentable” Ms Sakad added

“What??” Boram omma looked angry

“Good kid as Eunjung shouldn’t belong to your family..” Mrs Sakada said

“Crazy! Don’t be too much. How is my family??” Boram omma shouted

“Think by yourself. I am still thinking about that day, Onew oppa shouldn’t chose you and left me. he must have been sad because I've never seen his happiness when we meet each other from time to time.. And now Eunjung Emm… you don’t know how much lucky you are..!” Mrs Sakada said

Oh I see.. Onew appa and Jonghun’s omma used to be a couple?? :O

So between Ms Sakada and Mrs Boram were enemy of love? Lol

How clever am i? XD

“Huh? silly woman! you must want to die much…” Boram omma came and pulled Ms Sakada’s hair

“Oh My God Omma~~~~~~” I quickly came to stop her

“Crazy Boram~~~~~~” Mrs Sakada pulled Omma’s hair back

“Stop omma.. please calm down” Jonghun caught his mother even she was trying to move out.

“Free me! Ham Eunjung. I will kill that ..” omma tried to move out too.

“Just calm omma” I tried to catch her


“?? Crazy Borammmmmmm”

“Come on …”

“ Boram..”


They were trying to pull out their hair and fighted eachother, even Jonghun and I were trying to break them…


At Home



 “Lee Jinki.. Do you always meet that huh?” Omma came in and shouted at appa loudly.

“What? Who’s ??” appa looked at omma

“Jonghun’s omma, Sakada. I always wonder.. Is Jonghun your son with that girl?” omma asked loudly

“Yaaa Are you alright?? Don’t make it trouble again. She and I are just friend not like you think..”

“Aright?? So why do you always give her your sad face??? ^&(*)()(HJBJGU” Omma started her blaming skill to him again


Aigooo.. =_=^ she looked like a dragon..

Luckily, she has forgotten my mistake and turned to making problem with appa. hehe Thank god and appa ;)


Next day..


A day that made me headache. Omma and her friends were sitting in the living room and played card -.-^ And she asked me to do all works or help her to give them a good service. When they were tired with playing card, I hafd to make coffee or bring some food =.= I think I've already turned to be the maid in this home.

“Hello all aunts and omma.. Here your coffee cups hehe” I kept coffee cups on the table.

“Yah~ Is she your daughter-in-law??” One of those aunts asked omma

“Yeah! Her name's Eunjung, my kind daughter hehe.  She is polite and good at working..” omma laughed

=_= really?

“What’s a kind lady! hehe” another aunt smiled and looked at me

“Thanks ^^”

“Hey! kid just come here. Let’s me see..” another aunt called me and I walked to them. Suddenly she hit my buttock a bit.

Huuuuu OoO

Omma…… she tried to annoy me T_T

“Wow.. her buttock is just simple. It's like a kind who has no baby..” that aunt said

“No Baby? Are you doctor ?? How can you say without reality?” Boram omma said angrily

“Yeaaa why? I said as my experience..”

“Your experience?? Huh? Do your experience always true?” Boram omma still continued with her red face.

“Yah I said it’s real but it’s okay.. Just skip it..”

And then they continued their playing -_-^

I looked at those old ladies, they looked like backbiters. Their mouths were always active even they were playing card -..-

“Hey! Do you know, Taeyeon who is my daughter-in-law, Now she've got pregnant for 2 months kkk’’ that aunt laughed loudly

“Haha Really?? Wow It's so fast..”

''Yeah firstly when I saw her I know she is a kind woman who has a lot of children kkk” she said proudly and It made omma look at me quicklu.

Omo.. Is it my mistake? ;_;

“So Boram how about your daughter in law? She've already got married long enough but now she's still nothing huhu and my daughter just got married last month but she've got pregnant first’’ she laughed loudly

She is too much with omma :@ 

“Yah~ aunt.. your son got married last month didn’t he?” I asked her

“Yeah^^ he is very strong, I will get grandchild soon kekeke”

“Last month? But you said she've got pregnant for 2 months? Or she've got pregnant before married?? O.O” I asked her and suddenly her face looked worse huhuhu xD

“Yah~ Getting pregnant before married? Wow. It’s reality about our new generation teens now.. ” Boram omma added more happily hehehe

That aunt was quiet.

“However, I can be grandma first..” she still said

“Yah~ grandma? Yeah your face is old enough to be a grandma. But my omma is still younger, so she's still having a good time first kkkk. When someone is becoming to be grandma, It means she is getting to know herself as old lady kkkkk..” I added more

“Huhuhu of course Eunjung ;) omma is still young and I haven't wanted to be grandma yet kkkk” omma said


“Just get out! I’m tired…” Omma told them

“Hey but we haven’t finished it yet…”

“Just get out~~ and stop talking about those things in my home anymore..” omma pulled them out and closed the door strongly

“aigooo..” she breathed tiredly and looked at me..

“Good job…”

She showed a big finger

“Hehehe It’s my job kkkk Because those aunts were too much with omma first..”

“Er.. even I agreed with your idea that time, but It not mean you can escape about getting pregnant. I don’t know what will you do, but I also want to be grandma soon as her…!!!!!!!!”

“Omma >//<”





-_- I though no one read it -//- so i might hardly to post..

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T-araFans #1
Chapter 13: Hahaha...they are so sweet and cute...
Mom got pregnant
They are surely looks like an a happy family
Good Author
Tomomiku88 #2
Chapter 1: ive got a good ost for this, bon jovi-livin on a prayer, LOL hahaha..
the lyric realy suit ur story
This one of my fav ffc *-* I read it many times xd I love it ♥
Hi guy, I want to give you a upvote long ago but don't know where to do.
Now I know and give a upvote.
I love your ff.
Mean Neak hope for other ShinJung eh ;D
Chapter 13: Funny and cute end, I loved your story. I hope, then another Shinjung love them <3 THANKS!! THANK YOU!
Chapter 13: Dorl kor ... Lol
Chapter 13: Gagaga jop p'roy xD
Chapter 12: Hahahahaha!!!! Laugh jrus teeth low hz xD

Sman ta kert mor name Venus hz tah -__-

Chapter 12: Hahahahaha!!!! Laugh jrus teeth low hz xD

Sman ta kert mor name Venus hz tah -__-
