The Accident

Little Guy and Proud Prince's Accident


“Your Highness!”


“What?!” Kyuhyun shouted to his guard, Henry who was moved into Kyuhyun’s house given by his parents.


“Your Highness… You’re not allowed to go outside!” The little guard whined to his master as he was worried about the punishment given from the butler of House of Prince Cho.


“Why? Why not? Why am I not allowed to go? I’m also a human!” Kyuhyun came closer to his guard’s face, describing how much he wanted to go outside and play enjoyfully.


“You’re a prince!” Henry explained in short form that his master could understand or the fact that the Prince always talked about won’t true; That he’s the genius.


“And...? I’m a prince of iron box? An iron box-prince that could not go to anywhere and doesn’t possess even respiration system?!” Kyuhyun complained his guard’s explain skilfully.

“But… you are also one of these who all citizens would admire and pay respect.” Henry gradually explained with ageyos and cute gestures as if he forgot about the truth that he was talking to his master.


“Well, they may respect to me and my brain as well.” Kyuhyun nodded and rose his head with special agreement of his

little guard’s words but Henry only thought of that. Master Cho Kyuhyun will fall into flaunt, neither explain nor complain. Then he relieved his breath--


“BUT!” Little poor Henry jumped out of sudden shout.


“My brain says he’ll work when he gets relax and get soft breathe of enviornment.” Kyuhyun reconstruted his understanding.


“But prince… It--”

“OH! Zhou Mi?!” Kyuhyun eyebrows narrowed as he seemed starting to keep focus on one shadow.


“Zhou Mi Gege?” Henry shocked and turned around to see his favorite chinese hyung who hadn’t still met for many months before the last time the little guard came back to his native country, Zhout country. But something he felt was


Finally, he found out that he’s pranked.





“Aish, the people around me always make me annoying. Seriously, those men.” Kyuhyun muttered a little whimper, fixing his suit and started to walk through the crowded market where most people were finding their lives for living.

‘This place doesn’t change…’ Prince Kyuhyun walked on air almost, showing his proud but no one had interest in him.


‘Ahm! They really don’t know who I am. Of course, if they know and it’s sure they’ll faint.’ Kyuhyun haven’t lost his proud ever.




“Who dare to touch me?!!!” Kyuhyun turned to scold that one who bumped ridiculously him right now but he was dragged to one dark corner, not so far from narrow main street of market.



Finally, he found out that he’s pranked.


“What are you doing on me now?!” Kyuhyun shouted at little short man but one action the shorter did made Kyuhyun frozen.

“Please stay like that for a few minutes although you feel uncomfortable, please…” The stranger short man blinked, begging to Kyuhyun for his life. But Kyuhyun couldn’t answer. Why?


Last previous action was so amazing to us but so meaning shocked to Kyuhyun. The stranger ran out of his life with the fastest speed of rocket towards no exact direction and almost people moved to side of street as they worried he would bump into them. But the prince was trouble. Although the proud-forever saw the human rocket, he didn’t have will to move to other side enough for that little boy to run freely. Because he’ll say; he was one of royal family members.


And so that happened. Sure, the shorter stranger’s head first hit Kyuhyun’s chest with a huge boom as he missed his

brake. Kyuhyun should have showed his pain with these exclamation ‘Ouch!’ ‘Hey!’ instead of ‘Who dare to touch me?’.


Proud prince warmed his anger up to his stranger and also the stranger had no idea to seal his mouth or ignore that stupid proud and continued to run. Despite apologizing his clumsy bump, he dragged that prince to one outside corner of small tent with doors of thin lace curtains.


Kyuhyun couldn’t understand what the stranger clumsy silly psycho had been planning on him and soon one sudden surprise plus shock Kyuhyun just met.


Both small tiny hands reached to crook of his neck and successfully arms were tangling on slender shoulder of Kyuhyun, in another meaning ‘Wrapping’. And it didn’t stop. The leaned back to plank wall as he pulled Kyuhyun along with him. And he made both sit down on floor and the stranger let Kyuhyun on top of him before he pulled the proud prince. Kyuhyun’s heart beat a little higher and lower while the distance between the two faces were only one inch. It’s called ‘Seducing’. First, they glared each other in eyes but second, their stares became deeper and deeper without realizing. Kyuhyun and stranger had no word to open as if he opened his mouth, their tips of lips would brush that they were frightening most. They also can feel both’s sweat vapour and heat.


“Please…” was the Kyuhyun feared most. The ghost voice like begging for a from shakened Kyuhyun’s legs and heart and mind.


“You can’t be never free, Kim Jongwoon! Hm?” One of chasers put up the curtain but he felt blushed when he saw that privacy. Watch from the side of chasers, the view was something…


“How dare you come into and destory!!!” Kyuhyun roared to those shivering men who had seen that view of such a kind.

“Oh! Sorry your majesty! We’ll go! we’ll go at once! And continue your privacy… thing? Yes, continue…” The leader

shooed all his followers who were first chasing the little stranger eagerly but turned their interest onto the outdoor rare film.


“Hoo, I hurt my pride!” Kyuhyun squatted down before he ensured the mascular men went to another way.


“Thanks for helping me! I owed you a lot and I will repay even without hesitating to give my life!” The shorter stranger got up and bowed constantly for rescuing him from trouble.


“Well, I’m famous at saving others’ lives… whatever” Kyuhyun smiled when he heard and felt he was being an angel who saved one man’s life, only one.



“By the way, what’s trouble you got?” Kyuhyun asked while walking with that stranger along the narrow street of market.


“They thought the geisha was seducing me to fall for her… and they decided to kill me as the geisha was so beautiful for every men to fall.” The stranger explained from when the trouble started.


“But only I thought the geisha had blind eyes.” Kyuhyun joked the stranger as he thought he can joke him every ways.






“What? Are you hungry?” Kyuhyun asked when he heard that stranger growl and the shorter man stared to apple that the shopkeeper was persuading to buy that red apple.



“Do you want to eat that apple?” Kyuhyun pointed at that red apple but the stranger shook his head.


“It’s okay. I don’t want to.”


“What? I even heard a gulp how hungry your stomach get! Or don’t you have any coins?” Kyuhyun asked certanily by bending his index finger to thumb forming O shape.


“Em.” The stranger nodded in truth and his alomnd eyes begging for food like puppy.


“Ta-da! Here! The apple you want so much!” Kyuhyun showed that red apple from hiding behind his back after he went to fruit shop and bought only one apple.


“Ah… Thank you so much” The stranger took his hand to reach that apple but the Prince did;


“No! I will not give you it easily!” Kyuhyun put his hand higher so the shorter man can’t reach. Now the evil face came out from the graceful handsome prince. It had not been coming out for a long time.


“How…? But please give me it first! Gentleman, I’m begging.” The shorter man whimpered before the stomach also gave a loud growl to fill one bite of any food in it.


“I rescued your life, right?” Kyuhyun said with smirk, stealing one bite from red apple that should possess to little stranger.


“Right, you are.” The shorter man answered, lowering his head down.


“You even said that you’ll give your life to me without purpose.” Kyuhyun stared down this annoying little cute face.


“Yes, I am.” The shorter man’s head went lower than lower as he got embarrased only by his words.  


“So, come to my house and be my bodyguard.” Kyuhyun rose his head higher, demanding to be his nearest bodyguard.


“Bodyguard?” The stranger requestioned in confusion as he heard was real or not.


“Your highness is give you a job as I saw it’s so pitiful to see you running in streets of market. Why? Don’t you like it?” Kyuhyun marked himself a generous royal gentelman.


“Hm…” The shorter man was thinking to decide to work as a bodyguard. There’s no bad to work beside that proudy but he was worried about his family.


“I’ll give you three seconds, if you don’t accept my advice, you would never get that apple and take a lot of oxygen as it’s sure to you that you will be running, with lack of oxygen.” Kyuhyun threatened with his evil smirk.


“One… Two… Thr-…” Kyuhyun counted.


“I’ll work! I will work!” The shorter stranger answered quickly before the limited time was over.


“Well, I won! And I must go back home.” Kyuhyun patted the shorter’s shoulder before offering the red apple to him.


“Waiting for you, Kim Jongwoon!” Prince screamed in cheer, while running through the crowd and waved to Jongwoon without turning back.


‘Thank you, evil gentle man.’ Jongwoon smiled to apple.



Note: A-ah! A fluffy one! *claps* First, I was managing to write it to turn out into long-chaptered dramatic tragic historic *long adjs used*… story but my limit time for writing fanfictions is over… And so I just posted just as a one page drabble (and it’s just random from bin..XD)… *bows n sorrowful* Always hoping readers like this rushed one… (Not so rushed, lazy to edit)…

Hope you enjoy it~~~!!! *winks*



Contain... errors... *hide identity*

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KcuLL22 #1
Eh! But u wont make it a sequel?? How?
KcuLL22 #2
Chapter 1: Okaaay I love this!
Chapter 1: Ohhhhhh wouldn't you make it longer, auyhor-nim????!!!! :o The description got me excited but then you said it's a one shot?!!! It can be!!! >_< Plz take as much time as you need but write more chapter plz *puppy eyes* cause OMG this STORY is really really interesting and you should complete it!!! Am sure it will be amazing, cause I liked the first chappie but it was like an introduction, something like a prologue for what will come next!! :p
And I really hope you will continue this lovely story!!! I wanna know more about this Kim Jongwoon and this Chop Kyuhyun and his brother, everything just seem interesting!!! aish I wish for more! '^^
Oh and Good luck for your studies/work!!! ^^
Fightiiiiiiiiiiing! :3
*Huuuuuuuuuug you tight* <3
Chapter 1: This was really really hard to understand. A lot of it didn't make sense. I'm sorry, but I can't give you appropriate feedback because I kind of have no idea what I just read...
Chapter 1: I liked it ^^ Update soon... Sounds interesting :D