Part 2

Confessions in the shower



His hand reaches out to grab the knob, and he twists it slowly while dropping his towel onto the nearby shelf. The water turns a pleasant temperature and he steps inside the shower and slides the glass door shut behind him. It’s been such a long day but finally he has some time alone and he sighs in relief as he washes his hair free from hairspray and wax leaving it feeling silky smooth under his fingertips.
He is letting the liquid cascade over his body and he leans his weight against the wall as warmth envelops him.
Feeling completely relaxed, his body is finally letting go off the tension from the day’s photoshoot, his eyelids feel heavy and he could have fallen asleep right there and then.


But peace and quiet is not something that lasts for long in the dorms and he lets out a hushed string of curses as the door is forcefully shoved open and someone stomps in. Hyukjae stays still, he knows who it is without opening his eyes.


“You should probably take it easy on that door Donghae, otherwise it’s going to come of its hinges.”


He can hear the other man settling down on top of the cabinet next to the sink, his favourite place to sit when he crashes the members’ showers. Hyukjae remembers their old dorm where there was hardly any place for one person, let alone Donghae too, and for the thousandth time he silently thanks God for his blessings.


“Are you sleeping in there?” Donghaes amused voices reaches him from outside the glass wall.


“Mmm… almost.” Hyukjae’s voice is a low baritone, the type of voice that only comes out when he is tired.


“You want me to wash your hair?” Donghae stretches his back, always eager to help. Hyukjae’s hair is coloured black and cut short for Bonamana promotions and Donghae likes that look on him.


“No it’s ok, I did it already.”


He slumps back down.


Some minutes pass in silence. Hyukjae knows something is up. Donghae isn’t being his usual self. It’s not that he isn’t talking, a lot of the times when they are alone the other doesn’t talk. He doesn’t feel the need to voice out everything he thinks because Hyukjae already knows everything. They like spending time alone but together in silence. But the mood surrounding him today is slightly off. He gives it another minute.


“Hyukjae…Do you remember when I told you I was gay?”


It’s been over two years but of course he remembers. He remembers that for a week afterwards he couldn’t leave Donghae’s side because the man was petrified that Hyukjae would change his mind and not want to be friends anymore. They have both grown a lot since then but Donghae still has that childlike innocence about him. Hyukjae opens his eyes slightly and tilts his head as to be able to shot a glance at Donghae before closing them again. He’s too comfortable to move more then that.




He has almost fallen asleep again, rocked by the splashing water, when Donghae continues.


“I’m in love with you!”


His eyes snap back open. He swears the scene before him is exactly like it was back then. Donghae is looking at him with huge scared doe eyes and a hot blush is spreading across his cheeks.

Hyukjae is staring at him, water running over his form and into his mouth which is hanging slightly open. He might have been suspicious of this fact for some time now, but the directness of Donghaes confession is still somewhat shocking. After a while a soft smile takes over his face and he straightens his body to fully face the other.




Donghae watches him intently for some time before he abruptly turns away to scratch his head like he does when he’s frustrated.


“Ok?” Donghae’s voice comes out far too high and whiny for his liking but he can’t help it.

“I swear to God Lee Hyukjae you’d better give me a proper answer or I’m going to flush this toilet!” he says and throws out his arm to point at the toilet next to him.

Hyukjae doesn’t even try to find a different answer. He’s just smiling at the scowling man in front of him, happy that Donghae is acting like himself again, and in a blink of an eye Donghae has jumped of the cabinet and rushed forward. He barely has time to throw himself out of the sudden scalding shower and the not so manly shriek that leaves him has Donghae laughing like a crazy person.


Hyukjae lets Donghae wrap a huge bath sheet around his body, tucking in the ends to make a cocoon shape that Hyukjae is sure he won’t be able to escape from by himself. He smiles to himself as the man in front of him is making a fuss while drying his hair with a smaller towel. The soft fabric is covering his eyes and Donghae’s touches on his scalp are soothing. The fingers still in their movement and a soft kiss lands on his lips, so soft that it could all have been in his imagination. It’s followed by an even softer voice that never fails to bring a gummy grin to his face.



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Chapter 2: J'aime tes fics elles sont toujours si douces. Merci♥️
974 streak #2
Chapter 2: Now, I'm binging on your stories.
This one is written so simply but so powerfully. It starts with the same start and ends with the same ok. Of course, Hyuk is OK with it!
I love your writing style. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 2: Ok.

Unfortunately, AFF wants me to type at least 10 characters......... so, yeah..... Ok.

*wipes tears of happiness*
HYUKslave #4
Chapter 2: How sweet .... I almost cry T_T
Chapter 2: that was so adorable!!!! XD
yani0901 #6
Chapter 2: Maybe ok will be our always ;_;
Chapter 2: Awwww e3e sho kyute
Aftan6 #8
Chapter 2: Awwww...... Sweet
Chapter 2: aww~
this is so cute~