Cheesy boyfriend.

Sunny One Shots


Sunny was walking to the bus stop happily while listening to her favorite song. Suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes.
“Guess who?” the familiar voice rang into her ears.
“Ummm…Santa?” Sunny decided to .
“Santa!” Sunny turn around happily. “Awww~ it’s just you.” She turn her back before continue walking.
“Yah! Wait up. Do I seriously sound like a fat old man?”
Sunny shrug her shoulder. “I was hoping for an early Christmas present.” Sunny tried sounding innocent.
“Well you got your present already.”
“Oh Hoya.”
“I can’t believe the so-called ice jerk at school is actually a darn heck of a cheesy person.” Sunny hop into the bus with him following behind. She found there was two seats left and quickly took it.
“Well I guess it’s just sad that you have to date that darn heck of a cheesy person tomorrow.” Hoya faked a sad expression.
“How unlucky of me~” Sunny pretended to cry.
When the bus reaches school, Sunny quickly hop off and stretch her arms wide in front of the school gate. “Fresh air.” People was staring at her like a maniac but she was too oblivious to notice it. Sunny skip off to class without Hoya knowing his fangirls would be waiting for him the moment he step on the school ground.  It looks like every girl in school was waiting for him in front of his class every morning. 'Don’t these girls ever get tired?'Sunny thought, she was never actually worried about his fangirls cause they never attack her because their relationship was totally on the down low deep inside the earth’s crust from anyone.
“Morning~~” Sunny's bestfriend Luna chimed as she enter the class.
“Morning Lulu~”
“Yah someone left a letter for you~” Luna pointed to a letter that was on her desk.
'The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even be heard but must be felt in the heart. And my heart says it’s you. So will you be mine?'
“Oh gosh.” Sunny tried to content her laugh as she  saw him pass her classroom. He gave her a wink before going to his class. All the girls in her class made a fainting sound as he walks by. The overwhelming ice prince is trying to give her diabetes with his sweetness.
During lunch, Sunny walk to a huge tree near the school garden. It was their date-and-hide spot.
“Is this seat taken my lady?” Hoya appeared out of nowhere.
“Nope. Care to sit?”
“Yes cuz I was hoping to be seating next to this  beautiful stranger.”
“Why didn’t I think of that?” Sunny slap her forehead before he sits down beside her.
“So~” He trail off as she munch her strawberry sandwich.
“Did you like the letter?” He look at her innocently for a positive response. But Sunny decided to . 
“I think you wrote  the same thing like last Thursday.” Sunny tap her chin as if trying to recall the memory.
“What? No way-really?!” He looks at her surprisingly. Gosh, how gullible.
“I think so~”
“I’m sure it was something different.” He then took out a small book, flipping through the pages like mad.
“Love Qoutes 101--seriously?!” Sunny read off the title. “You read this thing? Even my dad thinks this book is super cheesy and yet you’re reading it?”
“Sorry for trying to be such a sweet boyfriend.” He rolls his eyes.
“Well my sugar level is rising high already because of you. Don’t try to be something you're not . I’m starting to like the icy side of you better now.” Sunny said and finished eating her sandwhich.
He sneaks an arm around her waist and pull Sunny closer. “But admit it. You still like me doing this right?”  He said and looked into her eyes. 
“Yah you high or something?” Sunny tried to push his face away.
“I’m high because you’re intoxicating me.” 
“You are so cute!!!” Sunny laugh uncontrollably as she pinched his cheeks.
“You wanna know something?” He put his hands over hers.
“Tell me my sweet ice prince.” Sunny look into his eyes.
“There are 20 angels in this world. 11 of them are playing, 8 of them are sleeping and 1 of them is right in front of me.” He tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“Really? Can you describe her for me? I don’t see her anywhere?”
“Well for starters she’s bubbly. Talkative. Can be mean and annoying----”
“Yah are you complimenting or complaining?”
“But she’s the most beautiful, caring and the sweetest girl with the kindest heart I’ve ever met.” He gave Sunny  a kiss. Then the bell rang and they went to class. 
Sunny had just finished with her homework that hasn’t been touched for a few days now. Why must the teacher loves giving her homework so much?! Suddenly her phone vibrated.
Oh Hoya. She instantly smile looking at his caller ID.
“Hoya if you want to play I’m not in the mood. I’m hanging up.” Sunny was about to press the end call button when “D-Don’t hang up. Am I bothering you?” He sounded guilty.
“No.” Sunny  lie down on her bed staring up the ceiling.
“Then can I join you in bed?”
“What? Wait wait wait. Where are you?” Just then somebody knocked on the door to her balcony.
 Sunny quickly hopped off bed and opened the door. He greeted her with a kiss before entering her room.
“Dude! My parents would kill me if they know you’re here!” Sunny followed him and sat on her bed.
“Oh relax. I came just to tell you something.”
“My parents want to see you tomorrow.”
“Y-Your parents?”
“Yeah why?”
Sunny frantically shook her head at his invitation. “Why?”
“You dated me long enough and my parents want to meet their daughter-in-law.” He smiled at her cheekily.
“Oh gosh. We’ve only been going out for 3 months and I’m only 18. Since when did I agreed get married to you?”
“Well don’t you want to be my wife?”
“Pleaaase~~~” He pouted at Sunny cutely.
She ruffled his hair knowing you’ll give in anyway. “Fine I’ll go. Now shoo~before my mom catch you.” 
“Well…” He trailed off at the balcony’s door frame.
“Aren’t you going to give me a kiss or do I have to lie to my diary?”
“You write a diary? Well that’s surprising coming from you. I thought boys don’t write.”
“Well I don’t but is it a good excuse?” He puts both hands on the sides of her waist and pulls her body closer to his.
“Mmm..kinda.” Sunny wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoed to kiss him. 
After Hoya got his kiss he jumped of the balcony and landed safely on the ground. He got in his car and drove home happily. 
Hope you like it. ^^
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jeonsunhan #1
please update soon ... i loveit n ouh what a sweet momment between sunny unnie n myungsoo oppa ...n aigo hoya oppa really cheesy to his girlfriend ... ><
ShiningStar12 #2
Chapter 5: Cute story. Update soon^^
Awwww~ update soon!!
Chapter 5: Awww, that's so cute! He even lied, but the plan kind of backfired when Sunny found out... Whatever, it's still adorable. Update soon! ^^
Chapter 5: JB! You mean Justin Bieber? O.o Oh, LOL. Nice updates!
SungHaJoon #6
Chapter 5: Jb is so cute ** omg.
He even lied for her,how many girls wish this kind of boyfriend!
Update soon please
Lisasa #7
Chapter 5: Jb is so cute!
Chapter 4: i smile while reading the chapter 4 :3
its so sweet and cute!>w<
update soon!
Chapter 3: Sequeeeel :D My god! I didnt know Hoya and Sunny will amke such a cute couple <3