
Flying High


Ant was just like any other worker ant. There wasn't anything special about him. His job was plain. His life was plain and even his name was plain! Ant didn't even have a high position at the ant colony. Ant was just Ant; a normal, plain, hard-working ant. There was just one thing that made Ant different from others; Ant aspired to be a butterfly! Many ants had laughed at his dreams but, honestly, who wouldn’t want to be a butterfly? Butterflies were interesting; they had amazing, colourful wings; they weren’t hated by humans and they didn’t have to risk their lives for Queen Antonia. The closest Ant could possibly get to experience life like a butterfly was when Queen Antonia presented Ant with his wings.


Ant was getting ready for another boring day scavenging for food when, suddenly, two ant body guards grabbed him. Ant was startled but he knew better than to fight back, so all Ant could do was just wait and watch where the body guards were taking him.


“I’ve been expecting you, Ant.” Ant was awestruck. Queen Antonia was approaching Ant from her royal chambers.


“Ant, I have a special mission for you. Lately the colony has been quite low in its availability of fresh food. Thus, I have chosen you to take on this mission. If you are able to successfully finish this mission, I will present to you, your wings. Do you accept this mission, Ant?”


Ant was surprised. He had never thought the Queen would choose him for a special mission. At the mention of ‘wings’, Ant eagerly accepted.


Queen Antonia continued after seeing his response, “We have an exclusive tip that the nearby Nami household is holding a family party later tonight. This is the perfect opportunity for you to retrieve food, as there will be plenty of food readily available and the humans will all be distracted. I have organised an elite team to join you on this mission. Good luck!”


Before Ant had a chance to respond to the Queen, the elite team of ants had grabbed Ant and was dragged to a room to become equipped and get ready for the mission.


It was a long trek before Ant and the elite team arrived to the Nami household. When they arrived, they decided to split up and collect different types of food that were present at the party. Ant chose to go to the middle of the party to attempt to distract the humans, whilst the elite members could collect their food.


Ant was about to begin his plan to distract the humans, when Mother Nami saw him. Mother Nami instantly threw her cup of water at Ant. Ant was running as hard as he could to the edge of the table. He then realised that he was stuck. He could either jump to his death or drown to death. Ant, without thinking, jumped off the table and landed on mysterious, unfamiliar ground. Fortunately, Baby Nami was standing beside the table holding onto a helium balloon, when Mother Nami threw the water, Baby Nami was startled and let go of the balloon just as Ant jumped.


Ant couldn’t believe it! He survived the jump! Ant finally opened his eyes, when the realisation hit him. He wasn’t on the ground. He was on a balloon, flying higher and higher into the sky. The feeling was unbelievable, Ant couldn’t help but think that this is how a butterfly would feel during flight. His dream finally came true. He was flying. Ant was in a state of pure happiness that he was oblivious to the shaking of the balloon. The high compression of the air was causing the balloon to burst. Still in his dazed state, the balloon popped. Ant was falling to his death but he couldn’t help but smile. He was finally able to fly.


Final word count: 646

HAHAHA I hope you enjoyed that Anjeli. I have another story but I can't find it. 

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Omg this is just so cute. I can't even- and to think that I found this fic while lazily browsing through random fics! It's just such a light read and just a nice getaway from the kpop world.