
I'll Be There (When You Break)


i’ll be there (when you break) ;
The moment Wu Fan’s eyes flutter open into the pitch black darkness of the night, his ears begin to ring with the sound of muffled cries coming from the other side of his room. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, blinking a number of times to make sure he’s not dreaming. However, the muffled cries and sniffs continue and Wu Fan realizes that the crying boy on the other side of the bedroom happens to be no other than his roommate, Yixing.
Wu Fan jolts upright from his bed and shifts his gaze to Yixing’s bed, only to encounter pure darkness, for it is still only three in the morning.
“Yixing? Are you okay?” Wu Fan breathes and the quiet sobs stop for a moment before he hears him shift in his bed and clear his throat.
“U-um, yes.” Yixing mumbles.
Liar, no you’re not, thinks the older male. It’s the first time he’s ever heard Yixing cry, and he knows for a fact that he’s not okay. Yixing had always been considered one of the strongest people Wu Fan had ever encountered. However, everyone had their breaking point no matter how strong of a person they were, and Wu Fan figured this was Yixing’s.
“You’re not.” Wu Fan says with such firmness in his voice that Yixing then knows he can’t lie anymore.
“I-it’s my waist.” he whispers, his voice cracks and it’s then when Wu Fan hears Yixing whimper in pain. 
“It hurts... A lot.” There’s another whimper and Wu Fan swears he hears his heart break just the slightest bit.
“Yixing,” he mutters, “I told you earlier to take a break from all that practicing you’ve been doing, and it’s not good for your waist. Ugh, if only you weren’t so stubborn.”
“I’m sorry.” To apologize is the only thing Yixing can seem to do.
Wu Fan sighs, running his hand through his messy bed hair as he begins to slightly regret scolding Yixing for being so... well, hard working. In a way, it made sense that Yixing pushed himself so much. Just as the other eleven members of EXO, he wanted nothing more than to please their fans with flawless performances and he completely understood that. But Yixing’s stubborn self often pushed a little too much to the point where it had painful consequences.
Before he knows it, the oldest of the two finds his way to Yixing’s side, embracing the dimpled boy in his strong arms, softly whispering into his ears.
“Hey, hey, now. You don’t have to apologize, I just... I wish you wouldn’t push yourself so much sometimes. You can really really get hurt, Xing.”
Yixing nods, “I-I know, Fan. I’m sorry.” he mutters, closing his eyes and finding his way to the crook of Wu Fan’s neck for comfort. 
Wu Fan feels another teardrop fall from Yixing’s eyes to the collar of his shirt. He pulls away just the slightest bit, tilting the younger male’s chin to make him look him in the eye and he stares at him with a tint of worry in his eyes.
“Shhh, don’t cry. I’m here.”
It’s the first time Wu Fan notices how beautiful Yixing’s eyes are, how cute his little nose really is, and how nice his pink lips are. The two males stay like that for a moment - simply staring at each other until Wu Fan begins to lean in slowly and his lips meet Yixing’s. 
For a moment they’re both in shock - Wu Fan doesn’t believe what he’s just done, and neither does Yixing. But the kiss is nice, soft, and gentle to the point where their slight state of shock is soon overpowered by the feeling of love and for a few seconds, they forget about the whole world out there because it’s only the two of them that matter.
The kiss is broken and they’re back to gazing at each other again - this time like the complete love struck idiots that they are and Yixing has to remind himself to breathe.
“T-thank you.” 
Wu Fan’s eyebrows furrow, “For what?”
Yixing only smiles in response and cuddles closer to Wu Fan, “Everything. I just... I love you.”
Wu Fan chuckles and plants a small peck on his forehead, “I love you too, Yixing.”

Author's Note;

Asdfghl;dssd, I hope that wasn't too bad. TT_TT Please forgive me if I made any mistakes. Cheesy a'f ending, but I thought that'd be cute because Kray is just... well, cute as hell (: But yeah, thanks so much to those thirteen that subscribed~ It really means a lot. ^^ And thanks to the others who read this as well. I hope you guys liked it & I hope I didn't dissappoint! Don't forget to comment~ Again, thanks a lot for reading (:

Ooh! And if you have a tumblr you should follow me & we should be friendzies! Okay, that's it. Kbai! ^~^

{my tumblr.}



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*13 not 123 lol


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Authornim, thank you so much for writing such a sweety fanfic
I don't usually read Kray fanfic :"> But I can't stand at this story.
I'm a reader and translator from Viet Nam.
So . . . can I translate this fic into Vietnamese to share with many shipper in Viet Nam? I just do this because of love and without business. I promise once the translated story is posted in wordpress, we will take full credit to you and I will give you the link to check out the credit :">
Chapter 1: I was going to say: I'm standing next to you :>

But dang gulll, this fic was cute and so sweet I got a cavity.
I could picture it really well, you are good with details.
Chapter 1: omg. i can't even with this anymre. too sweet. too ing sweet now let me cry in a corner and die peacefully
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :3
Joolin144 #5
I wanna know how will Fan Fan take care of Xing Xing.............. When his waist's injury act up :'D
kraying01 #6
Chapter 1: Omg.! I can't.....just so sweeeett >_<
Chapter 1: KRAY IS MY #1 OTP
sweeeeeet...i luv caring Fan :)
same here, i also want to ask Yixing are his waist is okay when i meet him. I love Yixing soo much :3
thanks for writting authornim ^^
Chapter 1: KRAY IS MY #1 OTP
sweeeeeet...i luv caring Fan :)
same here, i also want to ask Yixing are his waist is okay when i meet him. I love Yixing soo much :3
thanks for writting authornim ^^
i actually don't like but I love this
Chapter 1: awww.. thank's for feeding my Kray soul, author-nim :)
this is so cute! pure cuteness... i love how Kris take care of Xing when he's sick :D
thanks for this story, ne? :D