Chapter 9: Why

Battlefield: Earth [Hiatus]


            Sunhi stared at the sleepy-eyed Nalkitsune for a minute before a small smile appeared on her face, “Nice to meet you, Changsub.”

           Ifmafi eaogrybssf rushbgr ,” The boy replied, confusing Sunhi greatly.

            “Excuse me,” Sunhi tilted her head.

            "Ifmafi Syeirbw eedre rubgr” He turned to Sungjae. “c®rtt☼☻ wer☺•reweh♣7 htisigtu ru♣•☻gbr sird Nalkitsu?”

            “Of course not, hyung, she’s human. Wait, why are you speaking Nalkitsu?” Sungjae replied.

            “ghrnfit tufb rutdnf ibtr gut ebtr c1≥♣K◘☺◘ ♣d7 ☻?♣•, fhrn♦•  ” Changsub replied.

            Sunhi turned to Peniel, whispering to the foreign boy, “What is he saying?”

            “It’s Nalkitsu, our native tongue,” Peniel replied. “It appears Changsub hasn’t assimilated your language yet.

            Sunhi slowly nodded in understanding.

            “Hyung, this is earth, you can’t go around speaking Nalkitsu, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb,” Sungjae yelled.

            “USFNR, eifnte osfnr oe thru gurbr riee ye.

            “It’s an earth expression, Hyung. My Nalmiyoh uses it all the time,” Sungjae sighed. “Regardless, you need assimilate the language here, if you’re gonna fit in here and be able to scope out this planet correctly.”

             “•♣817k♣♠$•☻ dbfr •dvh Nfhru ◘♣☺•fhfurb♀ firhf surr •♦♣feh•m.  n◘rug fgrgrfd sdfyr ♦◘♣eubf

            “Hyung,” Sungjae whined.

            Changsub turned to Peniel who simply nodded.

            “Aish,” Changsub groaned walking across the street to a random woman.

            “Yes, can I help you?” The woman said to the strange boy in front of him.

            Changsub instantly took the young woman in his arms and dipped her, planting a long, passionate kiss on her lips, “There. Happy?”

            Sunhi stared at the oddball, stunned as Peniel and Sungjae nodded in agreement.

            Changsub set the woman down on the sidewalk before walking back over to the group, “great. That’s one more language burned into my brain.”

            “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!” Sunhi yelled at the odd Nalkitsune.

            “What was what, Nalmiyoh?” Sungjae asked, puzzled by the girl’s reaction.

            “He just assimilated that female’s language,” Peniel explained, also confused.

            “No, he just kissed her! He practically made out with her!” Sunhi yelled, completely frazzled.

            “Made out?” Sungjae asked, “What does that mean?”

            “ERT!” The woman across the street threw her high-heel, nailing Changsub in the back of the head.

            “YAH!” Changsub yelled back, rubbing his head

            “He just absorbed her language through lip contact. We’ve all done it,” Peniel continued.

            “Y-you’ve all done it?” At that moment, Sunhi remembered what Sungjae had told her a few days ago.


            “I just happened to assimilate my language from the first person I saw.” Sungjae ran over, hugging Sunhi. “And I don’t regret a thing.”

            “You mean.” Sunhi blushed. “You stole my language.”

            “Sure did.” The Nalkitsune boy spun around. “And I’m glad I did or I wouldn’t have gotten to meet you.”


            Sunhi touched her lips, remembering Sungjae’s exact words. ‘If he assimilated his language from me… that means…’

            “Nalmiyoh, are you ok?” Sungjae asked, placing a hand on Sunhi’s shoulder.

            “AHHHHH!” Sunhi screamed before punching Sungjae in the face. “ERT! JERK! THIEF! !” Sunhi kept throwing punches at the boy as she grew red with anger and embarrassment.

            Peniel and Changsub watched in awe as their comrade was beaten to the ground by the smaller earth girl.

            Sunhi started to run away but paused as Sungjae slowly sat up.

            “W-What did I do?”

            “Pabo,” she turned toward him with tears in her eyes, “YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS!”

            Sunhi pressed and held the button on her watch shocking the tall Nalkitsune, before turning and running home.

            “Well,” Changsub spoke after a long silence, “that was interesting.”



            Sunhi spent the entire night in her room. Even when Sungjae returned home and Peniel escorted Changsub to Cube headquarters, Sunhi avoided the Nalkitsune. She was angry at Sungjae for stealing her precious moment, but what made her furious was the fact that it wasn’t even a big deal to him. Every time the boy approached Sunhi, the earth girl would abuse the power of her watch, shocking the boy until he fell unconscious.

            The next morning came and Sungjae left the house to meet with the other Nalkitsune while Sunhi remained in her room. Doojoon approved of her staying home from school, even though the girl had not told him why he was so upset. Before he set off for the day, the worried brother knocked on Sunhi’s door.

            “Sunhi-ah,” Doojoon asked, gently pushing his way into his sister’s room.

            The young girl was pouting, laying face up in her bed.

            “Sunhi-ah, what’s wrong?” Doojoon asked trying to help his sister out of her depression.

            “That stupid Sungjae,” Sunhi mumbled, grabbing hold of her pillow.

            “Sungjae, what did he do?!” Doojoon spoke up, angrily. “I swear, if he hurt you, I’ll rip out his entrails and jump rope with them.”

            Sunhi opened but immediately closed it when she saw Doojoon’s eyes flash white with anger. As angry as she was at Sungjae, she wasn’t cruel enough to send an enraged Doojoon after him. Sunhi remembers the last boy to truly get on Doojoon’s bad side. The poor kid still can’t go near a soccer field without crying.

            “What did Sungjae do?!” Doojoon growled again.

            “N-Nothing, did I say Sungjae? I mean…um…Sungjong. You know that guy who works at the ramen shop with Kikwang-oppa,” Sunhi quickly covered. “He’s, um, engaged to that one girl at school and I’m very upset about it…because I…um…think he’s kinda cute.”

            “Did my baby sister get her heart broken?” Doojoon wrapped his arm around Sunhi’s shoulder. “It’s ok; there are other fish in the sea. You’ll find a far better guy someday.”

            “Like one of your friends?” Sunhi smiled and Doojoon frowned.

            “No, never my friends! If any of those erts got near you, I’d vaporize them! You don’t like one of them, do you? Who is it? Is it Kikwang? Do I need to kill Kikwang? I’m killing Kikwang,” Doojoon was fired up, ready to attack his best friend.

            “I don’t like Kikwang, Oppa, I swear,” Sunhi calmed her brother. “I was just joking; your friends are not my type.”

            “Thank goodness,” Doojoon chuckled. “Well get some rest today, and don’t worry about Sungjong. When you think about it, you’ll realize that he wasn’t the one for you.”

            Sunhi nodded and Doojoon planted a small kiss on his sister’s cheek. He assured the girl to call him if she needed anything. As soon Doojoon left Sunhi walked to her window and glanced out her window to see Doojoon’s friends approach the door.

            “Lee Kikwang, I’m going to kill you!”

            Before anyone had time to react, Doojoon dashed from the front door and began chasing Kikwang with a murderous intent. Even though the skinny kingka had no idea why he was in trouble, he ran as fast as he possibly could.

            Sunhi watched the other kingkas follow after Doojoon and Kikwang. When she was sure her brother was gone, she took a breath of her inhaler and pocketed it. She walked downstairs and slipped on her sneakers, slipping out the front door; she needed some air to think.




            Sunhi arrived at a heavily wooded area near the edge of her neighborhood. She took a breath of her inhaler and leaned back against a tree. She stared up at the sky and began to think about Sungjae.

            ‘I can’t believe that jerk stole my first kiss!’ Sunhi complained in her head, ‘Although, I’m not sure it could count as my first kiss. I wasn’t really conscious for it.’

           Sunhi was evaluating her entire situation when a small, black rabbit emerged from the bushes near her. ‘Well, technically, he wasn’t kissing me, he was copying my language. Sungjae had no idea what he was doing was wrong.’

            She turned to the rabbit as it came closer, “Maybe I was too hard on him. Maybe I should tell him I’m sorry.”

            “You don’t even know what sorry is.”

            Sunhi’s eyes widened as the small black rabbit stood on its hind legs. It pulled off a device attached to its forearm and pressed a button. Instantly the rabbit transformed into a blonde boy with black rabbit ears and a black mask over his mouth.

            “I am Daehyun, master assassin of sector B.A.P.” he pulled a knife from the pocket of his black, camo cargo pants. “I’ll make you pay for getting so close to Youngjae-ah and interfering with our mission.”

            The blonde lunged at the girl with his knife, when she immediately dived out of the way. “What the hell are you doing,” she yelled, “You’re supposed to be in a peace period!”

            Daehyun smirked, “who will know if I kill one little human.”

            Sunhi reached for her watch in attempt to call Doojoon but as she pressed the button on her watch, Daehyun slashed at her wrist, breaking the device of its restraints. Sunhi attempted to run but the matoki pinned her to the ground.

            “Any last words, wench.”

            Sunhi had to think fast, “Look! It’s the Nalkitsune leader!”

            “Where?! Where?!” Daehyun spun around and started slashing at the air in attempt to kill the leader fox. Sunhi took this opportunity to stand up and run.

            Daehyun groaned as he realized he had been tricked, “Ah! I always fall for that!” He dropped his knife and pulled a sword from his back before giving chase to the sneaky girl.

            Eventually, Sunhi came to a clearing, where she stopped to catch her breath, and grabbed for her inhaler.

            “You think you’ve eluded me, Yoon Sunhi?”

            “AHH!” Sunhi screamed dropping her inhaler to the ground as Daehyun approached her. Her breath became rapid and unsteady from both fear and asthma.

            “Oh, here,” Daehyun picked up the inhaler and handed it to Sunhi, “Youngjae told me about asthma.”

            Sunhi tilted her head, confused by the boy’s action.

            “Take a breath of that stuff.” Daehyun commanded, “I don’t want you to have an asthma attack before I kill you.”

            Sunhi looked up at the odd boy behind the black face mask before stepping back and taking a breath of her medicine. She took several deep breaths as Daehyun approached her.

            “You alright now?” Daehyun asked.

           Sunhi nodded slowly and Daehyun pushed her into a tree. “Good. Now, any last words before I destroy you?”

            Sunhi whimpered slightly as the assassin held a sword to her neck. As Daehyun was about to press the blade into , a loud rumbling came from his stomach.

            “Are you…hungry?” Sunhi asked.

            Daehyun growled, stepping back, “Of course I’m freakin’ hungry! Someone convinced Himchan to start cooking your crappy, inedible earth food. How the hell can you eat that stuff?!” Daehyun threw his blade to the ground, crossing his arms, “fish cookies indeed.”

            Sunhi nervously picked up the sword before turning toward the pouting alien, “first of all, no one eats fish cookies. I don’t know how you people came up with the idea that those are standard earth food. And second, if you stop trying to kill me, I’ll buy you some earth food that I promise you’ll enjoy.”




            Sungjae was walking around the park with Peniel and Changsub following. He was in a sour mood since Sunhi decided to ignore him throughout the day. He had no idea why the girl was so upset about him absorbing her language. She seemed ok with it at first, but when she saw Changsub do it, she freaked out. Sungjae just didn’t understand.

            “Hyung,” Sungjae asked after keeping silent to his two Nalkitsune pals, “what’s a kiss?”

            “A kiss,” Peniel answered, scratching his head, “I read in a book it is, and I quote, to touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness.”

            “So on this planet, humans use their lips to express love?” Changsub questioned, “That’s just silly.”

            “But apparently it’s a big deal to my Nalmiyoh,” Sungjae whined, upset about hurting Sunhi, “and now she’s really mad at me. I gotta make it up to her.”

            Changsub smirked, “you liiiike her~.”

            “Yah!” Sungjae yelled, “She’s my Nalmiyoh so I’m supposed to like her, right?”

            “Exactly,” Peniel smiled, pulling out a mustard packet, “Choosing a Nalmiyoh is like choosing a life partner. If you don’t like your Nalmiyoh, how can you trust your life in their hands?” He ripped the top of the packet with his sharp teeth and started the yellow condiment.

            “I still don’t get the whole Nalmiyoh thing,” Changsub spoke, “but I know I don’t like seeing earth females upset. They throw shoes when they are upset. So how do we make Sungjae’s Nalmiyoh smile again?”

            Sungjae thought for a second, “What do girls like?”

            “You can get her an Oranian fungal lily,” Changsub suggested, “I got one for a girl once; she really liked the scent before it ripped her nose off.”

            “No, the prices on Oran are through the roof right now,” Sungjae declined.

            “Why not give her a Nalkitsu massage,” Changsub offered. “Girls like massages.”

            “Humans are delicate,” Sungjae answered, “I don’t think Sunhi would survive if I broke her neck.”

            “But that’s the best part!” Changsub rubbed his neck. “I could really go for a Nalkitsu massage myself.”

            “Later,” Sungjae groaned.

            “Boys, boys, you’re going about this all wrong,” Peniel spoke up. “You have to appease to human women with human things, not what women on our planet like. I stayed up all night reading about human females, and from what I read, girls like romance.”

            “Romance?” Changsub questioned. “You mean like shoving a flaming centipede down while rubbing her back with Zantian slug juice?”

            “I don’t think even girls on our planet would like that,” Peniel answered.

            “I don’t think anyone on any planet would like that!” Sungjae yelled.

            “The centipede would,” Changsub smirked.

            “You’re no longer allowed to talk,” Sungjae responded.

            “Anyway,” Peniel continued, “in order to romance an Earth female, first you have to sweep her off her feet, and make her feel special, and the best way to do it is with a pick-up line.”

            “Pick-up line?” Sungjae questioned.

            “Is that like a fishing line that picks up girls,” Changsub asked.

            “No, no, it’s just something you say that makes earth females interested in you. Allow me to demonstrate.” Peniel walked over to a park bench where a young woman was seated, studying. The alien leaned in near the girl, placing his arm on the back of the bench behind her, garnering the girl’s attention.

            “Can I help you?” she asked.

            Peniel simply smiled, “Hey, girl, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I next to each other.”

            The girl gave the boy an awkward look before closing her book, giving Peniel a small sense of accomplishment.

            “See guys,” Peniel stood, “it’s as easy as that.” Before the brunette had any time to react, the girl came up behind him and hit him upside the back of the head with her text book. Peniel fell to his knees and looked up at the girl, “Yah, what was that for!” The girl continuously hit the alien boy as he cried out for mercy. “AHH! CRAZY LADY! AHH! MOMMY! AHH! WHY ARE WOMEN ON THIS PLANET SO VIOLENT?!”

            The girl hit Peniel one more time upside the head before cursing at him and storming away.

            “That was romantic,” Changsub commented.

            “Please stop talking,” Peniel whimpered.

            The three boys heard a light snicker from nearby as two boys approached. “You guys never cease to amuse me,” one of them spoke.

            “What the hell are you doing?” The other one had his arms crossed. “Don’t you realize we’re on a mission?”

            Sungjae and Changsub’s eyes brightened as they ran over to the two newcomers.

            “Hyunsik!” Changsub leapt up onto the first boy’s back, who eagerly gave him a piggyback ride.

            “Ilhoon-hyung!” Sungjae ran over and hugged the second newcomer who shuddered at his touch.

            “Don’t touch me, let me go, get off!” Ilhoon screamed causing the eager maknae to let go.

            “So what are you three up to?” Hyunsik asked.

            “Other than ignoring our mission,” Ilhoon remarked.

            “We’re helping Sungjae apologize to his Nalmiyoh for kissing her,” Changsub answered, holding onto Hyunsik’s shoulder.

            “What’s a kiss?” Hyunsik asked.

            “He can do that once we get back to Nalki,” Ilhoon commented. “Did you forget we’re on a mission to prepare for war?”

            “But I can’t,” Sungjae whined, “My Nalmiyoh’s on this planet.”

            “Seriously?!” Ilhoon and Hyunsik reacted simultaneously.

            Changsub smiled, “Sungjae’s Nalmiyoh is a human.”

            “Wow,” Ilhoon smirked, “I knew you were weird, but claiming a human Nalmiyoh?”

            “She’s very strong, kind, and nice,” Sungjae argued, “Plus she knows about alien devices and vehicles.”

            “Don’t forget her brother is a half Velpin, intergalactic peace enforcer that’ll vaporize you if you hurt her,” Peniel rolled over onto his back smiling, “Who wouldn’t want that in a Nalmiyoh?”

            Hyunsik smiled, “oh, that is hot.”

            Ilhoon groaned, “I’m getting nowhere with you slackers.”

            Peniel stood up, “any idea about how to make a human female happy?”

            Ilhoon smirked, glancing at Peniel, “whatever you said to that other female, never say it again.”

            Hyunsik smiled, “I’ve spied on a lot of humans these last few days and if there is one thing I learned, they are happy at parties. So let’s throw Sungjae’s Nalmiyoh an ‘I’m sorry for kissing you’ party.”

            “Yeah, let’s throw an earth party!” Changsub pumped his fist.

            “Party, party!” Peniel chanted.

            Ilhoon rolled his eyes, “there’s no getting through to you people.”

            Hyunsik smirked and poked the younger’s cheek, “you know you love it, Nalmiyoh.”

            “I’m not your Nalmiyoh!”




            Sunhi sat at a café table across from an insane matoki. She watched in awe as the alien quickly devoured plate after plate of sandwiches and bowl after bowl of soup. The young girl sighed, knowing her allowance for the entire month was likely to go towards this single meal.

            “Will there be anything else for you today?” The waiter asked, slowly approaching their table.

            “N-No thanks,” Sunhi responded, looking at a small plate of cheesecake on the table. It was the only thing she had ordered for herself, considering Daehyun had cleaned her out.

            The waiter walked away as the hungry matoki looked up at Sunhi’s plate. “Hey, what’s that anyway?”

            “It’s just a slice of cheesecake,” Sunhi responded softly.

            “Cheese, in cake?” Daehyun questioned. “You humans are crazy.”

            “It’s not like fish cookies!” Sunhi argued. “This combination is delicious!”

            “Yeah right,” Daehyun crossed his arms. Sunhi hated to admit it, but without his mask, this matoki was actually quite handsome.

            “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it,” Sunhi gave the boy a fork with a small amount of cheese cake on it. The boy reluctantly took the fork and placed it in his mouth. His eyes widen as the sweet, creamy substance touched his taste buds.

            “So what do you think?” Sunhi asked as Daehyun slowly chewed the delicious cake, lost in a daze, “Daehyun-ssi?”

            “MINE!” Daehyun snatched the cake away from Sunhi and began eating it.

            Sunhi groaned, seeing her dessert stolen from her, “was that really necessary?”

            “THIS IS AMAZING!” Daehyun yelled with his mouth full of cheesecake. He swallowed, cleared his throat and looked at Sunhi. “Yoon Sunhi, I have decided not to kill you, provided you supply me with more of this delicious dessert.”

            “What?! But I can’t-”

            “Thanks,” Daehyun his plate clean before tossing it on the table, along with a small black watch, “And I think you lost this earlier. You should be more careful with your stuff.” He stood and walked toward the door. “See you again soon, Yoon Sunhi of the Cheesecake!”

           Sunhi cringed, looking at the empty plates stacked on the table and bill that had just been placed on the table. If she didn’t like science fiction so much, she’d have sworn she was living in a horrible nightmare.



            Sunhi arrived home, shaking her wallet for any loose change. Her allowance had been drained from treating the new matoki and she figured she’d be without lunch until the next month. Her stomach growled, thinking of her usurped cheesecake. She hadn’t eaten all day and running from Daehyun drained all of her energy.

           As Sunhi opened the front door, a bright light flashed on and five Nalkitsune boys yelled out, “Surprise! Sorry, for kissing you!”

            “What is this?” Sunhi looked around to see decorations on the wall and Sungjae holding a messy, big cake in pink frosting.

            “I made this for you,” Sungjae said shyly. “I’m sorry for stealing your first kiss.”

            Sunhi couldn’t help but smile and rub the tall Nalkitsune’s head. “It’s ok, Sungjae-ah. And thank you,” She turned to the other Nalkitsune, including the two she’d never met, “to all of you.”

            Sunhi took the large, sloppily frosted cake and set it on the table. She gave Sungjae a hug and went to get a slice of cake when the door opened and a happy black-haired boy ran in.

            “Alright, cake!” Yoseob cheered as he kicked off his shoes and ran for the cake.

            “Stop,” Sungjae stood in his path. “This cake is for Sunhi; therefore she gets the first slice.”

            Yoseob pouted, as Doojoon entered the compound, giggling. “I didn’t expect more Nalkitsune and a party when I came home. Yoseob let’s head to the kitchen, I’ll get you some sweets in there.”

            Sunhi smiled, cutting a slice of the large cake, “maybe these aliens aren’t so bad after all. She was happily chewing the delicious cake when a loud yell came from her brother.





Hey guys, long time no see! This is part two of my marathon holiday update. I have one more update to go so look forward to "I Have to Win" tomorrow. 




Sorry it took so long

winner of chapter 8



See you again soon


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I'm back. Enjoy this long chapter


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hellograce11 #1
i don't know how you managed to write about my three favorite groups, but this story is awesome! i know you're on hiatus from this story, but whenever you get the inspiration again, i am definitely looking forward to more!! thank you for this author-nim!
nice story ^^
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 9: Hohoho.. long time no see :) I've been waiting for an update. And I think the whole chapter is so cute. With the overprotective dujun. And Daehyun is so cute I don't know but he's just cute because he's hungry... woohoo! Hyunsik and ilhoon c:
So I think I commented long enough. It's because I'm just so happy about this update hihi..
shujun #4
Chapter 9: over-protective brother, yoon doo joon! haha..
Chapter 9: ahahahaha omg the feels in this chappie. hehehehehe. yoon leader's weirdness, sungjae's creepiness, mah hoonsik! and peniel, those pick ups are seriously awful... >< and lol daehyun and food can never be separated. evar. and dont think i didnt spot that DooSeob over there! eeeek
Chapter 9: Oh. Is this why by btob? The one gikwang helped to compose. 왜이레?
Chapter 9: Usurp. Haahaha you finally used it.

This is really funny. XPppp lol at daehyun. I can't blame him though, desserts are little heavens on earth. XPPp this is why I gain weight easily.

And lol at peniel. I remember his vlog. Hahahahahahahah =____= STUPID LINES.

Ilsik though hahahah <3
I'll sleep now. Byeeee
Chapter 8: Done here too! awesome! this story is really funny especially when the aliens are clueless
shujun #9
Chapter 8: aigoo~cute..^^..