*•*•*chapter 4*•*•*

I Want You Back [HIATUS]
*•*•*•* 3 *•*•*•*

{First Day of  University}

[At the Choi's]

"Seohyun ah,Wake up it's time for School"Sooyoung Tryed To wake her Sister up

"Just 1 more min..."Seohyun said not moving at all

"Ok,I'll give you 5 minutes to be already awake"Sooyoung said and Walked out the Her room Leaving Seohyun Still Sleep

~5 min.later~

"Seohyun ah,Are you ready?"Siwon asked Seohyun (a/n:the door was Locked)

"Neh,Just A Minute!!"Seohyun yelled and you could hear Stuff moving all over her Room

"Seohyun ah,I'm Coming in"Siwon Said as He Unlocks the Door with his Key

~Seohyun's Room~

"Seohyun ah?"Siwon Looked for her in her room and saw her Coming out of her Closet

"There you are,Why are you dressed si early?"Siwon asked Seohyun and Seohyun just smiled

"So I can be Ready for when we Leave"Siwon nodded and said"Let's go Have Breakfast"

"Neh,I'll be down stairs in a Minute"Seohyun said and Siwon smiled and got out her room

"I miss My Room...It looks Very Girly...But I still like it"Seohyun said and Put on her Shoes and went down stairs to eat with her Family


"Myungsoo,Omma Is Calling you"Yoona said as she Walk Pass Her Brother's Room

"Going..."He yelled back and Got out his Room and walked To the Kitchen where his Mom was Drinking her Tea while looking Outside to there Beautiful Cherryblossom tree.

"Neh Omma?"Myungsoo Asled his mom

"there is 2 people who are moving into The School,And I want you to Show them around"Mrs.Kim said

"Okay,But who are they?"Myungsoo asked his mom

"I'll find out soon,Now get ready,We are almost leaving!!"Mrs.Kim said and He nodded and Ran upstairs got ready and was waiting for His Noona's To be ready because they are going to help There Mom Out

"Ready Girls!!!!Come on Myungsoo has To be early"Mrs.Kim yelled and the 2 Girls ran down stairs and walked outside and into taeyeon's Car


"Seohyun ah,Let me choose your Clothes,The ones you have don't Mach"Sooyoung said and Walked upstairs to get Seohyun ready once again

"There,Much better"Sooyoung said and Smiled

"Unnie,Is Oppa and You going to pick me up?"Seohyun asked her Unnie

"Neh,We will,do you think I will Leave you with the Brother we have"Sooyoung said and Seohyun smiled"Anieyo,Unnie It's Late!!!"Seohyun said and They both ran downstairs and Saw how There Brothers where Already inside Siwon's New Car

"Sorry!!!"They both said and Ran inside the Car

~Fast forward~

"Omma,Do I really have to Wait for them?I'm going to be late for Class"Myungsoo said and His Mom rolled his eyes

"Aissh...As if you Go to classed anyway"Mrs.Kim said and Myungsoo looked at her

"I do,And specially now,Sense I have been Bored I study"Myungsoo said and His Mom Rolled her eyes once again and turn her head as a Black Car Stop at the Entrence and 5 People came out of the car

"Annyeonghaseyo,Welcome to XXX University,Are you The Family Choi?"Mrs.Kim Asked the 5 people standing there

"Neh,Annyeonghaseyo,I'm Choi Siwon Son of The Choi Andrew,And they are my Brothers and sisters"Siwon Introduced them to Mrs.Kim,She knew who they where She just looked at Seohyun and Sungmin playing on the back of the 3 older ones with a Plastic Bag that came with it Rilakkuma Stuff

"I'm Mrs.Kim the Owner of this University,Please come to my office,Myungsoo ah,Please show them around for now"Mrs.Kim said and Myungsoo nodded still looking at His Cellphone with out even Noticing that Seohyun was right infront of him

"Follow me..."Myungsoo said In a Flat tone While walking inside the School

"Unnie,Oppa I'll be Going!!"Seohyun said and Hugged her Oppa's and Unnie so did Sungmin and walked to Catch up with Myungsoo who was not so far because of his Slow walking

"Excluse me,Where is the Office?"Seohyun asked Myungsoo and he Finally looked up because he Remember that Sweet Voice

"S-Seohyun ah..."Myungsoo said and Looked at her With Wide open eyes

"Neh?How do you know my name?"Seohyun asked,she didn't know who he was

"Oh,Your The Jerk from Yesterday right?"Sungmin said and Made an evil smile

"Jerk?Me?No way"Myungsoo fight back and Sungmin rolled his eyes

"Ok,You wont Give us the Tour around here Than my sister and I will go"Sungmin said but her Remember something He did wrong

"Sister?Seohyun ah,You have brothers?"Myungsoo asked Seohyun and She looked at him and Looked at sungmin,Myungsoo felt really happy inside but hide it.

"Ok can we stop with this?"Sungmin asked And hold his Sister Next to her

"SEOHYUN AH!!!"2 Girls Yelled from far and Hugged her

"Sica Unnie,Jiyeon Unnie,You guys go to this Univesity?"Seohyun asked them and they nodded

"Oppa Annyeong"They both Said To Sungmin who was having a Mental fight with Myungsoo(a/n: just staring at eachother ^_^)

"Annyeong Sica and jiyeon"Sungmin smiled to them

"Why are you here?"Jessica asked Coldly to Myungsoo

"My Omma told me to Show then around"Myungsoo said and Faked Smiled

"Don't worry,We will show them around,You just go with Suzy she Is looking for you"Jiyeon said  and Myungsoo looked at them and said"I'll show Seohyun around,You show Him around Fair?"The 2 Girls Didn't agree

"No,We will show both around,Now Suzy is looking for you"Jessica told Myungsoo but he didn't care,He hold her Hand and walked Away

Sungmin waned to go behind them But Jessica and Jiyeon stopped him"Don't,They will be okay,You should be careful,It looks like you have already Fangirls"Jessica told him and He turn around and saw more than 30 girls standing there Taking pictures

"He is So cute!!!!"Some girls said"He can be like my Doll!!"Some other girls said


"Oppa!!!!"Seohyun yelled but there is no one that can hear her and she walked to the Door but almost triped and Myungsoo got her before she fell and there Face's where very Close

"Aissh...You are still are very Clumsy..."he said and Smiled, Seohyun Just looked at him and Looked away

he Let go of her and She Looked away

"Are you okay?"Myungsoo Asked her in a sweet tone

"Neh,Thankyou"She said still looking away

"I actually want to say something..."Myungsoo said,Seohyun looked at him

"What is it?But before tell me what's your name and how do you know me?Are you someone who I'm supposto know?"She asked him after a while

"What do you mean by If I was someone Who you where supposto know,Of course,I was your Boyfri-"he was cut off by A Girl who came inside the Place

"Oppa!!!"The Girl said and Hugged him,Seohyun felt a Pain in her Heart and didn't know why

"Suzy,Not right now...I'm doing something!!!"He told her as he pushed her away

"But Oppa,You told me that you love me,Don't tell me it was a Lie!!!!We have been together for a long time!!!"The girl named Suzy yelled and started to "cry" Myungsoo didn't know what to do,Seohyun was shocked She bowed and walked out the Place

"Seohyun ah Wait!!!!!"Myungsoo yelled but it was to late she was already out of the place

Seohyun was walking down random Hallways and On the Way she Accidently Bumped into a Guy

"I'm sorry I didn't look where I was going..."Seohyun said and Bowed to the Guy who she bumped into

"No worries it was No harm"The Guy Smiled and She smiled back

"What's Your name,are you new"The guy asked and said"I haven't seen you around"

"Neh,I'm new my name is Seohyun,Choi Seohyun...and yours?"Seohyun said and The Guy Smiled

"My name is Lee Taemin,Nice to meet you"Taemin said And smiled

"Should I show you around?First what class are you in?"Taemin asked Seohyun

"I don't know...I need my Squedual..."Seohyun said and Taemin nodded

"Here let's go see if they give you yours"Taemin said and she nodded and followed him as he walked


"Seohyun ah!!!"Jessica Called out for her Friend

"Seo!!!"Where are you?"Jiyeon yelled and still nothing

"Don't worry Oppa,She can't get lost,Specially if she is with that idiot"Jessica told Sungmin and he nodded

Jiyeon saw Seohyun with a boy but it wasn't Myungsoo it was someone else

"Seohyun ah!!And Taemin?"Jiyeon said and Waved to them they both waved back

"Oppa!!Unnie's!!"Seohyun said and Hugged them

"Oppa,I made a Friend already!!"Seohyun said Happly and smiled,Sungmin smiled to Seohyun and turn to Taemin who was talking to Jiyeon and Jessica

"Where were you going?"They asked both"To get my Squedual"Seohyun said and they nodded

"It's over here Seo"Jessica said and They followed her and entered

"Annyeonghaseyo,How can we help you?"Yoona Asked and looked up and saw Seohyun with the Rest

"I'm here for my Squedual"Seohyun and Sungmin both said,By then Taeyeon can out of the Paperwork Room and Smiled as she saw Seohyun

"Seohyun ah?is that you?"Taeyeon asked and Seohyun looked weird out she didn't know how they knew her

"Neh?Who are you?"Seohyun bowed and asked Nicely the two girls Looked shock by not knowing who they were

"Seohyun ah,You don't remember me?"Taeyeon asked Seohyun and she shook her head saying no the two girls gasped

"Are you sure?Did anything happen before?"Yoona asked worriedly and seohyun's Head hurt,she hold it and Almost fell down,Sungmin Caught her before she fell and

"Seohyun ah!!!Seohyun ah!!!"Jessica called her but no response

"Jiyeon,Sica please call My Hyung"Sungmin said and they both nodded and ran out the Office Taeyeon and Yoona Where very shocked the Tryed calling her but nothing,Taemin was giving air to Seohyun with his hand

Siwon,Sooyoung and Minho came Running To see what's wry g with Seohyun and Siwon Lift her up and Carried her to his Car with the rest following behind Mrs.Kim was just entering and saw everything she was worried About Seohyun

~Fast forward~

"How is She Doctor Park?"Sooyoung asked the Doctor as he comes out the Room

"She will be okay,She just Fainted because of thinking to much,She needs a Rest...I see that she had an Accident before and lost her Memorie,Right?"Dr.Park Said

"Neh she has,What does it have to do with It?"Minho asked the Doctor

"That she tryed to think About Her past...But...She tryed to hard,There is Many things Going on in her Life that she does not know about and wants to know,Please be careful with her, and tell her about her past to see if she can remember"Dr.Park said

"Okay,Thankyou doctor can we see her?"Siwon asked and He nodded than left

"Let's go see her"Sungmin said and they follow him inside the Room

once they enter they saw Seohyun Awake she was thinking about something they decited to talk to her

"Seohyun ah,What are you thinking?"Sooyoung Asked her Nicely

"I was thinking...about a Myungsoo...but I don't really know what his face looks like.."Seohyun said in a Low tone

"Ah...Do you really want to know?"Sooyoung asked her

"Aniya...not now..."Seohyun said while shaking her Head

"I want to remember my self"Seohyun added,Sooyoung nodded Sungmin and Minho where quiet,Siwon was sitting down calling his parents


"Myungsoo,Did you hear that The new students left?they didn't even go to the first class"His friend Hoya said

Myungsoo looked at him in a I-can't-believe-it look and got up and left the Class room and walked to his Mom's office

"Omma,What happend?"Myungsoo asked his mom in a Worried tone,His Mom only looked at him and Put her head down

"Seohyun,She just fainted...Don't worry...She is Alright-"Mrs.Kim was interrupted by her 2 daughters who seem to be yelling

Mrs.Kim and Myungsoo walked out the office and Saw Yoona and Taeyeon Yelling at some Guys

"Who do you think Taeyeon ah?Do you really think I did that?"The Tall Guy with Orange/blonde hair said and She looked as if she was going to cry while Yoona Was putting her Wrist away from the other guy

"Hey,Who are you??!!Get the Hell out of this School!!!"Mrs.Kim yelled and some teachers came because of the much noice there was

"Ahjuma,I'm taking her with me."The guy said and Hold Taeyeon's Hand hardly and ran out with her,Myungsoo Ran behind them and Stoped the guys before he could take His Sister

"Who are you to call Omma Ahjuma!? Huh,Leave my sister alone"Myungsoo said and He Looked at Myungsoo as he let's his sister go

"What are you going to do?I have had a Crush on your sister for years,She never payed Attencion to me!!"The Guys Said,Soon after the Other Guy came out the Office with Yoona in his Back

"Let go!!!"He yelled as they run, Taeyeon ran behind them and Tryed taking Yoona away while Myungsoo Started a fight with The 2 Guys

The Teachers called the police,As Mrs.Kim was Very scared She was Frighten

Soon the Police arrived,They Took the Two Guys away Leaving Taeyeon and Yoona Crying,Myungsoo and Mrs.Kim Hugged both,All the Students where watching and Seeying what was going on

"Noona's Don't cry anymore...let's go home..."Myungsoo said and Mrs.Kim told everyone(students) to get there stuff and leave to there house(a/n:I don't know if someone could actually do that but whatever xD)



Sorry for a Late Update, We both have been busy :P

Is it a Lame Update?Sorry if it's boring :( Hehe Don't worry,The Problems,the Lies and everything else are about to start*evil smile*

Hope you Enjoyed this chapter ^_^

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ChunjiLover #2
Chapter 11: I like this story update soon!!!!! :D
Chapter 11: sweet like a candy n funny too :D
eunixw #4
Chapter 11: MyungSoo and SeoHyun married... (teared) Comin' up next - SungMin and Tiffany! XD You will be ending the fanfic so soon..? T_T I will miss you..
eunixw #5
Chapter 10: Oh no... Don't hurt Seobaby.. T_T Nicole was once a close friend of SeoHyun but no longer now..? What happened?
eunixw #6
Chapter 8: Yay! an update! So it was just a misunderstanding~~ :3 Hope MyungSoo will find out what was the truth (or did he?).
eunixw #7
Chapter 7: Need to know what did MyungSoo did to SeoHyun last time.. ><
eunixw #8
Chapter 6: Will she soon find out her past?~
MyMark #9
Chapter 6: OMG!!! I wonder what Seohyun's friends are going to do???!
eunixw #10
Chapter 5: Uh~oh~~ kekeke. Looking forward to the next chapter!^^