Final Chapter

A Friend's Confession


I was looking at our framed photo that was taken a few months ago.

It still boggles me how fast everything changed. Back then, we were inseperable but now we're mere strangers. I let out a sigh and laid down on my bed. A flashback of memories of those times we were together when we were still bestfriends filled my mind. A tear ran down my cheeks as I reminisce of those times. My thoughts were suddenly cut off when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yena-yah, open up!! You promised to go shopping with me today!!" I heard my dear friend, Ayoung, called out from the door. I sighed yet again, stood up and opened the door for Ayoung. "Yena-yah, let's go!! There's a sale at the mall and I ain't gonna miss it." Ayoung said, excitedly. At the mall, Ayoung kept on dragging me to different stores, until this one specific store and there just beside the counter I saw him.

"Sehun" I whispered, staring at the man I used to call bestfriend and as well as the man who I loved, wait no, still love. Yes, even though he broke my heart that time I just can't hate him and what I feel for him just strengthen. I froze when he suddenly look my way, I lowered my head so that he wouldn't notice me. A girl, beautiful with long black hair and a petite body, went beside him. "Oppa, don't you think this dress looks pretty on me" she showed him the dress. "Let's go find something better. I bet there's a lot of prettier dresses at other stores. Let's go." Sehun pulled her out of the store. "I wanted to buy that dress.. Why are you in a rush?" the girl pouted as she followed Sehun out the store. I was still staring at their disappearing figures.

"What are you looking at?" Ayoung who was suddenly beside me asked. "o-oh n-nothing. I just thought I saw someone I know." "Oh okay. C'mon, I saw this really pretty dress and I think it would look good on you." I was still replaying the scene that happened a while ago while we were lined-up at McDonald’s. As I was looking around the fast food I saw a familiar blonde who was seated by the window and what I saw just made my heart shattered. "Oppa~~~ say ahh~" as his girlfriend fed him a French fry. "What the hell!! Why do I keep on seeing them!!?” I screamed in my head.

"Woah!! The place is soo packed. I don't think there's even any available seat." Ayoung said, looking at the whole place for a place for us to eat. "Ohh! Isn't that Sehun?" before I could even reply she was already on her way to where they were seated. "Hey Yena!! Don't just stand there! They said we could seat with them since there's no more table available. I was panicking while I made my way to them. "NOOOO!! I can't face him!! Not now, not ever." I was trying hard not to show my panic. I awkwardly sat down but also avoided any eye-contact with Sehun. "It's been a while since I last saw you Hun-ah~~" Ayoung made conversation. "Yea well I've been busy lately" Sehun uncomfortably replied. "Why don't you introduce us to your friend?" Ayoung continued. "Alright. Well, this is Haneul." putting his arm around her shoulder. "And Haneul, meet Ayoung and Y-yena" he stuttered at my name. Awkward. Really awkward. "They're friends I used to hang around a lot with." "It's nice to meet you guys." Haneul politely smiled at us.

After finishing our meal Sehun suddenly stood up, "Yena can we talk?" and then he dragged me outside the mall near the parking lot where there's only a couple of people. "Yena, why are you following me?" he asked coldly. I scoffed at his accusation. "What?" I asked, annoyed. "Don't act like you didn't hear me, Yena. Why are you following me? Don't think that I didn't see you at the store and then you guys just have to eat at the same fast food chain." he rolled his eyes at me. Oh how I want to slap that pretty face of his. "Are you done with your accusations, huh? You don't freaking own the mall so how the hell am I following you? And plus, I didn't even know you like going shopping for dresses. Is little Oh Sehun becoming a girl?" I said, mockingly. "For all I know you still like me, oh wait, you're still in love with me, am I right?" He smugly said. "Oh don't think so highly of yourself Oh Sehun! I might have confessed and had liked you before but, I'm already over you!! I didn't even know that my ex-bestfriend is a stupid jerk!" "You know what?! I don't care anymore. I'm done here. Just stay away from me cause I don't want to see you anymore!" and he walked away. I didn't know how I said all those stuff without bursting to tears but when his figure completely disappeared I broke down crying on the floor and heard someone calling and rushing towards me.

"Yena-yah! Yena-yah!! What happened?! Sehun came back without you looking very mad and just pulled Haneul and stalked off from McDonald's. Upon hearing his name I cried even harder. Ayoung tried comforting me. "Can we just go home now?" "Okay" she said still looking very worried. I sat down on my bed and again, holding on the picture frame but, now I was ready to move on. I put down the frame inside the box labelled "memories" that was filled with stuff Sehun gave me. Sehun. I didn't know that with just a confession our friendship would just fall apart like that. I couldn't help but think, what if I never confessed.... Would we still be friends?.... Would I still be able to see his smile?... would I be forever stuck in an unrequited love?... I shook my head from all those thoughts and put the box at the very back corner of my closet where those memories could be forgotten.


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Chapter 1: This is so sad i need a sequel for this story
priya_k98 #2
Chapter 1: Can you please pleeeeease write a sequel?
JunAh4everBeast #3
Chapter 1: *wiping my tears* Omo~ I cried while reading the last part :( It was totally HEARTBROKEN! When the love of your life doesn't love you back... It hurts :( SEQUEL pls... ! :) <3
Chapter 1: Please do a sequel
_xoxo_69 #5
exoyeollie #6
Chapter 1: sequel! jebal!
AlyS501 #7
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!^^
Cassasa #8
Chapter 1: sequel please... I'm begging you >.<
Chapter 1: why??????????????????