Chapter 10~ Dreams

Forced Marriage

Luhan prov...

As Seohyun was walking away to the bathroom I put on headphones listening to Bruno mars It will Rain. The song finished and I looked down the isle.

Luhan: maybe theres a long line.

Another song pasted I riped off the headphones and went to the restroom I saw Seohyun being attacked by this man! I punched him to the ground.

Luhan: get off my girl! .

Sungmin: k man

The little scardy cat ran away I looked at Seohyun she was scared I came up to her and kissed her. I gave her a whistle to blow if shes in danger. We went to our seats she laid on my shoulder and went to bed. When she was sleeping I stared at her. I went to bed next to her our heads were on top of one another. A lady came by and smiled. She put a blanket on top of us.

Lady: what a cute couple.

I fell asleep I had a dream about me and Seohyun having a family and kids and our own house and growing old together.

Seohyun: I love you Luhan-shii!

Luhan: you too! 

We were in Tokoyo about to go to a resturaunt.

Seohyun: agh I'm so hungry!

Luhan: were almost there we just need to cross this road.

She smiled.

Seohyun: its green!

Luhan: ladies first 

She smiled again and walked it started to rain I put my jacket on her head before crossing.

Seohyun: Luhan!! Watch out!

She was on the other side of the road. A truck was about to hit me intill I felt her arms push me out of the way.

Luhan: Seohyun!

I saw her body just laying there. I picked her up. She was there lifeless. The rain got harder the truck driver kept driving. People gathered.

Luhan: call an ambulance.

I whispered.

Lady: what?

Luhan: call a god damn ambulance!

She noded and dialed.

Luhan: what am going to tell the kids.


I woke up still in the plane.


Luhan: What the never mind.

I went back to sleep.


Seohyun prov...

I fell asleep...

I had a dream about Luhan.

Luhan: I have to leave you Seohyun

Seohyun: but why!

Luhan: I just have to,

Seohyun: Luhan! Dont leave me!

Luhan: I love someone else you should know this by now.

Seohyun: but she died

Luhan: no she didnt.

A girl appeared it was Victoria his first love they held hands and walked away.

Seohyun: Luhan please dont!!!!

Wake up maim wake up!

I woke up a lady was shaking me.

Lady: were about to land be prepared to leave.


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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 13: I want a happy ending
2hyun4B #2
Chapter 13: i love the story
i think you should slow down on the story
there are so many things happened in just 13 chapters
don't get me wrong i loved your story
ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOO but I still love the story :D
Chapter 13: So sad..hew the way keep it up
Sheila_123 #5
Chapter 13: I love this story. The ending of the last chapter made me cry.
Chapter 13: Awww, she died T-T. So LuHan's dream came true huh. The ending is sooo sad :-((( Honestly, while I was reading the last chapter, I got goosebumps because of how Seo died. But it's a good thing that Luhan will forever love her and still wore their wedding ring :-)And because of that good news I suddenly felt like smiling (while I was reading Luhan's letter)
Chapter 13: ㅠ.ㅠ seohyun died. But it was still a beautiful and sweet love story.
Chapter 9: Awww ^^ great job LuHan! Seohyun doesn't deserve to be treated that way! It's a good thing that LuHan was there to save her ^^ Update soon, pls.
Popopo #9
Chapter 9: Update soon please:)
Chapter 9: OMG! Luckily Luhan is there on time to rescue Seohyun.