You stole my heart.

Young daddy, Kris

Chapter 41 – You stole my heart.




“A LOT A LOT OF TOMOTO!” Aiden keep giving Kris a handful of cherry tomatoes to Kris who is cooking.

Kris heard Aiden and he laughed out loud, “WHAT? Tomoto?”

Aiden looked at Kris loud laughter and cry in shock. “Haha, sorry baby.” Kris stopped his stirring and carry Aiden up, rocking himself to comfort little Aiden.

“Sorry, baby boy. It’s tomato not tomoto.” Kris caressed his son’s hair and he keeps giggling.

“Aiden Aiden, say to-ma-to.” Kris put Aiden on the kitchen stool and hold him on his shoulder.

“To-ma-to.” Kris teacher and Aiden followed.

“Haha, that’s right. I’m sorry for laughing, baby boy.” Kris kissed Aiden’s forehead and continue stirring the fried veggies.


“Alright, we can put cherry tomato now. You want to put it in?” Kris looked at Aiden who stopped crying after a short while.

Aiden nod his head slowly and take a small handful of cherry tomato. Kris smiled widely at Aiden’s behavior that turned quiet after Kris laughed out loud at Aiden’s little mistake.

“Here?” Aiden looked up to Kris and ask if he should put the cherry tomatoes inside the cooking pot.

“Yeah, there little man.” Kris nod his head and helped Aiden.

“Good job, are you hungry already?” Kris asked Aiden again for the third time whether he is hungry yet or not.

“No appa, I want apple juice.” Aiden said, still looking excitedly at the cooking pot.

Kris put in salt and pepper for taste and turn off the heat stove. He takes out the apple juice carton out from the fridge and pours it into Aiden’s sippy cup, “Here you go, baby boy.”

Aiden step down from his stool and drink it, “Appa, omma?” He asked you.

“She’s at school. Do you want to go out with me and mummy later?” Kris asked while packing the fried veggies in the lunch box.

“REALLY? I WANT!” Aiden put down his cup on the table and ran to your room excitedly.

Minutes later he come out from you room and give Kris his shirt, “I WEAR THIS!”

Kris laughed again and take the clothes from him, “Alright baby boy, I’ll dress you up later after mummy comes home, okay?”

Aiden nod and grab his cup, then running to sit down on the sofa living room.




“Nah, take it.” Mr. Jung asked the front row students to pass back the sheet of papers. Kikwang, who is sitting in front of you, throw the sheets of paper to you and some flew away.

You gave his back a death glare and you pick them up from the floor.

“Finish the assignment and pass it up to me tomorrow at noon. You may go.” Mr. Jung dismisses the class, you quickly pack your bag and stands up, walking to Hyuna’s sitting place.


Kikwang, the hot-tempered guy, stands up and follows you from behind. He grabbed your shoulder and turn you to face him.

“Because of you, I got scolded and I freaking got tons of assignment to finish up. Help me finish all my assignment and I swear I stop disturbing you, deal?” Kikwang raised his eyes.

“No.” You said and walk away from him and went out the class with Hyuna.

“Fine!” He shouted at you.


Gayoon and her friends followed you behind too and she stopped in front of you, “Hmm, I wonder who the father to your son is.” She tapped her chin with her index finger and say it out loud, making all the other students of the school faces you.

Hyuna and you looked at the surrounding and it seems like they are throwing glares at you.

“Stop it, Gayoon.” Hyuna fight.

“What? I was being curious. I wanted to see how cute and handsome the father is.” Gayoon smiled sarcastically.

“Hyuna, let’s just go.” You whispered to her and grab her hand.

“Well, I bet the two of you are non- since the two of you are close.” Then, she turned her back and walk, leaving the hall way with her friends.

“I hope she got into an accident and the damage will be just at .” Hyuna hoped the bad thing happened to Gayoon, the sharp tongue girl.




“Omma late!” Aiden stomped his feet while waiting for you.

“She may be arriving sooner or later. Come on, I’ll dress you up first.” Kris asked Aiden to come over and he takes Aiden’s clothes to change it on him.

“Aiden-uh, do you like going to the childcare center or hanging out with appa?” Kris asked while changing his diaper.

“APPA!” Aiden answered enthusiastically and giggled while biting his soft giraffe toy.

“Oh really? Will you be sad if appa leave you?” Kris asked him but unfortunately, the little boy doesn’t understand.

When he finishes dressing Aiden up, he pick Aiden up and let Aiden stand with the support of Kris’s hands around Aiden’s ribcage.

“Because, appa will be sad if I have to leave my son one day but that will never happen if your mum accepts me back.” Kris said that to Aiden while giving him a kiss on the cheeks.

The main door opened and you enter the house. You saw Kris kissing Aiden on the cheek and it melts your heart.

“Appa, omma!” Aiden point at you and he ran to you.

“Omma, quick.” He pulled your hand and brings you to your room without any warning.

“What why?” You looked at him while following Aiden. Kris locked the door quickly and followed the both of you to the room.


“What happened?” Kris entered the room and you ask him.

Kris smiled, “I plan on going out with you and Aiden and this baby boy here has been quite excited about the outing so that’s why he dragged you to your room, maybe because he wants you to dress yourself up.” Kris walked over to you and offer to take your bag.

You give Kris a weak smile and carry Aiden up, “Are you happy that appa wants to go out with you?”

Aiden nod and hugged your neck, “And omma.” He said.

You were feeling quiet tired but for the sake of Aiden’s happiness, you nod.

“Where do you want to go?” You looked at Kris.

“Somewhere where I can’t tell you now.” He said and closes to bedroom door.

“Honey.” He grabbed your shoulder and spin you around to face him.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized.


“I don’t want to leave you. I know I’m clinging so much to you but I can’t bare with my life anymore if you force me to leave you.” He said.

You blow up your mouth because you were running out of words to say.

“If we’re in troubles and problems came to us, I promised you that we will be together and share those problems together right?” Kris asked, making you remember all the promises.

“I don’t actually care if my mum or that stupid girl disturbs our life anymore. As long as you’re by my side, everything is fine.” Kris smiled, touching your cheeks.

You smiled and look at him, “I’m sorry for being such a bad wife. I don’t want to leave you too.” You hugged him and bury your face in his chest.

He hugged you tight back, “I know you were forcing yourself just because you want me to have my freedom.”

“OMMA APPA PPALLI!” Aiden shouted at went in between you and Kris hugs.

“Shh Aiden. Don’t disturb mummy and daddy time!” Kris picks Aiden up and throws him on your bed softly, which gain a hearty laugh from the small kid.






The sunset is the most beautiful thing that you saw that night. It was cooling, soothing and everything seems happy. Kris chooses to go to the beach since the beach is quite windy and calm at the evening.


He bought all the foods that he cooked with Aiden earlier before and some mats to sit on the sand. Since the outing is for you and him reconciling back, he lets Aiden play by himself and build his sandcastle, of course under you and Kris monitor.

“Do you know what Aiden said this thing were just now?” Kris popped in a cherry tomato in his mouth and asked you.

“What?” You looked at him.

“Tomoto.” Kris answered and laughed out loud again.

“And then I laughed so loud about his cute mistake and he cried.” He laughed again.

You laughed at his laughter, “You’re supposed to be teaching him the right one, not laughing at him.”

“Honey, I did correct him afterwards but it was too funny I laughed for a bit.” He finished his laughing and take a cherry tomato in the lunch box and feed you.

“Do you know why I pack cherry tomato today?” Kris asked, hugging his knees.

“I don’t know.” You shrugged and chew on the cherry tomato.

“Do you remember when we had these cherry tomatoes on a stick with other fresh vegetables and we loved it?” He asked, looking at you.

You look down and smiled, “On our wedding dinner?”

Kris grinned and pinches your cheeks, “Yeah, we had this on our wedding dinner.”

“And do you remember this?” Kris opened up another box and there’s two cupcakes in it, one in purple and the other one in white.

The white frosted cupcakes had glittery ‘A’ on it with an angel wing on it while the purple frosted one has a black glitter bow and a letter ‘K’ on it.

You gasped and take the box from Kris, “Oppa, this is.”

“This is the cupcakes that we had for our wedding.” Kris nod.

You were touched, “How did you manage to get this after three years?”

“I made it, babe.” He take the purple one out for you and the white one for himself.

“Three years and I never forget about our beautiful wedding.” He smiled with his eyes closed.

“And now, the last surprise.” He said. You wait for him but he kept silent.

“What is it?” You eventually asked.

He shrugged his shoulder and takes a big bite at the cupcake and you followed him.

After the last bite, you bite on something hard but it taste sweet.

You grinned and recognize the familiar taste of the hard candy, “And this candy is the candy we had on our candy table.”

Kris nod his head and faces you, “Sounds like you remember all the small detail we had for our wedding.”




It was finally night time and you managed to get back home before the clock strikes 12.


Thirty minutes ago…

“Babe, you know that we have our own place right?” Kris swings your arm while carrying Aiden who is asleep.

You kept silent, feeling bad about leaving the house just like that.

“How about we move in back? We’re on good terms already right?” Kris asked.

You nod.

“Great, we will go back to that house tonight and get our clothes immediately after that alright?” Kris said.

You agree with him and take a taxi down to get to the destination.


A few more steps and the three of you arrived at the house but, it was locked with a different lock, the front door was being splashed by black paint. The flower pots were broken and it seems like something happened over the time.

“What the heck?” Kris gave Aiden to you and ran over to the key and tried unlocking it but he failed.

“Who did this?” Kris looked at you with a mad expression. You shrugged your shoulder while trying hard not to wake Aiden.

Kris does not feel safe and he immediately asked you for your phone since he doesn’t have his.

He called the police.




Kris finished showering and get back to your room, seeing you were wondering away.

“Babe, don’t worry. The police will investigate tomorrow morning alright?” Kris put his arms over your shoulder.

“Oppa, I’m sorry for leaving that house. If only…” You got stopped when Kris put his finger on your lips, “Stop saying you’re sorry.”

“Move in a little bit.” Kris asked you to move in and sit in the middle of the bed while Kris sit by your side, at the edge of the bed.

“You know what?” Kris said.

“I think we patch up really easy. Doesn’t that show how much you wanted me like how I wanted you?” Kris put on a silly smile on his face and grin at you.

“You’re such a good husband, it will be so fool of me if I really want to let you go.” You let out a sigh and hug your knees.

“But what if Yumi…” You looked up at Kris.

“Who’s that? I only know Wu Ara.” Kris leaned in and kisses you on the lips.

“Don’t talk about the problems again, baby. I just want us to be happy.” He stopped the kiss and look into your eyes.

“Just to let you know, you are the one who steals my heart.” He winked and continues his kisses.


Aiden stirs in his sleep so hard that it makes you and Kris stopped and looked at Aiden.

“Oh.” Kris said.

“I can still wait.” He playfully winked, then continue the kiss.

If you know what I mean.



Okay awkward. Sorry, I just have to write the last part. HAHA

Would I take your precious time to ask you to take my poll on the next page?

It’s just… umm… nothing much but just some hint for the next upcoming chapters?



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Seems like Young daddy, Kris will be ending at the next chapter :D


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22 streak #1
Chapter 64: Oh krisus you just made me cry
22 streak #2
Chapter 63: I really love this story!!!
gogogirl26 #3
Read this last year, always love daddy kris :)
saphire27 #4
Chapter 66: OH MY GOD! This is a really good story. I kind of having a mixed emotion while reading this fic. At first I hate kai for getting her pregnant but the next i hate Kris for leaving them. Thank you for the story author-nim♥♥♥
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 64: So much drama!!! At least at the end Kris and Ara got back together ^^

Aiden is so smart!!! (^.^)

Great job authornim :D :D - Off to the sequel now ^^
ItsVickyYen #6
Just read the foreword....
Haha I know this may be not very new...but saw the sequel which links to so I think its a very nice story...........................
Anyway authornim, good luck on your other fanfics!!
Chapter 64: Authornim, you know what?
I'm totally enjoyed this story.
I really like it!
I hope you can do much more story about exo, kris.

#figthing authornim♡ :)
And have a nice day !
Chapter 53: Shame on Wu Fan i hate him now!!
Chapter 36: Wae!! Why all This Is happening in Ara's life, uh?? I m so mad at Kris mom and grandma!! By the way This story Is the best i've Never read ☺
Omo jinjia? Thanks authornim!~~~XOXO