Chapter 1

To Reunite as One

They had walked for hours, in hopes to find a small, fragile person to drink off.

They couldn't just drink off just anyone, oh no.

You see, It had to either be a small fragile person.. Or A nice teenage girl.

Other blood was bitter sour.

Well, to K it was.

M didn't really drink off human blood, not unless they desperately needed it.

"We have walked for hours and their has been no one around for miles!" Shouted the maknae of M, Tao.

"Hush Tao!" Kris bellowed, making everyone aroung him flinch.

Kris is the leader of M.

You will always remember kris. He always, always, has a face.

He never used to.

Not until the 12 got separated, and  K went their own way.

Why did they separate?

Well, its said that K and M used to be one.


They used to do everything together.

You name it, theh did it together.

Until the big 1999 accident.

They were left, defenceless and alone.

just them against the world.

Left to die.

But what Happened next was unexpected.

Big lights, alot of pain.

Vains pulsing, hearts stopping, living, dying, blood, fangs, returning.


Red eyes, sharp fangs, blood craving monsters.

Thats what half of them thought when they realised what they now were. They were the Maintained vampires.

They others were Killers.

They killed everyone they got their hands on.

(a/n in this fanfic, they got "K" and "M" from Maintained and Killers. Just incase there is any confusion)

And thats when "We are One" turned to, "Two.."

They split.

M and K vampires divide into two forced.

K vampires consisted of a team of 6 known as Kai, Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O and baekhyun.

The nicest looking people who you could ever meet.

Well, thats if your alive long enough to look.

They might be nice looking, but they certainly are not the kind of people you would wanna cross paths with.

M also has 6 members:

Luhan, Kris, Tao, Xiumin, Chen and Lay.

To anyone else, they didn't seem like vampires, they seemed like kind, good mannered humans. 

K set out to take over the world.

M went on to save it.

There has been an ancient grudge kept between these two groups for many years although no one quite knows what the grudge is being held over.

And there, you have heard one of the million versions of the M and K legend.

One of the ones that sticks mostly to the truth.

M and K.

It just rolles off the tongue.

M was still walking when they heard the loudest, ear popping, mind blowing, highest pitched scream they had ever heard.

It lasted for about 20 seconds before the strong, metallic smell of blood filled their noses.

It was still hard for M to resist the sweet smell of human blood, after all, they are Vampires.

But that didn't stop them grimacing.

They knew something bad was going to happen that night.

They could sense the bad aura in the air.

They all grimaced and turned in the direction of the scream and ran at full force.

They knew what was gonna greet them.

They could run fast anyway, but being vampires really helped.

They got to the scene in next to no time at all and came face to face with their rivals.



"Haven't seen you for a long time, M."

"We could say the same about you , K." 

a u t h o r ' s   n o t e 

hey, first chapter up! Sorry this one is boring,  the next chapter will be of the Girl who screamed POV since she Is the main character.

v o t e c o m m e n t S u b s c r i b e

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Chapter 1: Please update
Chapter 1: Update soon please (:
Chapter 1: update soon author-nim ^_^