My job isn't to babysit!!


“Congratulations,” a crowd of people said in unison and clinked their cup of drinks all at the same time. He pulled his hand back and chugged down the small shot cup of soju, “Ah~ this is refreshing,” he half shouted and placed the small cup back on the table.


“Yo Luhan,” someone from beside him called for his name. Luhan looked to his right and smiled at the boy currently sitting beside him, “What’s up Jongdae?” he asked, picking up a piece of meat with his chopsticks.


“Congrats on getting that job, I know how much you wanted that job since your mom used to teach there,” Jongdae said. Luhan grinned widely at Jongdae and pinched his cheeks, “Thank you Jongdae, come on, let’s eat up and drink the night away,” he grabbed his now filled cup of soju and brought it up to him. Jongdae grinned back at Luhan, grabbed his now filled cup of soju and clinked it with his cup, “For Xi Luhan the almighty who never gives up,” he said. Luhan laughed and nodded, “For me,” and the two of them chugged down the drink.




Luhan awoke the next morning with a very bad headache due to last night drinking with his friends. He grumbled and rubbed his forehead as it continued to pound like a hammer pounding a nail, “Oh gosh…,” he grunted out, his voice cracking everywhere, “oh gosh my throat,” Luhan massaged his throat and to his back and stared up at the ceiling. He smiled at the white ceiling thinking of how he got the job at his mom’s old work place, “I’m sure you’re proud of me right mom?” he murmured. Luhan took in a deep breath and shut his eyes…


“Mom!!!” a young Luhan shouted and ran up to give his a mother a hug on the leg, “Luhan missed you,” he said and gave his mother the cutest look on earth. Mrs. Xi chuckled, squatted down and placed her black hand bag on the ground beside her and pulled her son in for a hug, “Have you been a good boy today?” she asked. Luhan smiled happily and nodded enthusiastically, “Mrs. Song said that I got 100% on my test today,” he explained to his mom, “I want to show you mommy,” Luhan grabbed his mother’s hand and dragged his mom towards the day care center’s front door.


“Ah…right Luhan,” Mrs. Xi quickly grabbed her bag from the ground and followed her over excitedly son into the building. Once inside, she greeted the lady at the desk and continued to follow Luhan down the hallway to Mrs. Song’s room, “Mommy,” Luhan called and stopped in his tracks.


“Yes dear?” Mrs. Xi asked, stopping as her son too stopped in front of a room. Luhan spun around to stare straight his mother’s pair of eyes, “When I grow up, I want to be just like mommy, helping kids to learn,” he said proudly. Mrs. Xi chuckled and ruffled her son’s hair, “Yes, mommy would love to see you grow up and help others learned, you make mommy proud Luhan…”


“Xiao Lu,” a soft voice called for him. Luhan opened his eyes and glanced at the opened bedroom door with a boy standing there, “Oh hey Yixing,” he greeted Yixing with a morning smile, “come in.” Yixing opened the door a bit wider and stepped in, “I just came to wake you up since it’s 7 in the morning and you have an hour to get ready before your work start,” he said, glancing at the watch on his wrist. Luhan’s eyes widen and he jumped out of bed, “Oh freak!!!” he sprinted towards his closet and pulled out the outfit he planned to wear for work, “I’M LATE!!!”




Luhan walked up to the gate of the most prestigious and highly expensive university in Seoul. He took in a deep breath and smiled as he watched students walked passed him into the school grounds. Luhan took a step inside and made his way over to the building while examining the campus grounds, “It’s still like I remember when I was a kid,” he murmured to himself. As he walked pass people, they would bow to him and he would bow back, this continued on until something interesting from a short few distance caught his eyes.


Luhan titled his head slightly to the side and watched as a girl around the early age of 20 or maybe younger handed a boy an envelope. He grinned widely as he knew exactly what it was, a love letter. Luhan was about to turn on his heels and walk away when the boy took the envelop from the girl, didn’t even care to give a second look and threw it on the ground then walked away as if it never happened. Luhan’s jaw hung open at how rudely the boy rejected the girl’s feelings, and especially in front of random people walking by. The girl bent down, picked up the paper and dusted it off from dirt. The boy said something to the girl before walking away. Luhan bit his bottom lip and stomped his way over to the two, “HEY!” he shouted.




“Sehun shi…,” the girl reached into the bag from behind her and slowly pulled out a cute white envelope, “he…here,” she stuttered, handing the envelope over to him. Sehun glanced down at the envelope below him and grabbed it from her, “You know well that out of us all, I’m the one who don’t care for these stuff,” he said with a monotone voice and simply flicked the envelope on the ground instead of handing it back to her nicely, “such kid ,” he said before turning on his turning on his heels to walk away as the girl bent down to pick up the envelope from the ground. Just as Sehun was about to take a few steps to get away from the girl, a loud voice boomed out from behind him, “HEY!” and he stopped.

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ilikefoodandkpop #1
Chapter 2: Please update :-)
Chapter 2: Oh my god ! i love the fresh plot you have here~
is really interesting <3
i will patiently wait for the next chapter~ update soon author-nim


Your faithful reader from now on XD
Chapter 2: I love this! can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHA lol
Can't wait for more
theentrance #5
Chapter 2: Aw. Poor Channie. Poor groin.
He asked for it though;)
But it would've been awkward if Chanyeol was the one that saw him spitting. LOL
Chapter 1: Authornim, luhan is a she or he? U sometimes wrote she instead of he.. I guess luhan is a man here, right?
theentrance #7
First subscriber o YA. /slapped
But I like the story so far even though there's only one chap
And LOL at the tags : sulubaekhanchanlu