My Decision

I walk off into the streets of Seoul, buildings fill up the space. There are street vendors on the corner waiting for hungry customers to stop by from some dubboki .  I pass by the richer areas. In front of their houses are full of violet flowers, my favorite color. I look down at my purple baby g-shock watch; it’s already 1:30. I am going to get hungry soon. I walk to a nearby street vendor, the owner looks at my clothing, I am wearing plum colored converse with shorts and a pastel green scoop neck. She thought that my clothing was weird. Not like I cared; I had no friends while living in Korea. I am always on my own, also a recluse you could say. I moved here for work and a way to escape my ex. No one here knows my past and I do not intend for them to know. Men walk by the streets thinking they could come up to talk to me. I also did not care for them either; as soon I see one try to approach I pick up my pace and walk away faster. My job is a simple job; I work as a writer, where I am away from people.

Normally, I stay home but I ran out of food so I had no choice but to come out and buy some. I quickly rushed my way to the market after I ate and then went to go pick up some papers for article information. I looked up at the sky, it was already a mix orange and violet and the sunset was coming by the time I was ready to go home. I never stayed out for so long it was very rare and unusual. I took a stack of post-its and started writing. I used my favorite purple pen. Someone was knocking on my door, I got up to look through the hole to see who it was.

Sehun...my ex, the one I wanted to escape from. How did he get to my doorsteps? Why is he here? How did he find me? What did he want? I left so long ago  and moved so many times since then. I decided to not answer it and just go back to my work.  The doorbell kept ringing but I ignored it. I did not want to see him again after what he did. Open the door!", "Please, Mihyun..let's talk!", "Mihyun, I miss you. I haven't stopped thinking about you for those past years. I want to see your smiling face again. I won't be happy unless you are back into my life. Please!". He said all those words to me but I still wouldn't open the door. I gripped harder on my pen as tears rolled down my cheeks; I missed him so much that I wanted to run out he door and wrap my arms around him then tell him I will never leave him again. I knew i couldn't do it. I left him for a reason and i can't go back to it. He cheated on me with a trainee the day I was going to surprise visit him after my classees. His tongue enveloped into and his arms were wrapped around his waist. Even the thought of it now disgusts me, i shouldn't trust him anymore. I can't. And i simply won't. I ran out of the room as soon as our eyes made contact, I remember the way he screamed my name. It almost made me want to turn back but i knew i couldn't so I kept running, as far as my legs could take me.

He eventually gave up and left. After I was sure he was gone, I secretly looked out the window and watch him walk away. He still looked the same, but his smile was gone and will never back. He was carrying a bouquet of fake flowers, which he knew I loved. There was no turning back though, I knew for a fact I would be better off without him. That night, I cried myself to sleep, I thought of those days before I became a puzzle with a million pieces that no one wanted to ever piece back together.  I hid myself deep into my purple blankets and fell asleep. By the next week, I decided to pack my bags and move away. I already knew, that this would be one of the best decisions I ever made, next to leaving him. I'm sorry Sehun, but you should not have done that...goodbye.

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Chapter 1: aw so sad~ poor girl, bad hunnie
Chapter 1: So sad!!! ;(
I actually cried...
Chapter 1: WHY?! T,T
sehun... come here, baby
let me recovered your pain heart
Chapter 1: How sad. D':