Chapter 1

Love Is Unfair

All my trouble seemed so far away. Everything looked radiant on that day. Although it was quite hot as the blazing sun was shining through the cloudless sky, it could not melt my happiness. I hung out with Chanyeol, who had been friend with me for almost a year. He is such a kind person. He is one of the popular guys in our college.

We watched movie, window-shopped at the malll and went for dinner together. Secretly, I admired him. He led a glamorous life. His pure and stunning appearance caught my heart. But, I never told him about my feeling toward him. I could not imagine if he rejected me. That would end our relationship. I did not want that to happen. He was the only guy who was willing to be friend with me. My gorgeous looks could not give warranty that he would accept me.

One day, I did not know what had controlled my mind. No, I did not have mind at that time! Boldly, I confessed to Chanyeol about my feeling when we had lunch together at the cafe. As expected, he was shocked and denied my confession.

“YOU CANNOT LOVE ME! Are you insane? We have been friends for almost a year, right?” He said with his eyes were wide open. I could sense that he was so shocked after I told him about it.

“Yes, but I don’t know. I couldn’t control my heart from falling for you.” I keep my head down to the floor. Avoiding his eyes.

He stood up and walked away from the cafe. My sight sent him away. I knew that he would reject me although he did not tell that. I could read his expression. The stars twinkled in the black sky like thousands of fireflies. But it could not fade my lonesome and apprehension. Would he forget the incident and let it away or break our relationship? I was haunted with hows and whys. Everyone was sleeping soundly but my eyes were wide opened. I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

As the moon made a retreat, the sun rises in all its radiance and splendour. A new day was born. Lazily, I prepared myself and went to the college. It was peculiar. I felt that I had become an attraction. Every pairs of the eyes were focusing on me. Sometimes, they whispered among them and laughed while looking at me. Did I look extraordinary?

 I was just wearing a pink-short sleeve t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Thinking positively, I walked to the class without looking left or right. I sat beside Illa, my best friend since high school. I was just about to open my book when Illa poked me and whispered.

“What have you done, yesterday, kitty?” She used to call me like that because she said my face does look like a cat. I frowned and asked her calmly. Hoping that she wouldn’t talk anything about Chanyeol.

“What is it? I can’t understand you, Illa” She put her palm on her face and half yelled at me. “Do you know that the rumors about you and Chanyeol has spread out in this college? ARE YOU NUTS?”

My face went white as sheet. My eyes nearly popped out. I did not know where to control myself. Those faces that laughed and whispered when I entered the college crossed my mind.

That was what they were laughing about. How could him! I could not believe that he would tell everybody about my confession. Without responding to Illa’s questions, I picked up my bag and went out from the class while holding back my tears. Fortunately, the lecturer did not enter the class yet. How could I concentrate on the lecture when my crush betrayed me?

When I reached home, I threw myself onto bed and cried. I screamed his name as loud as I could. I don’t care what my neighbor would think. Time passed really fast. The sun went down and the night begin.

That night, with my read swollen eyes and baffled mind, I reached up my iPhone and dialed Chanyeol’s number. I had tried a several times. It was so annoying when he didn’t answer my call. He would always answers my calls. I tried to call him for the last time. Praying that he would pick it up and he did.

“How could you, Park Chanyeol? I HATE YOU! I never thought that you would do this to me. I trusted you. It is okay that you rejected me but why did you tell everybody about this?” I yelled through the phone without an appropriate greeting. I am so angry.

“Listen up, Byun Baekhyun. Is your mirror in your room is not big enough to reflect your true identity? Do you think that I will accept you and will live happily ever after? Haha! Wake up, man!” He said and laughed loudly. I could hear his friends’ laughters behind him. He made a loudspeaker!

I curled my hand in a fist and hung up the call. I sat down and again, tears began to roll down my cheeks. Yes, Chanyeol’s words were true. I was so stupid that I hoped for a guy to be my life partner. That was wrong. Although I had a long black hair and wore woman’s clothing, that could not change me into a woman. I was just a woman who trapped in a man’s body!

Tadaaaaaaa he's a guy! He is Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun! Omg omg! Are you guys enjoying it? After my friend gave me this story I was like 'wtaf....' I thought that person is a girl but turned out to be a guy! 

Btw, thanks for reading. Bye bye. Love you guys!

Oh, I forgot this!



(It's look the same right? xD)

p/s: Pictures not mine :)

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