02. Investigation & Research

Will i be able to get out of this crazy life? *First Sequel*




Bap: Their mascot matoki colours.

Jaeyoung POV

"Are you sure this is the right address?"Ask Hyorin.

"Yes,I'm sure of it.Yongguk wrote down the address right infront of my eyes."Said Himchan as he tries to search for the house  code.

"Why don't we ask that lady there?Maybe she could be the landlord or something..."said Jongup while busy eating his dumplings.

"Excuse me, can we ask you something?"I said as i slowly and politely approach the landlord.

"Sure,What can i help you with?" She reply back.

"Ermmm...Do you know where is SA123 house is?"I ask.

"Oh,Its the one infront of us right now."The landlord point to the house.

"Are you guys from Korea? I have never seen any of your faces here before.And your english is fluent."Praise the landlord.

"Thank you,i am smart. hehe...Yeah,we from Seoul and currently having a holiday.Is the house beside it available? We need a place to crash for a few weeks."

"Since you all are a tourist,I will lower down the house rent to 80 bucks.Hows that?"Said the landlord,Mellisa.

"We will take it. Can i ask is  this place safe?"Ask Hyorin in english.

"Why of course its safe. Why are you asking?"

"Well, I am expecting a baby boy soon and i hope me and my friends and my baby will be safe with no worries of anything." lied Hyorin as she interlock her hands with Jongup.

"Congratulations,That is wonderful!This place is really safe until recently a couple came in. Every night,i hear noises of an angry man and a girl that is crying from House SA123. I thought it's nothing but it keeps going on every night. I talk to a well build man and he said it was nothing. I usually see the girl around evening going out,covering her whole body and wore a really black glasses. I suspect that maybe she got beaten by her violence husband but i can't just assume right. But i promise you will be safe as long as you don't get involve."Said the landlord before going off.


"We heard her guys.Let's come up with a plan now.We got no time to lose."said Youngjae confident.

Night falls and hyorin and me and the others were already asleep. 

"Guys,Wake up.... I just research about the guy using the photos that Ailee sent and it turns out that he a mentally crazy.guy who runs away from the hospital." Said Jongup as he furiously type on the the laptop.

"Tell us more about his details etc."Said Himchan slapping the guys chest to wake up.

"It says here that He's 30 years old and his name is John Smith. The reason why he is admitted to the Troubled Mental hospital is because he was born with this sickness of two-personalities or characters,One moment he was feeling  happy and the other moment he was feeling sad or angry" Said Jongup again as he furiously pops out all the info on the laptop screen.

"I have that kind of cousin before when i was 10. He was playing with me happily when suddenly he changed into a totally different person and almost killed with the plastic sword. That is the scary situation of my life. EVER." Said Daehyun.

"If what Dae said is true and according to the information,Ailee is really in a deep trouble. He might out of nowhere kill her. We have to save her quick and make sure none of you sleep tonight. We have to think of a plan." said Himchan.

The others nod listening to him since Yongguk didn't follow them as he have a family meeting.


Author Notes: Hope you guys like this chapter of mine :))  I'm sorry it's short cos i can't think of anything and i am having exam soon so i have to really study to pass,hope you all understand me. I will try my best to update fast but i can't promise you readers. Thank you to those who have subscribe ^_^ Have you listen to the BTOB Second Confession(with eng subs) yet? Well if you don't,Click the video below. They are so cute in the MV. AHHHH,SUNGJAE & HYUNGSHIK!!!*Fangirl mode on* xD






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Hope you update soon. Anticipating their honeymoon moment :3 This story is great. I love it. Hwaiting!!!