

"I'll be busy tonight, Xiumin. I don't think I can make it home. I'll just sleep at my co-worker's place." Luhan called over his clean desk, signing the last contract. 

"But why? Can't you come home even if it's late? Why do you have to stay at your friend's place?" Xiumin placed a bowl of well-made salad. The lettuce was awfully green and clean, the tomatoes had been sliced into small even squares and the purple onions were cleanly stripped into small lines, all below a nice swirl of fresh ranch.

"I even prepared food for you." he looked at the other bowl on the table, one that had been neater than his. The dinner table was set so clean, the wod table had no signs of decay. 

"I really can't. We have so much stuff to do here in the office. I'd love to come home but I can't make it tonight. Plus, I'll be home at around 3 or 4. I really don't want to drive back all they way to our house when I'm tired." Luhan handed the last folder to his assistant. His desk was awfully clean to be as busy as he was describing. Luhan was one of the Head in a great company, but the high rankers rarely had anything to do.

Xiumin bit his lip at the decision, "Fine. But please don't get too tired. And makes sure to sleep alot. Eat breakfast and come home too. Jjangee's missing you right now." he lifted up the dog and petted him.

"I love you. Bye." Luhan hung up hastily, way before Xiumin could have said 'I love you' and 'bye' back to him.

Xiumin sat at the table eating his salad blankly. Why is he always so busy? I know being a company head can be busy, but it's to the point where he doesn't even have time for me anymore. Luhan, where are you? He looked back at the empty chair and untouched salad bowl. For a moment there, he nearly lost it.


"Wonsuk, take care of the papers, I'm leaving already." Luhan stood from his chair and took his jacket off the coat rack in his office. Wonsuk bowed before him and waited till he left. He carried his suitcase in his small black Honda Civic and drove off. 

"Hey babe. I'll be there soon. I miss you." Luhan smiled as he pushed his bluetooth in his ear, making sure it doesn't fall.

"I prepared dinner. I'm sure you're hungry. Aw, baby Mason misses you too. Right Mason?" and unclear baby noise popped in right after the person spoke. 

"Alrighty, bye Mason." the call eneded. Soon enough, Luhan arrived at a large 2 story beige house. He pulled out his keys and searched for the right one, the door unlocked. 

"Babe is that you?" a voice called out from the kitchen.

"Why? Did you give someone the key to our house?" he joked as he pulled off his shiny black loafers. He dropped his siutcase on the floor next to the couch and slightly pulled his tie to release the stress. 

"I missed you, honey." a girl came in the living room along with a 3 year old child in her hands, and kissed him. 

"I missed you too. Did Mason miss Daddy?" he talked in a child-like voice and patted the boy in the head. 

"Dinner's ready. Come on Mason, follow Mommy." she held her hand out to the child but he seemed to like Luhan better and hugged his leg. 

"Daddy." he looked scared at his mom.

"Haha, alright Mason-ie let's go help your mom set up." Luhan carried the boy and walked in the kitchen behind the girl. Eveyone sat down for dinner and ate. But Mason distracted each parent by asking them to feed him.

After dinner, Luhan headed to the shower. His phone rang but it was silent to Luhan's ears, the loud shower covered Xiumin's call.

"Oh, so he's ignoring me now?" Xiumin put the phone down on the couch with a thud.


6 miss calls and Luhan's still in the shower. Luhan, I'm going to call one more time and if you don't answer.. He clenched his teeth and pressed the green call button on his Iphone once more. The long shrill ringing made Xiumin nervous and anticipating. On the last ring the phone picked up.

"Hello?" a female voice spoke into teh phone. It made Xiumin nervous and scared and even kinda mad. Is he cheating on me? He frowned.

"Hello??.." the voice spoke again and broke Xiumin out of his ill-thoughts. 

"Hi. Is. L-Luhan there?" he trembled, scared to find out he was having an affair. 

"Yes he is. Why? Mommy~" the phone caught the voice of a kid calling out to his mother. A kid? Luhan, a KID? Really?

"Please tell him to call me back. My name is Xiumin. Thank you. Bye." he hung up and sat in the dark living room with only a t.v on. His head laying low. Please tell me he's not cheating. Luhan you better have a good explanation about this tomorrow.




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Chapter 1: Ommnmggggg nooooo!!!!!!
U better update soon authornim ; A ;
Chapter 1: ....This is so sad sobs;~;
Poor minseokT__T
Omg so angsty kamnsajwob
Please update soon!!T_T
Chapter 1: Oooo nooooo
Poor baby sokkie! Oh no /tears/
Luhan has a family already T^T wth luhan! /sobs/
So many feels already!
Luhan that's horrible! You're leading minseok on! Especially if you're acting like that... T*T
Chapter 1: D-don't tell me.... Luhan...
Please don't.... *speechless