Meeting Bap !

I Love You and Always Will

You woke up early because you couldn't go to sleep because you were excited for today. Your best friend invited you to tag along with her and Daehyun to the park. Daehyun was going to introduce you to his band B.A.P. You were excited and afraid because you thought they wouldn't like you. You cleaned yourself up in the bathroom. Your hair was in two braids and you put on little makeup. When you went to your closet you tried on some clothes but didn't like what you tried on so you went and looked for more clothes to try on and finally found what to wear. You put on a blue denim shirt and tucked it in your bootcut jeans with a braided belt. As you were done putting on your clothes you were going to make breakfast for you and Sunhi.

"Sunhi , wakeup please" you called Sunhi while trying to wake her up

"Aissh , ______-sshi !! Wae !! I still want to go to sleep !!" Sunhi yelled at you with her eyes slightly open

"Come on !! Do you remember you had a date today with Daehyun !!"

Sunhi immediately woke up from her sleep. "Yah !! Why didnt you tell me this before !!" she lightly hit you on the arm

"Sorry . . . . jeez"

Sunhi immediately walked to the bathroom to go and clean herself

You walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door to get her attention on the other side "Sunhi-sshi ! I made breakfast by the way !!"

"Oh , ok !!"

You walked to the kitchen and happily smiled at what you made for breakfast ; you made kimbap , kimichi , and rice cakes.

*If we have any left overs , maybe I can pack some up for Daehyun-sshi and the other Bap members*

 When Daehyun came and picked you and Sunhi up from your apartment he took you guys to Song Park. You saw how pretty Song Park was. there was a pond in the middle with water fountains scattered around the park. Daehyun motioned you to come and walk with them>

"So Daehyun-sshi, where are you friends ?" you asked Daehyun 

"There over here !!" he said pointing to a group of boys sitting on the grass playing with eachother like brothers.

You , Sunhi , and Daehyun ran to the Bap members sitting down. As you got there the Bap members looked at you in shock and in wonder.


No One's POV:

*Who is she ?!* 

He looked at her with big eyes wondering who she was. He moved up closer to take another look and he just sat there looking at her.

Back to Normal POV:

You moved your eyes towards the member and saw one of them looking at you like you were weirdo. You waved your hand in front of them. 

"Um , hello ?" You said while waving your hand in his face

He immediately snapped out and looked at you.

"Oh , I'm sorry !" He turned away and blushed

"Oh ! I forgot to introduce you to my friends !" Daehyun said excitedly

Daehyun pointed to a boy that looked alot younger than you "This naughty little one is Zelo aka Choi Jun Hong"

"Yah !! I'm not naughty and I'm not a little kid anymore" Zelo yelled at Daehyun

*Omo , He's so cute !! Ah ! I want to pinch his cheeks*

"Well to me you are one" Daehyun said back to Zelo

Daehyun pointed to a guy that looked very masculine and had blonddish grayyish hair "His name is Bang Yong Guk aka the leader of B.A.P"

Daehyun then pointed to a kid that almost looked exactly like your cousin "His name is Jongup aka cheeto boy"

"Omo !! Jonguppie !! Do you remember me !!" You said pointing to yourself 

"Um , who are you ?!"

"I'm ______-sshi !! I'm your cousin !! I haven't seen you in forever !!"

"I remember !! How are -" before Jongup could finish his sentence Daehyun cut in 

"Okay-okay !! Enough talking I still need to finish introducing her !!" Daehyun said while staring at Jongup with his deathly glare 

"Okay , so who's next !!" Daehyun said while clapping his hand 

Daehyun pointed to a boy that looked so smart even smarter than you "His name is Youngjae aka Brain"

"No wonder your nickname is Brain because you look so smart and might be even smart !!" you said 

"Hahahah !! Your too funny" Youngjae said still laughing

"Fine your not !!" you said your arms crossed

"Okay-Okay !! I am smart !!" Youngjae said pleading

"Hehe !! Ok " You smiled at Youngjae

Daehyun pointed to a guy that had bloddish grayyish hair and he looked pretty cute "Last but not least Himchan-sshi aka Aeygo king !!"

"Yah !!" Himchan said while playfully punching Daehyun's arm

"Okay , everyone" Daehyun said while motioning everyone to look at you

"This is ______-sshi"

You blushed at how cutely Zelo looked at you and how Himchan just stared at you

"Hi Noona !!" Zelo said squealing

Zelo stood up and hugged you as tight as he could

"Ahh , Zelo !! Your hugging me too tight !!" you said almost out of breath

Zelo then let go of you and you were gasping for some air

"Sorry noona" Zelo said looking down

"It's ok" you said patting his head

"______-sshi , do you want to come with me to the ladies room so we could go wash our hands before we eat ?" Sunhi said

"Sure !" You said while getting up from your seat on the ground

When you and Sunhi came back from the ladies room you saw the food all layed out on the picnic blanket. You and Sunhi sat down. Sunhi sat down next to Daehyun and luckily you , you got to sit next to Himchan. You blushed while trying to sit down carefully because you didnt want to fall on your on your spot next to Himchan.

*______-sshi calm down !! Your not going to humiliate yourself this time !!*

When you moved up to go and grab a plate , Himchan's hand slightly brushed against yours. Your cheeks were turning red. You were looking at Himchan until he turned his heads towards you and met eyecontact but you immediately turned away as fast as you can so he wouldn't be able to see your red cheeks. 

*Stop it ______-sshi !! Calm yourself down*

You wanted to slap yourslef but you couldn't out here in public !! If you did they would have thought you were a crazy person.

When you put some food into your mouth you wanted more because the food was delicious. You had never had anything this good before !!

"Mhmmm , This is soo good !!" You said while stuffing more food into your mouth

"Himchan-sshi made all of the food early this morning" Bang Yong Guk said before he took a sip of his bottled water

"You did !? It must have tooken forever and hard work to make this ?!" You said with a mouthful of food making you look like a pig

"Yes I did and it didn't take that long to make the food but it does take hard work to make good food like this though" he smiled at you and looked away

"Will you teach me to cook as good as you !!" You said pleading

"Okay , I will but next time though" He said blushing , but he didn't look in your direction

*She's so cute ! I like her chubby cheeks when she eats* He smiled when he said that in his head



I Hope you guys like it !!

(Even though it was probably lame as crap)

Thank you !!!

-Tina <3






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Chapter 2: ahhhh Himchan oppa is so cute <3 ^^