Strength for Each Other

OnStal Love

Life as an idol is exciting for both Onew and Krystal. It was because they can do what they love to do, which are singing and dancing, while earn money from there. Beside that, they also got so much love from many people around the world who they didn’t even know. But sometimes the pressure was just too much for them. They must showed their best anytime and anywhere, no matter how tired they were. They had to meet many people expectation to them, and no single mistake was tolerated. When they did a mistake, which were very normal if it was done by other people, there would be news everywhere, critiques from all corner, like they have done a crime. Sometimes they have to smile even when they weren’t in the mood to do so. But they also can’t complain because it was their choice to become an idol, so all they can do were endure all the consequence.

For Krystal, the pressure she felt wasn’t only from her job as an idol, but also from school. She is a college student now. Krystal was a perfectionist who wanted to do her best in anything she did. And because of that, sometimes she worked too hard without even cared that her body was complaining.

One day, Krystal fainted on the stage when f(x) performed. She had a slight fever that day. It was because she didn’t get any sleep the night before because she had to finish her school assignment. Beside that, her schedule was very packed and there was only a little time between, so she couldn’t have a proper meal on time. She was brought to the hospital immediately after she fainted. Onew was just arrived at his dorm from his last schedule with other Shinee members when he got a call from Sulli. Sulli informed him about Krystal condition and where she was now. He immediately went to the hospital where Krystal was treated after told all his dongsaeng about what happened with his girlfriend. When he got to Krystal’s hospital room, she was already conscious but still very weak. Her face was pale and she had a noticeable black circle around her eyes.

“Oppa… you come…”, she greeted him with a smile on her pale face. There were only Krystal and her parents in the room. The other f(x) members weren’t there because they still had a schedule to attend.

“Annyeonghaseyo Apponim.. Ommonim..”, Onew immediately bowed and greet Krystal’s parents.

“Oh, Jinki-ah… come in son”, Krystal’s father said and gave him a hug. Onew was already close with Krystal’s parents after several times he met them when he visited Krystal at her house. They fell under Jinki’s spell nearly as hard as Krystal had, the fact that he was very polite and witty instantly putting him higher up in the older Jung’s respect list.

“Jinki darling, how are you? It’s been almost a month since we last met you…”, Krystal’s mother said and gave him a hug too.

“I’m very good Ommonim… I’m sorry I couldn’t visit more often, my schedule was really packed this past month. Oh, and happy wedding annyversary Apponim, Ommonim. I heard from Soojung that last week was your 25th wedding anniversary. Actually I have prepared some presents for both of you, but I don’t bring it with me now because I rushed here after hearing that Soojung fainted..”, Onew explained.

“Aww, how sweet you are… It’s okay son, you don’t have to actually…”, Mrs. Jung said while smiling at him.

“Omma.. Appa.. I’m sick here, and you two just forget me after Jinki Oppa came?”, Krystal whined and pouted, but actually she was really happy seeing their interaction.

“Aigoo.. Looks like someone is jealous... But I don’t think you’re jealous because of us, you just want him to yourself, don’t you?”, Mrs. Jung and Krystal smiled. “You know me so well Omma…”, she said.

“Ahrasso ahrasso, We’ll leave you two alone, we need to get dinner anyway... Please take care of our baby for a while Jinki-ah, we’ll be back after dinner…”, Mr. Jung said.

“Of course Apponim… Please enjoy your dinner and eat healthy food, I don’t want you two to get sick like this kid here..”, Onew replied and Krystal’s parents smiled. They kissed Krystal forehead and left after that.

“How are you feeling now baby Jung-ie?”, Onew asked while caressed her hair gently. He was standing beside her bed, while she was lying down.

“I’m fine now Oppa, don’t worry... I just felt a little tired and dizzy earlier…”, she explained.

“What do you mean a little Soojung-ah? You were fainted on the stage for God sake. Your body must be terribly tired. You didn’t get any sleep the night before, did you? Look at this black circle around your eyes.. Did you even eat your meal on time?” He asked her with full of concern in his eyes.

“I know you’re a hardworking girl, but you must know your own body limits. Please take a good care of yourself more. What is all of your hard work for if you get sick like this? You know, I was worried to death when I heard that you fainted..”, he continue to nag at her.

“Aww, ahrasso Oppa… I’ll take care of myself more, okay? I promise... You haven’t even give me a kiss yet, but you already nagging non stop like an ahjumma..”, she whined at him.

“Yah, Jung Soojung, I’m serious… You must keep your promise...”, he said seriously.

“Ahrasso.. Now stop nagging and give me a kiss…”, she demanded and he smiled. He then bent down to give a light peck on her forehead once.

“What was that?”, she whined again.

“What? It was a kiss…”, he replied. Actually he also wanted to kiss her, but he just loved to .

“No, it wasn’t~ Give me a proper kiss…”, she whined again more childishly than before. And then he peppered her face with kisses on her forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, jaw, chin, but never once kissed her lips.

“Oppa~”, Krystal was in the verge of tears now because she really wanted Onew to kiss her properly, and on the lips, thank you very much.

“What? You’ll be suffocating if I kiss you on the lips… You’re sick now, and you need more oxygen. You’ll inhale more carbon dioxide if I kiss you on the lips...”, he explained with serious but really cute expression. Krystal can’t help but burst out laughing hearing his silly explanation. Her boyfriend is really one of a kind. But she realized that he just cared so much and didn’t want to do any harm to her.

“Why are you laughing?”, he asked.

“Because you’re so stupid Oppa…”, she replied jokingly and it was his turn to pout. He was just too cute, she wanted to squeeze him till he can’t breath. Just then, Onew took a seat beside Krystal’s bed, held her hands, kissed her knuckles and said “You really have to take care of yourself more baby, I don’t want to see you sick like this again... What if I can’t be by your side at that time, I think I’ll die because of worry..”, he said suddenly turn serious.  

“I will Oppa…”, she assured him. “I also don’t like staying in a hospital like this, the food is here...”, she said jokingly to lighten the mood.

“Aigoo.. All you can think is just food..”, he replied and ruffled her hair lightly.

“Oh, have you take your medicine?”, Onew asked.

“Hmm, Omma gave it to me after she fed me the porridge over there”, Krystal nodded and pointed at the table in the corner of the room.

“Okay, now you have to rest so you can have more strength tomorrow… Try to sleep baby, I’ll accompany you here until you fall asleep..”, he said.

“Oppa, don’t you have any schedule tomorrow? You need to rest too... Lay down beside me here..”, she patted the space beside her on the bed. She knew that he was tired too because of his schedule that day, but he accompanied her there instead of resting after his long day.

“Noo… Your parents will kill me if they find us in that position when they come back from dinner.. I’ll be alright, don’t worry.. My schedule tomorrow is in the afternoon, so I still have much time to rest.. I’ll just go home after you fall asleep and your parents come, okay? Now, stop talking and get rest..”, he said and kissed her forehead. She then closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

“Oppa~”, she called him again after a few moments.

“What is it baby? Are you thirsty? Want me to get you some drink?”, he asked concern and she shook her head no. “Sing for me please~”.

“Hmm? What song?”, he asked. “Up to you, a good one”, she replied. Then, he sang for her an English song called ‘Nothing Like Us’ by Justin Bieber while holding her hands. She fell asleep even before he finished the song. His voice was really soothing her. Krystal looked calm and beautiful but also looked weak and pale. She must be really sick before, but she was a strong girl who almost never complain. She was an amazing girl who always tried her best in anything she did. And that was just one of the reason that made him fell deeper to her, if that even possible.

Onew went home after Krystal’s parents come back and thank him for taking care their daughter. Onew leave with plenty of extra food and vitamin that Krystal’s parents bought for him and Krystal on their way back to hospital.

Maybe the pressure of being an idol sometimes were unbearable to both Onew and Krystal, but just knowing that they had each other gave them strength more than they ever realized.



hello hello...

i'm updating this agaiin, and it's already the fifth chapter..

I know i said before that it'll be only two or three shots, but i just can't stop imagining OnStal being together, hehe..

And... I still don't know how to make a conflict or drama.. So, it'll be just a fluffy and sappy story until i don't know when..

And i beg your pardon because my bad english, i with grammar...

For arianiagustina, thanks again for always give your time to comment... it really give me some spirit to write more..

Finally, hope you enjoy~


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OnewChic #1
arianijongyujungli #2
Chapter 8: what a beautiful story author-nim!! i love every chapter on it!! keep writing onstal pretty please:))) im glad im not the only one who love onstal!! ^^ thankyouuu
vevylia #3
Chapter 8: Nice ending author-nim.. Good job ^^
thanks for your update..

please, bring us another onstal story :^)
vevylia #4
Chapter 9: everything is OK, author-nim ^^
arianijongyujungli #5
Chapter 9: i like everythinggggg!!!! please update
arianijongyujungli #6
Chapter 8: I miss yuuu author-nim!!! i thought you'll never continue thisnstory ever again :( hihi glad your back!!! wowww we have a ert soojung!! hihihi
vevylia #7
i miss this story so much..

please, update again author-nim :)
arianijongyujungli #8
wawwwww you know what.?i feel so bad this morning cause this is the first day of my midtest. and i shouldnt open the internet or aff and etc cause i have to studying over and over again~ but, when i secretly open the aff, and got one more chapter from this story and remember when you said this is the last chapter i felt, i have to read this before im going to my college. and... what making more excited is your massage to me in this chapter. you will add one more chapter!!! hihi thank you. im done with study anyway. and by the way, for this chapter... greaaat. jinki is still polite wherever he are and soojung still agressive like i always imagine :) you made the story more better than i made. i dont know what should i say, thank you so much for giving me onstal story hihi cause since, the story about them very difficult to be searched. oh my my god, i wrote too mich. sorry, and i would love to wait your next update^o^
heesica10 #9
Will you write another OnStal?.
arianijongyujungli #10
Chapter 6: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i cant wait till the next update!!! but- last chapter? seriously? :( eummm, alright then. hope you wrote another onstal story, and eum i really liked onew's attitude and behavior to Krystal in this story. he is very polite :) good job ^o^ update soon please :)