Movie, popcorn and tissues

Movie, popcorn and tissues


You made your way to your assigned seat in the great cinema hall. Holding the bucket of popcorn with one hand and the ticket in the other, you mumbled to yourself scanning the rows and seats.

“10…10..Oh 7, 8, 9…There it is!” You smiled in accomplishment and lounged towards your seat. There were around 15 minutes left till the movie would start so you made yourself comfortable in the empty cinema. You started to laugh to yourself at the emptiness and pulled out your phone, texting your friend.

“Do you feel the breeze? It’s empty in here. How about you guys?”

A few seconds later a message arrived.

“Fool! I told you to join us! Who goes to the movies all by herself?!”

You made a face at the message your best friend sent. Originally you, your friend and her boyfriend came together to the movies but you decided to split since you didn’t want to interrupt their mini date and moreover, you really wanted to watch “A werewolf boy”. Luckily, their movie and yours were playing at the same time so you went to watch it by yourself.

“I’ll do well by myself, why, thank you. Enjoy your date while I enjoy mine. ;)”.

Your friend snickered when she read your message. Date?  You? Yeah, sure.

But stepping away from your friend’s date was not the only reason. You were really excited to see this movie and were expecting a loooot of romance and stuff and you prayed to yourself that that ”werewolf” in the title was just some sort of a metaphor. Why is that? Well that’s because there were 2 things in this world you could not take:  bugs and horror/suspense/scary movies.

You placed your phone back into your pocket and started to munch on your popcorn. Bad habit, yes. You would always eat half of the popcorn before the movie even started.  But this time you were eating out of boredom. The dinner you had before left almost no room for snacks.

You looked around the empty hall and wondered if this movie was as good as you heard. If so, why wasn’t anybody coming?

“I guess everybody already watched it since this is the last play…Meh…more space for me~”  you took a handful of popcorn and shoved it into your mouth to keep yourself busy. While you were messily eating your snack, a boy entered the cinema. You wiped some popcorn crumbs off your mouth and looked behind him, expecting his girlfriend to join. Or his friend(s). But nope, nobody followed after. It turns out you were not the only weirdo who decided to watch a romantic movie all by yourself.

You continued to look at him as he had this strange aura, wearing all black and having a cap on. And as if that wasn’t enough he had more than half of his face covered by an extra-large knitted gray and blue scarf. You smiled to yourself thinking of how his style resembled Daehyun’s , your favorite BAP member.

*As if he would come to the movies in a public place like this..* you slightly shook your head and smiled at your foolish thought. While you were preoccupied associating the image of the boy, with your bias, the boy had already made his way to your row.

“7..8…9…” he was mumbling to himself just like you did before, and suddenly he retrieved his pointing finger when his eyes fell  on you. It was as if it he just noticed you there for the first time. You raised your eyes and carefully asked in your still noticeable accent.

“Is this your seat?” you voiced pointing to the seat next to yours

He looked a bit taken aback and froze in his place. He continued to look at you as if expecting some kind of reaction from your side but you just stared back shamelessly. You blinked in confusion and titled your head trying to read his almost non-visible face. He just awkwardly coughed and nodded his head.

“Number  11.” He said and waited patiently for you to make some space so he could get to his seat. You stood up and he got to his place; you too sat down and placed the popcorn on your lap.

Your eyes started roaming around the ceiling in an attempt to keep yourself distracted from the awkward feeling/situation. There were like 1234567890 other seats in this cinema and still he’s seating beside you. *The guy from the tickets must have pitied me ... *

The lights began to gradually turn off and you were glad that the movie was finally beginning. You started to eat again, but your stomach was full. Still, you wouldn’t let the snack go to waste; after all you spent money on it. The commercials were especially boring this time and you started to chew in slow motion. You sighed wondering when will the darn movie start. A moment later, your eyebrows frowned as some uncomfortable feeling took over you. You carefully turned your head to the side to find the boy beside you staring at your popcorn. You looked between the boy and the snack and pushed the bucket towards him asking unsure:

“Would you like some?” His eyes brightened and he answered in a muffled but nonetheless cheerful voice.

“I’ll eat it well.” And he reached for the treat.

You blinked at his fast reaction and the way he devoured the popcorn. He stopped for a second and met your eyes. His fingers unclasped and the load of popcorn he was about to shove in his mouth fell back into the bucket.

“Sorry, I’m usually like that… I just really like to eat…”He said and his eyes turned into moons as he smiled embarrassed.

*reminds me of someone* “Oh…it’s okay. Go ahead. I don’t really feel like eating anyway.” You smiled encouraging him to continue.

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly and continued to eat in a more unhurried way.

*cute* you thought seeing how he turned from the mysterious looking guy from earlier, to the cute and shy boy. Without you knowing, your lips turned into a broad smile and you were watching him intently as he was munching on the snack and how he found his scarf a bit uncomfortable. His hand stopped from reaching the bucket midway and his eyes met yours. It was the first time you could actually see his eyes clearly since the screen was pretty bright. For an unknown reason your breath got stuck in your throat and you felt heat reaching your ears.

“Is there something wrong?” he asked still looking at you. You dodged your head awkwardly and signaled using your hand that nothing’s wrong.

“Sorry…go on.” You said and glued your eyes to the screen. You felt him looking at you for a few more seconds before he started eating again.

*Idiot!! He just looks like him. Having the same eyes doesn’t mean he is Daehyun. And why was I staring at him that long?! Stupid! Stupid!!* you screamed in your head but kept on your poker face.

Finally, the long awaited movie started. The action was a bit confusing at first, but then, things started to make sense. And soon enough came the scene when the “monster” was let free.

Okay. *This is not what I came to watch.* The sounds you could hear, the suspense, the darkness in the cinema, and the huge screen of vivid images were not exactly your favorite cookie. Your heartbeats increased and you felt your adrenaline rush through your veins. Your breathing came uneven and you covered your face trying to ignore everything. The growls and barks of those wolves helped you make your decision. You hurriedly picked up your bag and stood up. You were out of here. Once and forever. Once you were up and ready to leave, a hand reached for yours and held you in place. You turned around and saw the boy that you had long forgotten, keeping you in place.

“It’s not what you think. You’ll regret if you leave now. It’s just this scene. It’ll get better, believe me.” And you did. For the weirdest unknown reason in your life, you believed him. You were SO willing to run away, and an insignificant pleading like that made you sit down again. You knew very well that he might have said that only so he can continue eating your popcorn but whatever, that scene was over.

“It is a really beautiful movie. You shouldn’t miss it.” he said while eating, immersed in the movie.

“How do you know that?”  you asked genuinely curious.

“I’ve watched it before” He answered before he ate some more popcorn.

*he’s already watched it? Why watch a movie twice?* you couldn’t help wondering.

“It really is a good movie. Trust me.” He said as if hearing your thoughts.

You nodded you head once in understanding and anticipation.

*he better be saying the truth or else… *

And gradually you realized he might me right. The plot was amazingly sweet despite the harsh beginning and you found yourself smiling continuously. You felt eyes on you and turned your head.

“Have you brought tissues?” he asked out of the blue.

You looked at him strangely “Tissues? No. Do you need some?” you asked confused.

“Not for me. You will need it.” He said and winked. FREAKING WINKED your heart skipped a beat but you tried to ignore it.

“I don’t cry that easily if that’s what you’re hinting to.” You answered looking at the screen, trying to play the cool girl.

“We’ll see about that.” it’s all he said and turned his head towards the screen as well.

30 minutes later

There is this scene when in order to save the life of the „monster” boy, who risked his to be by her side, the main character tries to push him away and eventually, leaves him.

The moment when she slapped his face trying to make him believe that she hated him, you felt like all the air in your lungs went missing. Without even noticing, stream of tears started flooding your face. You wanted to scream in the characters’ faces and beat the duck out of those people who accused the boy and didn’t understand him. You felt like all sanity left you and you forgot all about being in a cinema or messing up your not so water proof makeup.  You were literally sobbing and not even an asteroid could stop you from ruining your mascara. You were brought back to reality when a napkin appeared in front of your eyes.

“Crybaby” he whispered a bit amused.

Your face flushed red and you couldn’t even speak because of the sobbing.

“Take it. You can thank me later.” he said again and took your hand, placing the napkin in it.

You made full use of that, you can say for sure. Especially at the end; you never thought a few words could ruin your life. When she opened that note and your read the words, you had a second break down, even worse than the first one. You punched the seat in front of you and started to mutter cursing words trying to release your frustration. But it didn’t help much. You felt some moving beside you and you turned to look at your movie partner, hiding your face with your hands and peeking through your fingers.  Guess what, he wiping away his own tears. He wasn’t crying, hardcore like you, but still. You took your hands away from your face not ashamed anymore.

“Want to share?” You smiled between your tears.

He hurriedly wiped his remaining tears away and pretended like nothing happened.

You shook your head and continued to watch the last minutes of the movie. Still crying, of course.

“The end” is what the screen read. The lights slowly once again and the generic started rolling in.

You were stuck in your seat not willing to move. Unconsciously your head turned to the right and your eyes met again.

“Should I have let you go that time?” he asked raising his eyebrows a bit amused.

You shook your head in disagreement since articulating words was still a hard task. 

“Daehyun.” he said reaching his hand towards you.

You looked at him with a blank expression, trying to make out what he just said. *Daehyun? What? Where?* You turned your head looking for Daehyun. B.A.P.’s Daehyun that is. But nope, no Daehyun behind you. You turned your attention back to him and titled your head in confusion.

“My name. Daehyun. Jung Daehyun. “  he said amused and pulled down his scarf only to reveal the handsome popular kpop idol’s face, Jung Dae Hyun. He smiled and his lips moved as he spoke.

“What’s your name?”

*Name? what is name? what is life? What is air?*  you felt your remaining sanity leaving you without looking back.

He started to laugh at your totally star struck expression.

“So I guess you know me after all.” He grinned and avoided your eyes, shy all of a sudden.

“You…really?” is all you managed to voice before pointing a finger at him.

“Hahaha yeah. Thank you for the popcorn.” He said pointing at the empty bucket.

“So…I just cried my eyes out in front of my…I mean, not my…in front of-“ you said forgetting about his thanks.

“In front of a normal human being, a weak man who cried in front of a girl, so no biggie. Hm?” his smile never left his face.

“You’re nicer than I thought you would be.” your words escaped your mouth without even thinking.

“Thanks?” he grinned shyly and raised his eyebrows “Do I look like the bad boy type?”

“Not…really…” your vocabulary was being ruined at a steady pace.

“Well then, it was nice to meet you, erm… erm…”

“ you ” you finally managed to say.

“ you ? That’s a nice name!” he said smiling. You blinked continuously for the next couple of seconds and realized this was the first time doing it since he revealed himself.

“So I guess I’ll see you when the sequel comes out?” He smiled showing you his perfect teeth.

“Erm…yeah. Definitely. But next time you buy me popcorn.” You didn’t even know where  this confident attitude came from and you suddenly wanted to take your words back afraid that he’ll think you’re that kind of a girl. But before you opened your mouth to say it was just a joke, he started talking.

“Sure, i owe you. Maybe we’ll meet at our fansign next week to repay you sooner. Who knows when the sequel will come out, if there’ll be any at all.“ he said laughing, with a hint of mischievousness in his eyes. “I don’t like being in debt so you better come and let me repay you.” He continued as he stood up and passed by you.

You too stood up and nodded your head.

“The fansign it is then. Better keep your promise or I’ll write on the fancafe that you cried like a baby.”

“Threatening me already, huh? Sheesh. Girls these days.” He said shaking his head but the smile never left his face.

You were surprised at how open and casual the two of you were acting, it was as if you knew each other since forever.

“Just keep your promise and your secret is safe.” you said again and he nodded his head in approval.

“It was fun watching this movie with you you but I gotta run now or Yonggukie hyung will kill me. I bet his and Zelo’s movie’s already ended. This guys and war movies… Anyways, I’ll see you soon.” He said and winked while waving his hand.

You too waved your hand and muttered a thank you for a reason you didn’t even know.

Before you could even realize what was happening he was already gone.

You stayed there for another moment, considering everything that happened, when your phone started ringing. It was your friend.

“Are you done? Our movie’s finished and we’re waiting for you at the entrance.”

“Coming.” You said in a super hyper voice and ended the call.

“Weird. She sounds in love.” You friend and her boyfriend started to laugh at once.

It was the start of a love indeed.










Thank you for reading~~ ^^

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 1: aawww daehyun XD
please make a sequel!!!

ps: new reader heheh
Beastlovergirl #2
Chapter 1: I loved that! You should make a sequel!!!
JenChan #3
lol u used my name hahaha
Chapter 1: 'It was the start of a love indeed'
Aww, so cute!~ ^__^
Chapter 1: Awwwww Sooo cute!! Hahaha when daehyun is eating lololol
Chapter 1: *adskjgadwlgjvhdead* *DEAD*
Chapter 1: I really like this, it's cute!! hehe